Friday, January 31, 2014

Sometimes I wonder if it's all worth it

I get discouraged by the way the world, especially America, is going.  No matter how much I want it to go better, it just seems to get worse.  Cyprus stealing money right out of their citizens bank accounts, British banks demanding a written reason as to why their customers are taking money from their accounts, Russian banks declaring a no-withdrawal time period so their customers can't have access to their own money.  Then we have maobama declaring himself emperor of the United States and no one challenges him on it.  I could go on and on about how messed up the situation is, but you are as aware of it as I am.  But I sometimes feel like I'm swimming against the current in a river of molasses.  And the harder I stroke, the behinder I get.  It's almost like I'm on this crusade by myself, that I'm the only one who sees and acts against what's going on.  I know I'm not, but it feels like I am and that's when I get discouraged and consider just giving up and let what's happening, happen.  Yes, this is my version of a pity-party for me.

But, no matter how discouraged I get or how often, I never give up entirely.  When that thought enters my head, I have to take a minute and look at the pictures of my wife, children and, mostly, my grandchildren.  I have to remind myself that I'm not doing this for myself, but for them.  That I owe them the life that I promised when I got married, had kids and then grandkids.  Everything I do today is for them and not for me.  I want them to have a life of freedom, freedom from wants and worries as much as I can.  But also freedom to live their lives as they will and to then pass that freedom on to their children and loved ones.  Freedom to not have to do as some overly paid jerk in DC or Springfield tells them, to decide for themselves what, where and how they want to live and work.  Freedom to choose who they want representing them at all levels of government, or to choose to represent themselves in one of those offices.  Freedom to educate themselves and their children in the manner they choose.  Freedom to worship the God of their choice, without having to submit to others opinions and ridicule.  Freedom to hold an opinion for themselves and not be bullied or browbeat by other people who do not agree with them.  Freedom to argue for their opinions and rights and not be classified as a terrorist because of those beliefs.  Freedom to be cantankerous if they so desire.  Freedom to just be left alone. 

So, no matter how down in the dumps I sometimes get, I can't quit.  I have to continue to look out for and be prepared to defend those listed freedoms, as well as those that are not listed but known to all.  So I stand watch on my tower and am prepared to sound the alarm when necessary.  For that's another form of freedom and, as we all know, freedom isn't free.  Someone, sometimes, somewhere has to pay for it.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Be afraid, be very afraid

If last nights maobama speech didn't scare the bejeeses out of you I don't know what will.  He flat out said that if he doesn't get his way with congress, he'll just use his pen and E.O. whatever new law or regulation he wants and that congress refuses to pass.  I went through my pocket Constitution today and can't find anything in there that says he has the right to announce a new law all by himself.  For a law to be valid it must be proposed by either the legislature or the senate, approved by the other house and then sent to the president for the final signature.  That's the way the founders wrote it and nothing has come along in the last 2 1/2 centuries to change the process.  At least not until maobama and the fraidy-cat people we now have in the congress.  Now it has become open season on every one of the rights we were guaranteed in the Constitution that get in obummers way as he tries to take this country from the limited republic it was designed to be and into some smoke hazed idea of a communist/muslim paradise here on earth.  Congress, both houses, must do their jobs and put an end to his run for king-for-life dream.  I doubt that will happen though.  His party controls the senate and the legislature is controlled by a bunch of weak-kneed RINO's who would rather surrender then do their jobs and fight this abortion of American ideals.  So I guess it will be up to us to tell this madman that we will not go quietly into the night and to take his B.S. policies and put them where the sun don't shine.  There are two ways we can convey this to him that even he can't miss.  First, if we get that far, we can elect some stout hearted people to both houses and retake control of the financial and legal sides of our government.  If we can get people that are not afraid of obozo and the P.C. police who will call them all sorts of vile names, they can shortstop maobama before he can complete the destruction of our country.  That's the best way.  If that doesn't work or if the elections are suspended by some false flag incident created out of obozo's lame brain, then it's time to take to the streets and take back our country by force of arms.  Not the preferred method, but if it's all we have left, then it's all we have left.  But we cannot let this poor imitation of a president continue to have his way as he finally makes good on one of his campaign promises, to fundamentally change our country.  I like my country just the way it is, or was.  Was as in before big government stuck it's runny nose into things that are not it's responsibility.  We let government have it's way with taxes, education, welfare and now medical care; because we were to lazy to do these jobs ourselves.  Now it's almost to late, our kids are getting dumbed down by their so-called elite education courses, we're being slowly dragged down by the increasingly heavy tax burden, there are more people on some form of welfare now then are actually working and we all know what a mess obamacare is.  We're about 3 steps away from becoming the worlds newest and biggest 3rd world country and we don't even know it.  It's time to walk it back to where the founders wanted and expected us to be.  I'm old, I'm tired and I'm sick.  But not to old, tired or sick to fight for the country that raised and sheltered me and that I want to pass on to my children and grandchildren and so on.  I, like most other citizens, was asleep at the wheel and for that I am sorry, but I will do whatever is necessary to correct my screw-up.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Interesting financial news

An article I saw today told of some interesting goings on at JPMorgan bank.  First it seems that there has been some unusual withdrawals at the their gold vault.  On 12-13-12 there was a withdrawal of 321,500 oz. of gold, a record withdrawal at that time.  On 12-13-13 the record was tied by another withdrawal and note the date.  On 1-23-14 the record was tied a third time.  No word on who did the withdrawing of all that gold or why.  But I have some ideas.  First the bank, if asked and they did answer, would probably say it was all a coincidence, nothing more.  Second the amounts were taken by various governments around the world to prop up the economies, possibly in light of helping them qualify for an additional loan from the world bank.  Third it was all if it was taken by the Chinese home to protect their gold from what they see as an American economical collapse and wish to make sure that their gold was safe back in China where the madman maobama couldn't seize it.  That suggestion scares me the most since it foresees the collapse coming long before I thought it would.  I have to re-examine my supplies and consider adding to my precious metals.  I also will have to do another inventory of my gear and supplies to see where my biggest weaknesses are and get them fixed to.  I've been doing most of that all along, but now have a greater sense of urgency then before.  I suggest that all my readers do the same.  One final note:  the gold vault of JPMorgan bank is owned by China.  I wasn't aware of that or that a foreign entity could "own" part of an American bank.  The entire bank, yes, a part (especially an important part like the gold vault), no.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cypris all over again?

I just saw an article that says HSBC, the international banking conglomerate is limiting the amount depositors can take out without providing the bank with a good, verifiable reason, preferably in writing.  So far this is just happening in England, but since HSBC is international it wouldn't surprise me if this policy was in place soon in ALL the branches across the planet.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't all the financial heads from every country say that a Cypris type crisis wouldn't/couldn't happen in a modern industrialized country like England?  Or America? 

To refresh your memories, Cypris had a government debt crisis that was beyond their ability to control.  Sound familiar?  The EU told them they would float a loan for them, if they put up a certain amount of money on their own.  And the only way a poor country like Cypris could do that was to first limit the amount of money depositors could take out from their accounts, supposedly to prevent the depositors from removing the bulk of their savings and place it somewhere safe, and then Cypris froze said accounts and took 10% of the money from the accounts to use to get that EU loan.  The people had no say in the whole matter.  And since they had been disarmed long ago they couldn't force the government to give the money back.  They did riot, but the riots were easily put down by the military and local police, who were completely armed.  Thousands of civilians were arrested and hundreds were killed or wounded.  Another example that cops and soldiers will fire on their fellow countrymen to keep their paychecks coming.  A lesson Americans should take to heart.

There are two lessons to be learned from the HSBC action.  First is that the economic crisis isn't going to get better and we must protect our assets now or lose them later.  Don't believe the assertions by the people in charge that it could never happen here.  Don't wait for maobama to issue an E.O. freezing your accounts and then stealing your hard earned and long saved money.  Put the money in something that the government can't steal with a single keystroke on a computer.  Get your years supply of food, your medical supplies, increase your amount of gold/silver coins and put more effort into improving/upgrading your armory.  And get the proper training to use all of the above.  Second, and even more important, never let yourself be disarmed.  As you can see, the unarmed people in Cypris and now England are without the means to defend themselves from thieves, murderers or their own government.  But I'm repeating myself there.  Any attempt by any government, at any level, to prevent you from owning firearms should be the next "shot heard round the world".  A weaponless citizenry are really only serfs at best and slaves in reality, while an armed people are truly free.  Keep your guns and keep your freedom.

Friday, January 24, 2014

An experiment

This is something new I'm trying to see if it will let my circles comment on-line to my posts.  Please try again to comment and let me know how it goes.

New political slogan. Maybe?

"Where's the beef" was a political slogan from a presidential election a few cycles back.  It was stolen from a hamburger stand commercial and brought lots of laughs into the campaign, as well as a win for the user.  Today we could still be using it when you consider the shortage of beef we keep reading about in the LSM (lame stream media).  It probably won't be used again, but I have one that's even more pertinent to todays real world.  It's "where's the gold?"  It appears that all or most of the gold that is supposedly stored for safekeeping in Ft. Knox isn't actually there.  It seems that Germany stored it's stockpile of gold with us right after WW2.  Recently it asked for part (20%) to be shipped back to them and were told NO!  Our government told the Germans it would take up to 7 years to return the gold.  When Germany protested and the rest of the world began asking pointed questions concerning their gold stored in the lock box known as Ft. Knox, America sent a portion of the asked for German gold to them.  However it wasn't the same gold that Germany gave us for safe keeping so many years ago.  The bars didn't have the right serial numbers or were of the same color and consistency as the bars we were supposed to hold for Germany.  The bars were all of recent manufacture.  In other words, Germany's gold was gone!  Where did it go and who took it are the burning questions that the maobama administration is not answering.  Nor are they answering repeated questions about the status of America's gold either.  There have been rumors circulating around the conservative internet sites for a while now that Ft. Knox is basically empty.  Not just of our gold, but almost everyone's gold that we are responsible for.  There are other rumors that obummer has been shipping gold out of the country each month he's been in office, but no one knows where it's destination is or, especially, why it's being done.  Speculation runs rampant that the gold is going to places like China to act as collateral for our huge loans.  It's also rumored that obozo is sending the money overseas to his personal account as well as the accounts of his foreign backers/handlers.  The why isn't that important right now, not as important as what we're going to do to get our (and everybody else's gold) back here where it belongs.  I know we went off the gold standard for our paper money a long time ago and that the current currency is backed by the full faith of our government.  But even with that, the fact that we HAD the gold, JIC, as a hedge made us feel good about the economy.  But now that it appears the gold is gone and our faith in our government is at it's lowest ebb ever, what does that signal for the economy and maobama's vaulted recovery?  I've been preaching for years, in person and on-line for all of us to build a stockpile of food, medicines, skills, etc. to take us through the upcoming crisis.  I have also been pleading with everyone to start getting into gold and silver coins, again, JIC.  Now it appears I was right on all scores all along.  If the gold situation is as bad as it appears to be, gold and silver are about to get a resurgence in value, a marked resurgence.  Their prices, which have gone down recently, will skyrocket soon and those who hesitate will be left in the cold or paying much more then they would have had they followed my advice.  So, for what may be the last time, I'm begging you (it's hard trying to type with just two fingers while on my knees) to get off the fence and start getting your precious metals immediately.  Even if I'm wrong, you won't lose anything since gold and silver always keep their value.

This probably has nothing to do with the gold crisis, but the stock market dropped over 400 points today.  It's probably because of the state of the union lie that maobama has to give next week, but I think it's also because of the economy.  Not the fabricated economy that the obummer forces keep trying to shove down our throats, but the real economy that those who are awake see everyday. It's an established fact that the government has "fudged" i.e. lied about the jobs reports all along.  The same with the manufactured goods reports and the industrial orders reports.  Heck, to save time his people have lied about every negative economic report since they got in office 5 years ago.  As they've lied about almost everything else at the same time.  I'm not saying this drop is an indication that the wheels are coming off, they're already off and momentum is what's still carrying us onward.  But I am saying this is another telltale that it's bad in the world and getting much worse.  I keep saying we're running out of time and nothing I see, hear or read tells me anything different. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Are all the local cops becoming MP's?

It took me a while to digest this latest item and to calm down enough to think clearly on the subject.  It seems the state police in Utah of all places have received a MRAP, an armored vehicle that is bomb and bullet resistant.  They also have received over 1,500 automatic rifles and subsequent ammunition for said rifles.  In addition they now have night vision devices and a number of drones.  All that isn't news, most police departments around the country have received similar gifts from the government.  BTW, at no cost to the police department either.  But now they have received 4 grenade launchers, the exact same weapons that our military is using in their daily activities.  If we question why a Podunk police force in the middle if God's country needs or wants fully automatic weapons and armored vehicles, we have to really be scratching our heads about the grenade launchers.  Are they going to use them to end a car chase or for opening doors while serving an arrest warrant?  Talk about excessive force law suits, this is a ripe field for the lawyers to use to get rich as they sue the departments after the blow some house apart.  And with the history of hitting the wrong house on an arrest warrant by so many departments, this gets really sticky.  And expensive for the tax payers.

I can understand why the government is giving all these toys away to various LEO's.  It's to further tie them to big brothers apron strings and make then beholden to the gift givers.  But I don't understand the reasoning behind the acceptance of these war weapons by the cops.  Is it swat-mania?  Or are they feeling a little weapons envy for the department next door who does accept these "gifts"?  Are they kid-like with their noses pressed against the candy store window as they look at the goodies inside.  In this case it isn't a dentists' dream come true, it's the fulfilled daydream of every Sgt. Rock wannabe wearing a badge.  Whatever the reason, these type of weapons belong on the battle field and not along Main St. USA.  But, when crunch time comes and citizens take to the streets in protest against maobama's latest fiasco, will the cops use them against the citizens or in support?  A very good question that doesn't have an answer right now.  The bad thing is we won't get an answer to the question until it's too late.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Couple of thinga rattling around my brain like a dried pea in a can.

I used the dried pea example because when something gets caught in my mind it bugs me until I do something about it.  Hopefully this post will solve that problem.

The first item is a news blurb I saw today where Sen. Cornyn (R-TX) has introduced a bill that will allow CCW's to cross state lines and remain valid.  Evidently now that IL has joined the sanity with the rest of the country and is allowing responsible citizens to legally carry defensive firearms, there are no road blocks to having a country wide accomadation for every CCW carrier.  If I understand the bill, it will allow my Utah and FL CCW's to give me the right to carry in any state and anywhere that is not posted against having a concealed firearm.  I won't go into the principle that any "right" shouldn't be subject to a governments whim, if so it becomes a privledge.  The last thing you or I need is to step into that cesspool.  My main purpose here is to motivate you to contact your senator and tell them to support this bill.  I'll do it myself, even though I know that it will be a waste of time.  Here in IL we have two senators, 1 each Dem and GOP, but both are against us using our 2nd amendment rights and both vote almost as if they were one and the same.  But I'll also contact my representative and tell him to support the bill through influence as it wends its way thru the senate and then vote for it when/if it hits the house.

The second thing is the one that has me up nights.  I believe we will have a complete economic meltdown this year.  There are certain signs to lookout for and, accordingly, things that will occur after it hits.  When I stopped to analyze the causes and effects of the meltdown, I saw where both the oncoming signs and the after effects are very similar.  So I thought I'd go over them here.

1. Travel restrictions.  Look for suspension or revocation of passports and international travel
    severely restricted.  Eventually internal travel will be compromised and prevented by highway
    checkpoints.  Is that the why of these "safety checks" we've been forced to endure for years?

2. Confiscation of wealth.  Look at what is happening today in the EU.  Countries like Cyprus and
    Spain are confiscating bank accounts without any rule of law.  The pattern shows that first they
    limit the amount one can withdraw from their accounts and next they steal the entire account.
    What's next will be the summary confiscation of assets from or in the home.  And finally they will
    go from the wallet to your precious metals and real estate.  Think it can't happen here, think again.

3. Food shortages.  Already we're hearing about shortages of stock items like beef.  Any day now I
    expect to hear that there are grain shortages, especially corn.  Corn is used to make ethanol for our
    vehicles and that will be the excuse for why the prices have gone up while stockpiles have gone
    down.  Perhaps the real reason is the government paying farmers NOT to plant their fields???  In
    any case, these two examples are what we have to look forward to on a grander scale.

4. Riots.  Rioting on a bigger scale then we are used to.  Look for riots to begin for the normal
    reasons, supposed police brutality, no jobs/food/etc, shear boredom.  Then escalate to look almost
    like a military operation.  That will be because it will be orcastrated by government agents in order
    to impose federal troops as peacekeepers.  This has been in the works ever since they started
    militarizing the police across the country and the revocation in 2012 of the Posse Comitatus Act.
    That allows the use of soldiers to act as police whenever the government deems it necessary.  Riots
    may not proceed the economic meltdown, but they will surely come afterward.

5. Martial law.  This is something I am absolutely positive is coming, either before, during or most
    certainly afterwards, the meltdown.  Again, this has been planned for decades as they slowly
    militarized our state and local police departments.  There is no reason for Podunk, IL to have an
    armored vehicle for the 12 man police force.  Nor do they need fully automatic weapons, just like
    an infantry squad.  Neither does ANY police department, no matter the size of the population, need
    drones capable of carrying weapons to "keep watch" on the citizens.  Last I heard we were
    supposed to be a free, limited republic, capable of watching out for ourselves.  Not the
    "democracy" all politicians from every political party say we are.  Nor should we be subject to
    classification as "enemy combatants" and held in detention (concentration camps) indefinitely.
    Not without legal due course and proof.  Again, not the definition of a "free people".

As I said above, we're on the cusp of these things happening.  What we can do about stopping them from happening is academic at this point.  I don't think there is anything anyone can do to stop this avalanche from hitting us.  All we can do now is prepare to ride it out as safely and securely as we can.  That means building our food supplies to the point we'll be eating while others are starving and until we can get our gardens in.  It also means being as prepared medically as we can too.  Get any over due and needed shots done now while the medicines are available.  Become familiar with various medical techniques so we can treat each other, at least for the more common and simple problems.  Get our financial houses in order too.  Pay off those credit cards as well as the mortgages and car payments.  Build a stockpile of precious metals.  Gold is good, but silver is cheaper and more useful.  And, because we'll probably have to defend our families and our supplies, get ourselves ready with firearms, ammunition and the needed training to use them effectively.  I know, it's a big list of to-do's and time is short.  We'll probably find holes in our preps as we go along, but do the best you can.  Anything we take care of now puts us head and shoulders ahead of the rest of our community.  That's a very good reason to get and practice with our firearms.  It won't be long before one of your neighbors comes to your place thinking you need to "share" your supplies with him and is ready to force the issue if you refuse.  Along that track, keeping your preparations secret is a very good idea.

Hopefully this will make you at least consider preparing for the upcoming troubles.  I hope so because those who don't will find no solace at my house.  We all have eyes and ears, as well as a brain, to look at the situation and decide that the world in general is getting worse rather then better.  And if you do recognize that and still don't prepare, you deserve whatever happens to you and your family.  And if you don't see what's coming, your to stupid to live and we need to purge you from the gene pool. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wow! Big surprise

I was just on-line with what I thought was my blog supplier asking how I can let others comment on my posts.  As I hit the button to complete the inquiry, I was taken to a site where I found I need to pay for answers, anywhere from $29.99 for an urgent, immediate answer to $49.99 for a years worth of answers that will take up to 48 hrs. to receive.  If that's the case, I need to find a new blog supplier.  I'll keep looking for the answer so you can post comments, but, if the answer is paying big bucks to get in the first place, I will have to find another place to post my thoughts or give it up entirely.  Wish me luck.

Odds and ends

A third school shooting in the last 2 weeks occurred today at Perdue University in IN.  None are like the Columbine shooting years ago, but still very troubling.  I am still in the camp of the theory put forth years ago that the extensive media coverage of each such shooting episode only makes the situation worse and encourages would-be mass shooters to go forward with the plans.  Maybe if the media put as much emphasis on how many potential incidents were short stopped by CCW holders and vigilant LEP's, it would make these morally challenged individuals stop and think a little more before they try for their 15 minutes of TV fame.  But expecting the media to be fair and balanced is like expecting a devote muslim to be rational.

Evidently that 10 million person march on DC is still going ahead.  Even if it's just the organizers and a few hundred fellow idiots.  If it does happen, I hope there are just a few participants.  My reason is simple, if there are large masses of marchers (I seriously doubt there will be even 10 thousand marchers, let alone 10 million) then the potential for violence goes through the roof.  Whereas if only a few, under 200, are there, then the media will ignore them and there will little chance of violence breaking out beyond an occasional scuffle with counter marchers or cops.  No one gets killed and no revolution starts before the rest of us are ready for it.  While I can agree with the sentiment behind the march, I don't believe it will change anyone's mind, especially not anyone in DC or the media.  But if a serious encounter occurs between the marchers and police and a number of people on both sides are injured or killed, it will be a disaster for our side.  Because it won't matter who actually fired the first shot, we'll be blamed and that may destroy any sympathy we have with the fence sitters and cause various states to enact laws against militias, making it more difficult to organize and train our forces.  Yes, I realize that such laws are unconstitutional, but that won't matter in the practical sense.   They will still be in effect and used to eliminate or slow down our efforts greatly.  Nor is such a march even needed right now.  Public opinion is growing against obummer and his policies.  Even some medias are openly, on air protesting his actions and questioning his non-answers to the many scandals hitting his administration.  In other words we're winning the PR fight and that's more then half the battle.  But one bad instance of militia running amuck will eliminate in their minds all the years of obozo screwing the country and place us right back in the crosshairs of every media outlet and LEO in the nation.  So, as I've told my like-minded friends, I won't be taking part in this march and I am advising every person I know to do likewise. 

The extreme cold weather is making a curtain call I guess.  According to all the weather reports I've seen we're headed for more very cold temps and lots of snow in some areas.  I understand that DC may get up to 6 in. of snow and NYC even more.  Oh well, they will eventually dig their way out and get back on our backs again son enough.  But, and I'll have to answer for this when I stand before God and he checks out my page in the book of life, I do wish the whole area there, including all the liberal idiots, would freeze solid so we could keep them in a deep freeze forever.  I do worry however about a friend who lives in NW Indiana where they are supposed to get up to 12 in. of snow before the day is done.  She lives alone and would be in dire straights if she had to go out or her condo lost power.  In the mean time, stay indoors as much as you can and dress in layers if you have to go out in these trying temps.  Skin can freeze in minutes when exposed to sub-zero temps.  Especially if the wind is blowing.  For any of you who are ice fishermen, I hope your craziness isn't catchy.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sorry, my mistake

As you all know, I'm not a big fan of the social media and often confuse them.  I don't apologize for that, but I do for giving incorrect information here.  In my last post I told you that you can find instructions to making your own NBC suits on Facebook.  Wrong, very wrong.  A virtual face slap to myself.  I hope no one was as confused as I was by my mistake since anyone who has been awake these last dozen or so years knows that videos of almost any sort are on Youtube.  So hold your comments about my lack of knowledge as far as the "new" things people use to communicate with each other.  I grew up with the method of talking to people, face to face and not via a sterile method like texting, tweeting or twerking.  Actually from what little I know about twerking, maybe we should make sure it stays sterile.  The last thing we need is for that to become an epidemic.

More questions without answers

I've been informed that the government has made a couple more "unusual" purchases or actually requests  for suppliers  for these items.  The first is an order for 6 million doses of potassium iodine, used to treat radiation exposure.  The order is to be filled by 2-1-14, kinda in a hurry aren't they?  The stated reason for the buy order is to have the meds ready for when some more bad stuff hits the west coast from the Fukashima disaster of 2 years ago.  My question (or questions rather) is why now?  The radiation leak happened 2 years ago, any radiation that could possibly hurt west coast Americans has long since hit our shores or degraded to a point where their lethalness is a minor concern.  Japan is quite a ways away from our coast, but the currents should have deposited any residual radiation here long ago.  My second question is where they came up with that number of doses?  It isn't enough to cover every citizen in WA, OR and CA, not even just those along the coastline, especially since the recommended dosage is for multipule doses to be given to each person exposed to the radiation.  Are they going to add these doses to existing stockpiles?  Are they going to restrict the doses to citizens who have come into direct contact with the supposed radiation?  Are they going to restrict does to maobama supporters and illegal aliens.  (Yes, I can see him doing something like that)  Or is something else in the works where the government needs these pills to cover themselves?  The number of doses will easily cover everyone of his followers in DC, as well as the brain washed military who would follow his orders and fire on their fellow citizens?  I don't know the answer, but I wouldn't put anything past the spin master in the oval office.

My second question is about a search that FEMA is conducting to find suppliers of NBC gear.  That falls hand in hand with the potassium iodine purchase.  The stated reason is to have a list of suppliers ready if any other natural disaster, like Katrina and Sandy, hits us again.  This doesn't really hold water for me either.  FEMA should already know who their suppliers are, where they are located and how much gear they have on hand or can quickly get.  If FEMA doesn't already have such a list, then what have we been paying them for all these years?  I know they showed their incompetence at both the Katrina and Sandy episodes, but this goes beyond the pale.  But it does raise questions as to the timing of both these orders.  Why now and (as far as the iodine order is concerned) why the amounts?  Is something coming just beyond the horizon that none of us know about?  I don't know either, but the itch on the back of my neck just got worse.

My suggestions are for everyone to keep their eyes and ears open.  And stockpile, if you don't already have them, these same potassium iodine tablets for your family and for anyone else you know will be joining you when SHTF times comes around.  My understanding is that the correct dosage per individual is 6 tablets given over a period of time.  Proper instructions accompany each bottle of tablets.  I also suggest that, if you can afford it, get some proper NBC coverings for yourself and family members.  They are expensive, somewhere in the Bill Gates neighborhood of $150 to $250 per set.  Or make your own for far less.  Instructions abound in videos on Facebook.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Another march being planned

I see where another march is being planned to protest Obama and his policies.  A militia person, claiming to be a "coronel" is asking for 10 million (?) militia members to join him to march to the capitol and stay there until congress resigns and takes Obama with them as they slink out of town.  He claims to have 1.8 million already signed up and some of them are coming armed to the teeth, again according to him.  Well I wish him well and hope he starts taking his meds again soon.  Before he leads more brain power-challenged individuals into troubles like they've never imagined.

My take on these marches is that all they accomplish is to get the organizers their 15 minutes of fame and TV time.  The marches have NEVER accomplished anything else worth while.  Not since the civil rights marches in the 50's and 60's.  Think back to the million man march good ol' Jesse Jackson tried to hold and less the 100,000 actually showed up or even more recent with the truckers action late last year, their stated goal was to "shut DC down".  That never happened either, not enough truckers showed up, despite all the claims otherwise.  And here is my take on why marches are no longer effective.

First of all the actual numbers NEVER approach the projected and much hyped numbers the organizers tout to the media.  In fact if this march does happen I'll be shocked of he gets 1,800 fellow idiots to join him. 

Second, the public has developed calluses as far as believing in marches, again because we've had so many and got such little results from them. Seems like every time we turn on the idiot box, someone, somewhere is marching for or against something.  Every time there is a shooting in Chicago and a kid is killed in the crossfire, someone holds a march to stop the violence.  All they accomplish is getting a news truck there so they can be interviewed, have their faces on the TV and, maybe, get an offer to sit on some committee and get more attention (and money) that way.  No one pays any attention to marches and what they are for anymore.  We're "marched" out.  And the violence continues.

Third, no matter how the march turns out, the media will report on it negatively.  That's a given.  So the only people who will look beyond the news reports are like-minded individuals who already have decided which way the wind is blowing.  The GDP (generally dumb public) always follows wherever their favorite talking head tells them to believe.  So the march will be preaching to the choir while the heathens continue to worship at the alter of ignorance.

As for coming to DC armed, that's a very bad idea.  The time for an armed confrontation hasn't arrived yet.  I believe that time will come, and sooner them most think it will.  Armed militia in DC has the potential of hastening that time and we're not ready yet.  We need all the time we can get to prepare and we need an opportunity that's as easily read as Lexington Green to show the entire world that we are only responding to an intolerable situation.  We'll never have the media on our side, until we've won that is, but we can't give them more chances to demonize us further.

The organizers and other marchers state that they will not start any troubles, but that doesn't hold water for me.  If, and I say again, if they come loaded for bear and spoiling for a fight, they'll get one and they may not fire the first shot either.  In fact I'd expect one of Obama's goons to do it for them and claim it was the militia who fired first.  And you know who the media will believe and broadcast to the rest of the brain dead citizens.  This is a lose-lose situation for the militia.  If few show up and nothing happens, we look like the KKK holding a rally in the Rose garden.  If many show up and nothing happens, we'll be ignored by the media because that's the way they think.  And no matter how many show up, if violence starts, it will definitely be the militia who started it.  No matter what the real facts are.  We can't win ANYTHING with this march.  Except either further damage our image or start a war we're not ready for.

A final thought on this.  Militias are STATE organizations and are only valid within their state bounds.  There is no national militia, the very idea goes against the stated purpose of the militia.  Once they move beyond the stat borders, they are just plain citizens.  All their actions outside their state can and will be considered illegal.  They will become outlaws at best and terrorists at worst.  Again, not the image we really want to present to the GDP to try to gain some support.

Been a while, sorry

I haven't posted anything for a few days because I've been busy trying to resolve some issues with the mechanics of the site.  It was brought to my attention that the readers can't post their comments on my articles and that isn't what I wanted for the blog.  I wanted and still want a free and open exchange of ideas by all my readers.  I want everyone to have the opportunity to correct me when I'm wrong, agree with me when I'm right or post alternative views to keep the information flowing.  So, please bear with me for I haven't resolved the problem as yet. In the mean time I will continue to put my views on certain subjects down for you to pick apart or add something constructive to.  Keep reading and be ready as soon as I get this little problem fixed.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Get home bag

In keeping with the survival theme part of this blog, here is what I carry in my get home bag, AKA the bug our bag.  It goes with me in my car where ever I go. 

Swiss military back pack
10 X 12 tarp
emergency blanket
K-Bar marine sheath knife
Katydin hiker water filter
water purification tablets
neoprene water bottle with built in filter
Gerber multi-tool with tool bit accessories
AR-7 .22 breakdown rifle with 4 extra 8 round magazines
Taurus .22 caliber revolver
200 rounds .22 ammunition
50 rounds .45 pistol ammunition
small cooking kit with eating utensils
small trowel
folding saw
multiple bit screw driver
small vise grips
military compass
spare batteries
NOAA, AM, FM solar or crank powered radio with built in flashlight
several Bic lighters
magnifying glass
maps of my area and the surrounding areas
several pens, sharpie, notebook
3 days worth of food, mostly Ramin noodles, Clif bars, instant oatmeal, home made jerky, multiple
           tea bags, spices, etc.
2 pair wool socks, extra set under pants and t-shirt
military goggles with sun shade insert
50 ft. paracord
100 ft. line cord
toilet paper
spare eyeglasses
personal hygiene kit, including soap, tooth past and brush, razor, mouth wash, hand sanitizer

First aide kit to include:
medium canvas bag
bandages, various sizes
antibiotic ointment
hydrocortisone crème
betadine solution
alcohol pads
sam splint for wrist/lower arm
compresses, various sizes
surgical sponges
2 pair surgical gloves, sterile
4 surgical masks
athletic tape
surgical tape
cotton balls
small surgical scissors
small bottle alcohol
hydrogen peroxide
scalpel. extra blades, sterile
butterfly bandages, various sizes

This list is primarily from memory, so there may be a few things I forgot.  But this just about covers what I keep with me for just in case.  As with the EDC covered else where, this is my kit and is listed to jog your creative juices.  If you don't have such a kit, you should develop one and if you do have one, when did you last inventory it and see if anything is out of date?  Or a newer version with lighter weight has come along?  Again, as with the EDC this is an evolution, something that is constantly changing.  It is not, nor ever will be a final goal.  As I learn more, have different ideas or new, better products are marketed, my kit changes.  Yours should to.  Never be satisfied with what you have, constantly be thinking about how to make the kit more functional or lighter weight.  More functional means it can do more with less and lighter weight means you can either go farther while carrying it or have room of additional items you will need, as in more food.  But also remember that this kit is not something you want to live out of for extended periods of time.  I figure mine is good for 3 to 4 days max.  After that I'm in trouble.  This is the stop gap I need to get me home to where my family awaits and where I need to be to protect them.  Home is also where the bulk of my supplies are kept.

A final note for you to consider.  This kit is only as good as you are knowledgeable.  So test the kit.  What we do is annually take a weekend and hit the woods with just this kit to see how well it works and where it's lacking.  The time to discover any things lacking is before the kit is needed, not in the middle of a crisis.  And I almost forgot to mention, each member of my immediate family has their own kit and each is different from mine in various ways.  But each kit has been tested by it's owner and shown to be as effective as it can be for now.  You should seriously consider doing the same and testing the kits before you need them.

EDC gear

I seem to be taking this blog away from it's original purpose and spending more time on political things then on survivalism.  So here is my first attempt to right the course and give equal time to getting prepared.  As do many others, I carry certain items with me on a daily basis.  Now that IL has been force to concede our God given rights to self defense and is "ALLOWING" us to get permits to carry a concealed handgun, it's time to look at our EDC gear again and see what needs to be changed or added.  For those who don't know what an EDC is, it stands for "every day carry" and is the gear you take with you as you go about your daily business away from home.  Here is a list of what I carry everyday when not inside my home.  However I do carry the on body items even when in my yard or just checking the mail.  One can never be to careful and, as the hippys back in the 60's said, "even paranoids have enemies".

On body carry items:
Glock 36, .45 caliber pistol loaded with Speer Gold Dot defensive ammunition
pocket knife
neck knife
inside the wallet I carry the wallet 11 function survival tool
keys for car on large "S" biner
house keys with small tool kit and flashlight on medium "S" biner
(tool kit consists of a small swiss army knife with scissors, swiss tech belt pliers and swiss tech mini flashlight with tool bits inside)
paracord bracelet on wrist
Charlie changer for carrying my change quietly
lip balm
nasal spray

In a fanny pack around my waist I have the following:
pepper spray
small flashlight
small bottle hand sanitizer
lip balm
note book and pen
pocket knife
spare magazine for the Glock
napkins for cleaning hands or to use as T.P. if needed
batteries for my hearing aide

The fanny pack is a new one from Mountainsmith, the Vibe 2.  It was recommended by "NuttinFancy" on youtube and I am very impressed with it.  It's slightly smaller then my previous fanny pack, but carried everything I need and nothing more, so it keeps the weight down.  As it sits right now, my entire EDC, on body and fanny pack weighs a little over 6 lbs.  Sounds like a lot to carry, but the Mountainsmith handles it all well.  I do not carry as part of my EDC food or a 1st aide kit.  Those are in my get home bag in my car and my car is always with me whenever I'm away from home and beyond normal walking distance.

For every concerned patriots who is thinking about how to defend themselves and their family members if away from home, an EDC is essential.  Look into  your personal needs and design an EDC for yourself if you don't already have one.  If you have an EDC, re-evaluate it to see if it can be improved or made lighter and easier to carry.  Don't build one just like mine, I've had this EDC for over 15 years and it suits me well.  But It took me several years to get it exactly where I wanted it and it may take you as long or longer to get yours your way.

Where are today's "Black Robes"?

Prior to the start of the American revolution, the unrest felt across the colonies was moderated and, in many cases, controlled by the local preachers.  They'd use their pulpet to talk about the abuses King George was committing against the colonists and what God had to say about a Christians response to such abuses.  They fanned the flames of revolution and attempted to keep those fires under control until all was ready.  they were unsuccessful in that endeavor since the war that started on Lexington Green cam well before the colonies as a whole were prepared. 

Today the Christians are the subject of many similar abuses, from the taking of God from the class rooms to stifling our speech to attempting to make us modify our thoughts, actions and core beliefs.  My question is where are the Black Robes now?  They are as needed today as they were in the 1700's, maybe even more so.  Christians are being beheaded for their beliefs, told they must violate their personal beliefs or risk being fined, imprisoned or losing their businesses.  We're told our beliefs are not needed anymore and displays of such beliefs are forbidden.  We can't mention Jesus' name in a public building, hand out gifts that contain any mention of Christ or Christianity in those same buildings or stand on a street corner and proclaim the greatness of Gods gift to us all.  Yet there is no outburst of indignation or any sort of response from any of the so called Christian leaders in this great country.  Not one word from Billy Graham, nor a response from Oral Roberts and, especially not from any of the government leaders we put in office, partly because they claimed to be Christians.

So when do we, as Christians, rise up and demand our rights and beliefs be as respected as those given be men to homosexuals, muslims, athests or illegal immigrants.  Where are our champions?  I believe it's because we've been swayed by the media to  be ashamed of our beliefs or to believe that the founding fathers meant for us to be silent.  Or that we all going to be carried away in the "Rapture" so we should just turn the other cheek repeatedly and God will handle all that needs to be done without our help.  I also believe that no church leader is willing to stand up for his religion because his/her church benefits from being a 502c3 tax status and to speak to loudly in defense of od will take that away from them.  Is so I pity them for when they stand before God and have to answer for their non-actions, they will be surprised by what He decides to do with them.  Now is the time for all true Christians to rise up and demand the same respect and rights that are afforded others. 

Now is the time for the true leaders of ALL the churches to tell their followers to prepare to defend their beliefs in any way necessary.  To tell DC to back off on limiting how and where Christians may practice their religion and beliefs.  To rise up and tell the PC police that we're no longer going to allow them to dictate what we should believe and how we should express those beliefs.  To proclaim loudly and in full view of the world that God is great and loves them all and that we will not be shut up, ignored or tread upon any longer.  Like the Mormans' in the 1850's, we will defend our God and follow his decrees to the letter and the devil take the rest of the world.  And if our pastors will not condone this and lead us to victory, we'll have to get new pastors or go back to the early days of Christianity and have our own home churches.  We know what the Bible teaches us and don't need anyone to tell us what the Bible "really is saying".  Not browbeaten pastors, not elected officials in state capital or in DC and especially not the PC police who do not have the moral right to judge anyone over anything.  So I'm sounding the clarion call to all Christians to rise up, band together and be prepared to fight for your God if necessary.  Jesus didn't hesitate when He saw the money lenders in the temple, He drove them out using force to make His point.  We need to follow His example and be ready to do the same.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Some political thoughts

I was going through some of the other blogs I subscribe to and had a few thoughts I'd like to share.

First is the news that Americans who have traveled to Syria to fight against the government are being trained to return to America and start a jihad.  My thoughts are these aren't really Americans in the truest sense.  Spoiled brats, bored little rich kids with too much time on their hands and little real work to do, indoctrinated idiots who think that hating America is a cool thing to do.  Or should I call them what they really are?  Traitors!  For that's what they actually are and plan on committing high crimes and misdemeanors against their homeland.  as such they should be subjected to the same punishment, after a speedy trial and not be given any special treatment.  When did we start changing the names of people like that to something special, like freedom fighter.  When you let the other side control the language, you lose the argument.  My debate teacher taught me that many decades ago and it's as true today as it was then.  In case I wasn't clear, if these traitors do return and are caught and convicted they should suffer the usual punishment called for in such cases.  Death! And not by some wishy-washy method either.  They should be stood in front of a firing squad and shot, or hung by the neck until dead.  No chemical cocktail to gently put them to sleep, make them suffer as they planned to do to the rest of us.

Second is the story that the Obama government via Attorney General Holder is going to recognize the same sex marriages in Utah over the states stated position that such marriages are illegal.  Since when does he have to right to usurp the authority of a state to control it's own policies?  From my reading of the Constitution and especially the 10th Amendment, all powers not assigned to the federal government rest solely within the state.  Nor was I able to find anything in the Constitution that says marriages are federally controlled.  In other words, once again, the federal government is overstepping its bounds and grabbing powers that are not expressly given to it.  Frankly I don't understand why ANY government; local, state or federal, has to interfere in the first place.  What two people who are in love do is between them and NO ONE ELSE'S business.  Man and woman, man and man or woman and woman, none of it is anyone's business but theirs.  As for the bennies associated with being married, that's also the governments way of intruding where they aren't wanted or needed.  Don't tell me about the tax breaks married folks get or I'll really start ranting.  All tax breaks are is the governments way of keeping us under their thumb by returning OUR money to us and making us thank them for it.  But to return to the subject at hand, Holder (or the government as a whole) have no business interfering in state affairs; be it marriages, gun rights or education.  All should be up to the state or, better yet, the individuals alone.

Third, As I just touched on; education.  Once again the federal government stuck it's all knowing nose where it wasn't wanted or needed.  Why it decided to establish a federal department of education is fairly obvious.  To make sure we dumb down the population so they won't know or understand how they are being screwed and subjugated into serfs.  Think about it, school test scores have been dropping almost since the feds stuck their thumb in the pie.  Don't believe me, look into the records and you'll see that kids are less well educated today then they were 100 years ago.  Look at a newspaper from 1899 and see how it was written.  Words were printed with smaller type to get more words per page and the words were longer and more complex then today.  People knew how to express themselves and, especially how to think for themselves.  No where today, in public schools, are kids taught how to think, just how to follow what the teacher tells them.  this has been going on for quite a while now.  In my first year of college as I sat in a business writing class, the instructor asked a student to read a letter from the text book.  I was shocked to hear that she couldn't even read simple words from the letter.  Not complex words that don't normally come up in normal conversation, but words like "sincerely" or "contact".  Words that a 5th grade student should be able to read.  How did this girl, and she wasn't the only one, get passed through elementary and high school without being able to read at the 5th grade level?  Once again I blame the federal governments interference in education, another place it has no business being.

Finally this last thought for the day.  When and how did we stop being a limited republic and start being a democracy?  Read the differences between the two and you'll see what I mean and why the term democracy sets my teeth on edge.  That's you homework for the day.  Don't use the computer, use a dictionary and preferably one printed prior to 1950.

These are my rants for today.  This shows you what you can expect from me on a daily basis.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I do from getting my rants off my chest.  I'll end today with a quote from Cicero; "freedom is like air, you don't appreciate it until you don't have any."


This is a new thing for me, not something I ever thought I'd be doing.  But, as in life, new opportunities crop up and one must take advantage of them when they do.  But I hope you'll all forgive me for the occasional missteps and rants that are sure to appear as I try to express my thoughts on various survival and political subjects. 

If you decide to add anything to my posts there are a few rules.  1st I am a Christian and will not allow any profanity of any sort.  If you can't express yourself without using such language, your on the wrong blog.  2nd no racists comments of any sort.  people are people and each is responsible for their actions as an individual and not as a representative of their race or religion.  3rd. talk about starting a revolution against ANY government office or agency is not allowed.  There are enough such places on the internet for you to spout your inflammatory thoughts that they don't need to be re-expressed here.  4th response to my posts or posts by other readers should be expressed in a manner that shows your trying to teach or convince others of your views and will not be allowed if they are made in a hateful or hurtful way.  In other words use the golden rule and treat others as you would like to be treated.

This site is dedicated primarily towards survival.  To cover that we'll also touch on some of the political aspects that effect that lifestyle.  New legislation that we disagree with or limits our ability to take care of ourselves and our families are open for comment, as are political leaders who have earned both our admiration and wrath.

Finally, as I mentioned above, this is a new thing for me and I will make mistakes.  Both in my thoughts, expression of those thoughts and (especially) in my spelling.  I am not a computer expert by any means, so this site will be kept as simple as possible, at least for now and until circumstances tell me I need to modify it.  And I only have two fingers that can type and spell, sort of.  So bear with me and we'll have a site where we can all learn things as well as teach others what life has taught us.