Monday, January 13, 2014


This is a new thing for me, not something I ever thought I'd be doing.  But, as in life, new opportunities crop up and one must take advantage of them when they do.  But I hope you'll all forgive me for the occasional missteps and rants that are sure to appear as I try to express my thoughts on various survival and political subjects. 

If you decide to add anything to my posts there are a few rules.  1st I am a Christian and will not allow any profanity of any sort.  If you can't express yourself without using such language, your on the wrong blog.  2nd no racists comments of any sort.  people are people and each is responsible for their actions as an individual and not as a representative of their race or religion.  3rd. talk about starting a revolution against ANY government office or agency is not allowed.  There are enough such places on the internet for you to spout your inflammatory thoughts that they don't need to be re-expressed here.  4th response to my posts or posts by other readers should be expressed in a manner that shows your trying to teach or convince others of your views and will not be allowed if they are made in a hateful or hurtful way.  In other words use the golden rule and treat others as you would like to be treated.

This site is dedicated primarily towards survival.  To cover that we'll also touch on some of the political aspects that effect that lifestyle.  New legislation that we disagree with or limits our ability to take care of ourselves and our families are open for comment, as are political leaders who have earned both our admiration and wrath.

Finally, as I mentioned above, this is a new thing for me and I will make mistakes.  Both in my thoughts, expression of those thoughts and (especially) in my spelling.  I am not a computer expert by any means, so this site will be kept as simple as possible, at least for now and until circumstances tell me I need to modify it.  And I only have two fingers that can type and spell, sort of.  So bear with me and we'll have a site where we can all learn things as well as teach others what life has taught us. 

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