I've been informed that the government has made a couple more "unusual" purchases or actually requests for suppliers for these items. The first is an order for 6 million doses of potassium iodine, used to treat radiation exposure. The order is to be filled by 2-1-14, kinda in a hurry aren't they? The stated reason for the buy order is to have the meds ready for when some more bad stuff hits the west coast from the Fukashima disaster of 2 years ago. My question (or questions rather) is why now? The radiation leak happened 2 years ago, any radiation that could possibly hurt west coast Americans has long since hit our shores or degraded to a point where their lethalness is a minor concern. Japan is quite a ways away from our coast, but the currents should have deposited any residual radiation here long ago. My second question is where they came up with that number of doses? It isn't enough to cover every citizen in WA, OR and CA, not even just those along the coastline, especially since the recommended dosage is for multipule doses to be given to each person exposed to the radiation. Are they going to add these doses to existing stockpiles? Are they going to restrict the doses to citizens who have come into direct contact with the supposed radiation? Are they going to restrict does to maobama supporters and illegal aliens. (Yes, I can see him doing something like that) Or is something else in the works where the government needs these pills to cover themselves? The number of doses will easily cover everyone of his followers in DC, as well as the brain washed military who would follow his orders and fire on their fellow citizens? I don't know the answer, but I wouldn't put anything past the spin master in the oval office.
My second question is about a search that FEMA is conducting to find suppliers of NBC gear. That falls hand in hand with the potassium iodine purchase. The stated reason is to have a list of suppliers ready if any other natural disaster, like Katrina and Sandy, hits us again. This doesn't really hold water for me either. FEMA should already know who their suppliers are, where they are located and how much gear they have on hand or can quickly get. If FEMA doesn't already have such a list, then what have we been paying them for all these years? I know they showed their incompetence at both the Katrina and Sandy episodes, but this goes beyond the pale. But it does raise questions as to the timing of both these orders. Why now and (as far as the iodine order is concerned) why the amounts? Is something coming just beyond the horizon that none of us know about? I don't know either, but the itch on the back of my neck just got worse.
My suggestions are for everyone to keep their eyes and ears open. And stockpile, if you don't already have them, these same potassium iodine tablets for your family and for anyone else you know will be joining you when SHTF times comes around. My understanding is that the correct dosage per individual is 6 tablets given over a period of time. Proper instructions accompany each bottle of tablets. I also suggest that, if you can afford it, get some proper NBC coverings for yourself and family members. They are expensive, somewhere in the Bill Gates neighborhood of $150 to $250 per set. Or make your own for far less. Instructions abound in videos on Facebook.
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