Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Couple of thinga rattling around my brain like a dried pea in a can.

I used the dried pea example because when something gets caught in my mind it bugs me until I do something about it.  Hopefully this post will solve that problem.

The first item is a news blurb I saw today where Sen. Cornyn (R-TX) has introduced a bill that will allow CCW's to cross state lines and remain valid.  Evidently now that IL has joined the sanity with the rest of the country and is allowing responsible citizens to legally carry defensive firearms, there are no road blocks to having a country wide accomadation for every CCW carrier.  If I understand the bill, it will allow my Utah and FL CCW's to give me the right to carry in any state and anywhere that is not posted against having a concealed firearm.  I won't go into the principle that any "right" shouldn't be subject to a governments whim, if so it becomes a privledge.  The last thing you or I need is to step into that cesspool.  My main purpose here is to motivate you to contact your senator and tell them to support this bill.  I'll do it myself, even though I know that it will be a waste of time.  Here in IL we have two senators, 1 each Dem and GOP, but both are against us using our 2nd amendment rights and both vote almost as if they were one and the same.  But I'll also contact my representative and tell him to support the bill through influence as it wends its way thru the senate and then vote for it when/if it hits the house.

The second thing is the one that has me up nights.  I believe we will have a complete economic meltdown this year.  There are certain signs to lookout for and, accordingly, things that will occur after it hits.  When I stopped to analyze the causes and effects of the meltdown, I saw where both the oncoming signs and the after effects are very similar.  So I thought I'd go over them here.

1. Travel restrictions.  Look for suspension or revocation of passports and international travel
    severely restricted.  Eventually internal travel will be compromised and prevented by highway
    checkpoints.  Is that the why of these "safety checks" we've been forced to endure for years?

2. Confiscation of wealth.  Look at what is happening today in the EU.  Countries like Cyprus and
    Spain are confiscating bank accounts without any rule of law.  The pattern shows that first they
    limit the amount one can withdraw from their accounts and next they steal the entire account.
    What's next will be the summary confiscation of assets from or in the home.  And finally they will
    go from the wallet to your precious metals and real estate.  Think it can't happen here, think again.

3. Food shortages.  Already we're hearing about shortages of stock items like beef.  Any day now I
    expect to hear that there are grain shortages, especially corn.  Corn is used to make ethanol for our
    vehicles and that will be the excuse for why the prices have gone up while stockpiles have gone
    down.  Perhaps the real reason is the government paying farmers NOT to plant their fields???  In
    any case, these two examples are what we have to look forward to on a grander scale.

4. Riots.  Rioting on a bigger scale then we are used to.  Look for riots to begin for the normal
    reasons, supposed police brutality, no jobs/food/etc, shear boredom.  Then escalate to look almost
    like a military operation.  That will be because it will be orcastrated by government agents in order
    to impose federal troops as peacekeepers.  This has been in the works ever since they started
    militarizing the police across the country and the revocation in 2012 of the Posse Comitatus Act.
    That allows the use of soldiers to act as police whenever the government deems it necessary.  Riots
    may not proceed the economic meltdown, but they will surely come afterward.

5. Martial law.  This is something I am absolutely positive is coming, either before, during or most
    certainly afterwards, the meltdown.  Again, this has been planned for decades as they slowly
    militarized our state and local police departments.  There is no reason for Podunk, IL to have an
    armored vehicle for the 12 man police force.  Nor do they need fully automatic weapons, just like
    an infantry squad.  Neither does ANY police department, no matter the size of the population, need
    drones capable of carrying weapons to "keep watch" on the citizens.  Last I heard we were
    supposed to be a free, limited republic, capable of watching out for ourselves.  Not the
    "democracy" all politicians from every political party say we are.  Nor should we be subject to
    classification as "enemy combatants" and held in detention (concentration camps) indefinitely.
    Not without legal due course and proof.  Again, not the definition of a "free people".

As I said above, we're on the cusp of these things happening.  What we can do about stopping them from happening is academic at this point.  I don't think there is anything anyone can do to stop this avalanche from hitting us.  All we can do now is prepare to ride it out as safely and securely as we can.  That means building our food supplies to the point we'll be eating while others are starving and until we can get our gardens in.  It also means being as prepared medically as we can too.  Get any over due and needed shots done now while the medicines are available.  Become familiar with various medical techniques so we can treat each other, at least for the more common and simple problems.  Get our financial houses in order too.  Pay off those credit cards as well as the mortgages and car payments.  Build a stockpile of precious metals.  Gold is good, but silver is cheaper and more useful.  And, because we'll probably have to defend our families and our supplies, get ourselves ready with firearms, ammunition and the needed training to use them effectively.  I know, it's a big list of to-do's and time is short.  We'll probably find holes in our preps as we go along, but do the best you can.  Anything we take care of now puts us head and shoulders ahead of the rest of our community.  That's a very good reason to get and practice with our firearms.  It won't be long before one of your neighbors comes to your place thinking you need to "share" your supplies with him and is ready to force the issue if you refuse.  Along that track, keeping your preparations secret is a very good idea.

Hopefully this will make you at least consider preparing for the upcoming troubles.  I hope so because those who don't will find no solace at my house.  We all have eyes and ears, as well as a brain, to look at the situation and decide that the world in general is getting worse rather then better.  And if you do recognize that and still don't prepare, you deserve whatever happens to you and your family.  And if you don't see what's coming, your to stupid to live and we need to purge you from the gene pool. 

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