Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Odds and ends

A third school shooting in the last 2 weeks occurred today at Perdue University in IN.  None are like the Columbine shooting years ago, but still very troubling.  I am still in the camp of the theory put forth years ago that the extensive media coverage of each such shooting episode only makes the situation worse and encourages would-be mass shooters to go forward with the plans.  Maybe if the media put as much emphasis on how many potential incidents were short stopped by CCW holders and vigilant LEP's, it would make these morally challenged individuals stop and think a little more before they try for their 15 minutes of TV fame.  But expecting the media to be fair and balanced is like expecting a devote muslim to be rational.

Evidently that 10 million person march on DC is still going ahead.  Even if it's just the organizers and a few hundred fellow idiots.  If it does happen, I hope there are just a few participants.  My reason is simple, if there are large masses of marchers (I seriously doubt there will be even 10 thousand marchers, let alone 10 million) then the potential for violence goes through the roof.  Whereas if only a few, under 200, are there, then the media will ignore them and there will little chance of violence breaking out beyond an occasional scuffle with counter marchers or cops.  No one gets killed and no revolution starts before the rest of us are ready for it.  While I can agree with the sentiment behind the march, I don't believe it will change anyone's mind, especially not anyone in DC or the media.  But if a serious encounter occurs between the marchers and police and a number of people on both sides are injured or killed, it will be a disaster for our side.  Because it won't matter who actually fired the first shot, we'll be blamed and that may destroy any sympathy we have with the fence sitters and cause various states to enact laws against militias, making it more difficult to organize and train our forces.  Yes, I realize that such laws are unconstitutional, but that won't matter in the practical sense.   They will still be in effect and used to eliminate or slow down our efforts greatly.  Nor is such a march even needed right now.  Public opinion is growing against obummer and his policies.  Even some medias are openly, on air protesting his actions and questioning his non-answers to the many scandals hitting his administration.  In other words we're winning the PR fight and that's more then half the battle.  But one bad instance of militia running amuck will eliminate in their minds all the years of obozo screwing the country and place us right back in the crosshairs of every media outlet and LEO in the nation.  So, as I've told my like-minded friends, I won't be taking part in this march and I am advising every person I know to do likewise. 

The extreme cold weather is making a curtain call I guess.  According to all the weather reports I've seen we're headed for more very cold temps and lots of snow in some areas.  I understand that DC may get up to 6 in. of snow and NYC even more.  Oh well, they will eventually dig their way out and get back on our backs again son enough.  But, and I'll have to answer for this when I stand before God and he checks out my page in the book of life, I do wish the whole area there, including all the liberal idiots, would freeze solid so we could keep them in a deep freeze forever.  I do worry however about a friend who lives in NW Indiana where they are supposed to get up to 12 in. of snow before the day is done.  She lives alone and would be in dire straights if she had to go out or her condo lost power.  In the mean time, stay indoors as much as you can and dress in layers if you have to go out in these trying temps.  Skin can freeze in minutes when exposed to sub-zero temps.  Especially if the wind is blowing.  For any of you who are ice fishermen, I hope your craziness isn't catchy.

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