I was going through some of the other blogs I subscribe to and had a few thoughts I'd like to share.
First is the news that Americans who have traveled to Syria to fight against the government are being trained to return to America and start a jihad. My thoughts are these aren't really Americans in the truest sense. Spoiled brats, bored little rich kids with too much time on their hands and little real work to do, indoctrinated idiots who think that hating America is a cool thing to do. Or should I call them what they really are? Traitors! For that's what they actually are and plan on committing high crimes and misdemeanors against their homeland. as such they should be subjected to the same punishment, after a speedy trial and not be given any special treatment. When did we start changing the names of people like that to something special, like freedom fighter. When you let the other side control the language, you lose the argument. My debate teacher taught me that many decades ago and it's as true today as it was then. In case I wasn't clear, if these traitors do return and are caught and convicted they should suffer the usual punishment called for in such cases. Death! And not by some wishy-washy method either. They should be stood in front of a firing squad and shot, or hung by the neck until dead. No chemical cocktail to gently put them to sleep, make them suffer as they planned to do to the rest of us.
Second is the story that the Obama government via Attorney General Holder is going to recognize the same sex marriages in Utah over the states stated position that such marriages are illegal. Since when does he have to right to usurp the authority of a state to control it's own policies? From my reading of the Constitution and especially the 10th Amendment, all powers not assigned to the federal government rest solely within the state. Nor was I able to find anything in the Constitution that says marriages are federally controlled. In other words, once again, the federal government is overstepping its bounds and grabbing powers that are not expressly given to it. Frankly I don't understand why ANY government; local, state or federal, has to interfere in the first place. What two people who are in love do is between them and NO ONE ELSE'S business. Man and woman, man and man or woman and woman, none of it is anyone's business but theirs. As for the bennies associated with being married, that's also the governments way of intruding where they aren't wanted or needed. Don't tell me about the tax breaks married folks get or I'll really start ranting. All tax breaks are is the governments way of keeping us under their thumb by returning OUR money to us and making us thank them for it. But to return to the subject at hand, Holder (or the government as a whole) have no business interfering in state affairs; be it marriages, gun rights or education. All should be up to the state or, better yet, the individuals alone.
Third, As I just touched on; education. Once again the federal government stuck it's all knowing nose where it wasn't wanted or needed. Why it decided to establish a federal department of education is fairly obvious. To make sure we dumb down the population so they won't know or understand how they are being screwed and subjugated into serfs. Think about it, school test scores have been dropping almost since the feds stuck their thumb in the pie. Don't believe me, look into the records and you'll see that kids are less well educated today then they were 100 years ago. Look at a newspaper from 1899 and see how it was written. Words were printed with smaller type to get more words per page and the words were longer and more complex then today. People knew how to express themselves and, especially how to think for themselves. No where today, in public schools, are kids taught how to think, just how to follow what the teacher tells them. this has been going on for quite a while now. In my first year of college as I sat in a business writing class, the instructor asked a student to read a letter from the text book. I was shocked to hear that she couldn't even read simple words from the letter. Not complex words that don't normally come up in normal conversation, but words like "sincerely" or "contact". Words that a 5th grade student should be able to read. How did this girl, and she wasn't the only one, get passed through elementary and high school without being able to read at the 5th grade level? Once again I blame the federal governments interference in education, another place it has no business being.
Finally this last thought for the day. When and how did we stop being a limited republic and start being a democracy? Read the differences between the two and you'll see what I mean and why the term democracy sets my teeth on edge. That's you homework for the day. Don't use the computer, use a dictionary and preferably one printed prior to 1950.
These are my rants for today. This shows you what you can expect from me on a daily basis. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do from getting my rants off my chest. I'll end today with a quote from Cicero; "freedom is like air, you don't appreciate it until you don't have any."
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