"Where's the beef" was a political slogan from a presidential election a few cycles back. It was stolen from a hamburger stand commercial and brought lots of laughs into the campaign, as well as a win for the user. Today we could still be using it when you consider the shortage of beef we keep reading about in the LSM (lame stream media). It probably won't be used again, but I have one that's even more pertinent to todays real world. It's "where's the gold?" It appears that all or most of the gold that is supposedly stored for safekeeping in Ft. Knox isn't actually there. It seems that Germany stored it's stockpile of gold with us right after WW2. Recently it asked for part (20%) to be shipped back to them and were told NO! Our government told the Germans it would take up to 7 years to return the gold. When Germany protested and the rest of the world began asking pointed questions concerning their gold stored in the lock box known as Ft. Knox, America sent a portion of the asked for German gold to them. However it wasn't the same gold that Germany gave us for safe keeping so many years ago. The bars didn't have the right serial numbers or were of the same color and consistency as the bars we were supposed to hold for Germany. The bars were all of recent manufacture. In other words, Germany's gold was gone! Where did it go and who took it are the burning questions that the maobama administration is not answering. Nor are they answering repeated questions about the status of America's gold either. There have been rumors circulating around the conservative internet sites for a while now that Ft. Knox is basically empty. Not just of our gold, but almost everyone's gold that we are responsible for. There are other rumors that obummer has been shipping gold out of the country each month he's been in office, but no one knows where it's destination is or, especially, why it's being done. Speculation runs rampant that the gold is going to places like China to act as collateral for our huge loans. It's also rumored that obozo is sending the money overseas to his personal account as well as the accounts of his foreign backers/handlers. The why isn't that important right now, not as important as what we're going to do to get our (and everybody else's gold) back here where it belongs. I know we went off the gold standard for our paper money a long time ago and that the current currency is backed by the full faith of our government. But even with that, the fact that we HAD the gold, JIC, as a hedge made us feel good about the economy. But now that it appears the gold is gone and our faith in our government is at it's lowest ebb ever, what does that signal for the economy and maobama's vaulted recovery? I've been preaching for years, in person and on-line for all of us to build a stockpile of food, medicines, skills, etc. to take us through the upcoming crisis. I have also been pleading with everyone to start getting into gold and silver coins, again, JIC. Now it appears I was right on all scores all along. If the gold situation is as bad as it appears to be, gold and silver are about to get a resurgence in value, a marked resurgence. Their prices, which have gone down recently, will skyrocket soon and those who hesitate will be left in the cold or paying much more then they would have had they followed my advice. So, for what may be the last time, I'm begging you (it's hard trying to type with just two fingers while on my knees) to get off the fence and start getting your precious metals immediately. Even if I'm wrong, you won't lose anything since gold and silver always keep their value.
This probably has nothing to do with the gold crisis, but the stock market dropped over 400 points today. It's probably because of the state of the union lie that maobama has to give next week, but I think it's also because of the economy. Not the fabricated economy that the obummer forces keep trying to shove down our throats, but the real economy that those who are awake see everyday. It's an established fact that the government has "fudged" i.e. lied about the jobs reports all along. The same with the manufactured goods reports and the industrial orders reports. Heck, to save time his people have lied about every negative economic report since they got in office 5 years ago. As they've lied about almost everything else at the same time. I'm not saying this drop is an indication that the wheels are coming off, they're already off and momentum is what's still carrying us onward. But I am saying this is another telltale that it's bad in the world and getting much worse. I keep saying we're running out of time and nothing I see, hear or read tells me anything different.
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