Saturday, February 22, 2014

Lots of little things beginning to add up

No one major thing on todays menu, but lots of little tidbits to get one thinking and beginning to understand just where the world situation sits.

First we go to the Ukraine where their parliament has announced new elections for this May.  The problem is that the current president hasn't resigned or been impeached as yet.  He stated that he will not abide by the parliaments announcement or anything else they have to say.  Sounds like the violence there is just beginning and that a real life civil war between the parliament and the president (as well as their supporters) is about to erupt over the current unrest.  Stay tuned, this is far from over, no matter what maobama and Putin have to say about it.

I wonder why the violence in Venezuela isn't being as widely reported as that in the Ukraine?  There have been 12 straight days of riots and violent clashes between the citizens and police/army forces.  These riots are over the lack of security in the face of rapidly rising crime and the high cost of food in addition to the scarcity of the overpriced food and, to top it all off, a high rate of inflation.  The citizens want to know why a country like Venezuela with all it's oil export money can't control the crime and keep prices lower.  As one protestor put it "I have to wait in line for 5 or 6 hours to get a kilo of flour and then pay 2 or 3 times what it cost last month.  Venezuela president Maduro blames the troubles and high crime on ex-president Uribe of Columbia and his private army of thugs and drug dealers, saying Uribe wants to break part of Venezuela off and form his own country and that Venezuela will fight to it's last breath to preserve all its lands.  Sounds to me like Maduro is looking to deflect anger away from him and his botched policies and towards Columbia.  Maybe even start a small scale war to hike up patriotic fever and get the citizens looking for someone else to blame.  But none of this answers the original question, why are the MSM ignoring or under reporting Venezuela's troubles?

With all the countries around the world in political or economic trouble and their citizens marching to get changes made and new leadership running the country, it was inevitable that a similar call would be issued here in America.  A respected conservative online news service today wonders of it's time for America to stage demonstrations, riots and/or violence to get rid of maobama and his cohorts.  There is already a planned march on DC, scheduled for next month, by a bunch of hot-headed militia members to shutdown the city, surround the capital and the white house until maobama resigns and we get a new congress installed.  I was against the idea as soon as I heard it and NOTHING I've heard since then has changed my mind.  It was a stupid idea then and a worse one now.  If a number of militia members from across the country march on DC while carrying weapons, loaded or not, someone will fire the first shot and then it will katey-bar-the-door and the devil take the hindmost.  Nor will it matter who actually shot first, the militia will get the blame.  That will be all maobama and his pet congress needs to declare ALL militia organizations as terrorist groups and have them all arrested.  It will also give them the needed leverage to force through more anti-guns laws and to pass the UN treaty banning small arms.  Then maobama's thug army, aka the DHS, and it's spear tip known as the JSOC to begin a rain of terror across the country that will make the Ukraine or the Arab Spring look like a high school prom.  I pray the Lord brings some sanity to these individuals who are eager to start the next American revolution.

For all you liberal pro-abortionists who think the rest of us are racists for opposing abortion, consider this.  There are more black babies killed every year in NYC then are allowed to be born.  So tell me, who's the racist now?

Just in, Syria has approved a "new" 100 day plan top get rid of its chemical weapons.  What happened to the old plan?  And how does anyone know this new plan will work any better then the last one?  In regards to Syria, Iran is increasing the number of "advisors" it's loaning to Syria.  These advisors are specialists in intelligence and training.  This is in addition to the Iran backed Hezbollah terrorist group fighters and Basji paramilitary volunteers who are already assisting Syrian forces.  Seems that the Iranian and Russian military help is all that's keeping Assad in power.  Iran is supplying the manpower and Russia is sending all the military equipment, including small arms and ammunition, attack helicopters and tanks.

Seems like the news rooms are safe for now.  Maobama's FCC had backed off, for now, their plan to install "monitors" in every news room to see what sort of news they are putting out.  If that sounded like 1984's big brother to you, your right.  But the key words are "for now".  That tells me they haven't given up on the idea, but are just looking for a way to make it sound better, more palatable to the public and the news media.

Enough of the gloom and doom for today.  Here's the survival tip of the day.  Most survivalists/preppers forget one simple thing as they build the supplies and that is vitamins and minerals.  In a TEOTWAWKI situation food will be scarce and may not have all the ingredients a person needs to keep healthy.  The stress we'll be under in such a situation will deplete our energy reserves faster then any of us can imagine.  And someone who isn't maintaining a proper balance in they're food intake are prime subjects for a debilitating illness and that is a burden on both themselves and their group that can be easily avoided by just keeping vitamins and minerals on hand.  A simple "1 a day" vitamin/mineral pill will help stave off illness and keep the prepper functioning at the highest level.  So be sure you add enough vitamins and minerals to your stash for you and your loved ones, spouses and children need them also.

Finally a reminder that this blog will exist for only 3 more days unless I hear from you.  You all have the e-mail address so let me know your out there and want the blog to continue.

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