Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Been a while since my last post

I've been gone for a long time and I owe my readers an explaination.  Actually I don't have a reason or an acceptable excuse.  I just lost interest when I was getting no feedback and stopped writing.  And a lot has happened in these last few months, both to me personally as well as within our country.  The survival group I belonged to has broken up.  Several members decided to also join a militia group that has proven in the past to be untrustworthy and full of spies, thus possibly harming the our security.  Especially after one of them became a "leader" within that militia group.  So I left and, from what I've learned since then, the rest of the group have drifted away.  As for that rogue militia group, it's following it's usual pattern and also falling apart.  So I'm not sure just where the rest of the old group are as far as preparing anymore.  My health is still the same, both my cancers are still with me.  But a recent CT scan showed that the liver cancer was showing signs of shrinking and my doctor thinks that if that trend continues surgery to remove the remaining tumors within the liver is very possible.  That news made my day and cause the wife to break out in a big smile.

That takes care of the molasses, now for the sulfur.  Maobama is still doing his level best to destroy America.  Now he's allowing thousands of diseased illegals in the country and having his pet private army, aka the DHS, transfer them from border holding facilities all around the country.  From CA to MA to MI.  These illegals, which he describes as "children without parental supervision" are more like gang bangers from the streets of Chicago, New York or Los Angles.  Many are said to be members of a terror gang known as MI-13, a well known and feared gang from central America that deals in drugs, prostitution, armed robbery, kidnapping and murder for hire.  Their tactics are brutal and their name strikes fear in almost every member of the Hispanic community, legal and illegal.  In addition there are rumors of agents from various terror groups, mostly from the middle east, scurrying across the southern border like cockroaches in a cold water flat.  Again, they are allowed to enter, given food, clothes, medical attention and a free ride to a bus stop inside our country and then released.  What happens to them and where they go after that is an unanswered question.  A very disturbing report came out today that border patrol found a tunnel across the border that contained home-made armored vehicles and "thousands" of rounds of ammunition.  All destined for use within our borders.

I's getting late and I'm getting tired as well as really pissed off over what's happening to our country, so I'll end for today and continue this rant tomorrow.  And I'll pray again tonight that we, me and America, have a lot more tomorrows.

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