I see where another march is being planned to protest Obama and his policies. A militia person, claiming to be a "coronel" is asking for 10 million (?) militia members to join him to march to the capitol and stay there until congress resigns and takes Obama with them as they slink out of town. He claims to have 1.8 million already signed up and some of them are coming armed to the teeth, again according to him. Well I wish him well and hope he starts taking his meds again soon. Before he leads more brain power-challenged individuals into troubles like they've never imagined.
My take on these marches is that all they accomplish is to get the organizers their 15 minutes of fame and TV time. The marches have NEVER accomplished anything else worth while. Not since the civil rights marches in the 50's and 60's. Think back to the million man march good ol' Jesse Jackson tried to hold and less the 100,000 actually showed up or even more recent with the truckers action late last year, their stated goal was to "shut DC down". That never happened either, not enough truckers showed up, despite all the claims otherwise. And here is my take on why marches are no longer effective.
First of all the actual numbers NEVER approach the projected and much hyped numbers the organizers tout to the media. In fact if this march does happen I'll be shocked of he gets 1,800 fellow idiots to join him.
Second, the public has developed calluses as far as believing in marches, again because we've had so many and got such little results from them. Seems like every time we turn on the idiot box, someone, somewhere is marching for or against something. Every time there is a shooting in Chicago and a kid is killed in the crossfire, someone holds a march to stop the violence. All they accomplish is getting a news truck there so they can be interviewed, have their faces on the TV and, maybe, get an offer to sit on some committee and get more attention (and money) that way. No one pays any attention to marches and what they are for anymore. We're "marched" out. And the violence continues.
Third, no matter how the march turns out, the media will report on it negatively. That's a given. So the only people who will look beyond the news reports are like-minded individuals who already have decided which way the wind is blowing. The GDP (generally dumb public) always follows wherever their favorite talking head tells them to believe. So the march will be preaching to the choir while the heathens continue to worship at the alter of ignorance.
As for coming to DC armed, that's a very bad idea. The time for an armed confrontation hasn't arrived yet. I believe that time will come, and sooner them most think it will. Armed militia in DC has the potential of hastening that time and we're not ready yet. We need all the time we can get to prepare and we need an opportunity that's as easily read as Lexington Green to show the entire world that we are only responding to an intolerable situation. We'll never have the media on our side, until we've won that is, but we can't give them more chances to demonize us further.
The organizers and other marchers state that they will not start any troubles, but that doesn't hold water for me. If, and I say again, if they come loaded for bear and spoiling for a fight, they'll get one and they may not fire the first shot either. In fact I'd expect one of Obama's goons to do it for them and claim it was the militia who fired first. And you know who the media will believe and broadcast to the rest of the brain dead citizens. This is a lose-lose situation for the militia. If few show up and nothing happens, we look like the KKK holding a rally in the Rose garden. If many show up and nothing happens, we'll be ignored by the media because that's the way they think. And no matter how many show up, if violence starts, it will definitely be the militia who started it. No matter what the real facts are. We can't win ANYTHING with this march. Except either further damage our image or start a war we're not ready for.
A final thought on this. Militias are STATE organizations and are only valid within their state bounds. There is no national militia, the very idea goes against the stated purpose of the militia. Once they move beyond the stat borders, they are just plain citizens. All their actions outside their state can and will be considered illegal. They will become outlaws at best and terrorists at worst. Again, not the image we really want to present to the GDP to try to gain some support.
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