Not a lot of news today, but what there was bothered me to no end.
First lets go to the emperor in waiting, maobama. Seems he's feeling some pressure concerning the upcoming elections and has ordered his minions running the various agencies to "step up' the writing of new rules and regulations to further restrict Americans from conducting their lives as they see fit, before his regime ends. Guess the polls are starting to sink in and he knows he stands a very good chance if losing the senate as well as the house and, therefore, has to see that he will face impeachment proceedings. Watch out for a false flag event to happen that will give maobama the opportunity to declared martial law and send both houses of congress home and suspend the elections. For the sake of the publics safety of course. How congress and the citizenry will react is the big question and, for now, unanswered. He is also is stepping up his attacks on our military. His tame Sec. of Defense has announced plans to cut the size of our military back to where it was BEFORE the start of WW2. The size of the army will be at approximately 400,000 men and the marines will suffer similar cuts. No statements concerning the Navy and Air Force were made so far. That will make our ground military smaller then his private army of thugs, the DHS and the JSOC which just happens to be under his personal command and is as well armed as our soldiers are in everything but tanks. He's also scrapping an entire class of fighters. Granted they're A-10 warthogs and have been around since Nam, but they are also our best ground attack planes and the best weapon to use against his thugs if/when the time comes and we're out-numbered and out-gunned. Next he's taking away from the air national guard all the Apache attack helicopters and replacing them with older, less well armed Blackhawk helicopters, again reducing our ability to hit his private army from the air, while placing our air assets in greater danger. Then he's going to increase the cost of healthcare for the serving troops families by increasing the deductibles and at the same time raising the costs to shop at the base exchanges. Most lower ranked soldiers are already on food stamps, struggling to make ends meet and have to seek medical care for their families off base at civilian low cost clinics and this will just further their plight. In my opinion this is all a well thought out plan to reduce the ability of individual states to resist any of his take-over plans by cutting out their national guards ability to fight his private army on anywhere near equal terms. At the same time he's cutting the hearts out of our full service troops by further pushing them into the poverty lines and thereby destroying their moral. He wants a smaller, more easily controlled military and this is a good way to get it by forcing the well trained troops to refuse to re-enlist and thus deprive us of the small unit leaders we need in the service at this critical time. For those who stay in anyway, a trooper who is more worried about his family then the political situation, is likely to follow orders he knows are wrong because the family is on base, under political control and probably hungry, sick or both. This is a brilliant plan, but very sick at the same time. However it might fail maobama in the long run. All the troops he drives out will more then likely join us when TEOTWAWKI occurs and we'll have the advantage of all those years of training and experience on our side. Back in the 90's Clinton fielded the idea of eliminating the Marine Corps, but it didn't fly. Someone must have told him that the end result would save a few dollars, but give the militias several hundred thousand new, well trained and highly motivated men in their ranks. We, the militia, at the time were holding our breath, hoping Clinton would make such a stupid decision. But somehow, someone finally got through his bubba burger soaked brain and convinced him that openly chasing interns in the oval office was a better idea then recruiting good troops for the militia. Lets see if a voice of reason keeps maobama from making an even bigger mistake this time around. And lets all pray he doesn't listen.
Venezuela's president Madura must have decided that his claim that all the violence was caused by Columbian ex-president Uribe and his drug pusher gang wasn't working. It didn't seem to have any traction, either at home with the protestors or in the international view. So he's changed his tack and now claims the cause is all Sec. of State Kerry's doing. I know it's rediculas on the face of it, but then again maybe not. Knowing how stupid Kerry really is and what a liar he's proved himself to be, it's not much of a stretch to see him trying to covertly influence the protestors. Kerry sees himself as a great statesman while the rest of the world outside his circle sees him for what he is, a poor excuse of a statesman, let alone a man. We'll keep an eye on Maduro's latest ploy to see if it gains any support outside those who already hate America and by extension, Kerry. In the mean time, things are getting more volatile in Venezuela. Food transfers have come to a complete stop by the barricades put across all the main roads and streets in the capital and in the outlying areas the protestors have formed human chains to block access to their barely held areas. All the while evidence is showing up that the military has been quietly targeting protestors and shooting them in the streets without any legal standing for such actions. This can very easily turn into the Ukraine in South America with open warfare between both sides. As for arming the protestors, getting guns and ammunition ANYWHERE in south or central America is as easy as buying a coke in Atlanta or a gun and bag of dope in Chicago, LA or NYC. Or buying a politician in DC. I suggest we keep our eyes open and look for another increase of illegal border crossers as the warfare continues in Venezuela. After all, the DHS has other priorities then doing it's assigned job. Like harassing legal firearms owners in their home states or demanding your "papers" as you travel, legally, down the nations highways.
As for the Ukraine, there seems to have been a coup of sorts there. The president is on the run and charged by the parliament with multiple counts of murder. Why not add child pornography to it while they're at it? The rioting seems to have calmed down somewhat, but if the ousted president isn't caught, tried and executed quickly, he may get support from others and start his own little revolution to "get my country back". And with the new Ukraine government testing the waters to join the EU, Putin of Russia can't be to happy either. Remember what happened a few years ago when the Georgia Republic tried the same thing, without the riots of course? Putin sent Russian troops in the force the country to remain a "trusted ally of the Russian Federation". In effect he, by force, disallowed Georgia the right to choose it's own path and to remain a Russian puppet. I can easily see him repeating that action in the Ukraine if the ousted president makes it to Moscow and strikes a deal with Putin. And remember that the Ukraine has a oil and Russia doesn't want the EU or America getting a shot at it. That was the real reason Hitler invaded Russia in WW2.
A couple of quick notes here about a variety of things. First the news that the longest sitting congressman in the history of the congress is not running for re-election. John Dingell, D-MI, has announced his retirement at the end of this term. No reasons were given in the press release, but something tells me that Johnny boy sees the handwriting on the wall and is getting out as quickly and gracefully as he can, while the getting is good. Next the Supreme court has refused to hear a number of cases concerning gun rights this session. The cases concerned various states ability to refuse to enforce un-Constitutional federal laws as well as their own right to set their own laws concerning gun rights for their citizens. Guess it's too close to elections to handle hot topic cases like these. And finally the good news. Pierce Morgan has been fired from his job at CNN. The stated reason is his ratings are too low. But I think the lightning rod he's become and the anger he brings out in most thinking people had a lot to do with it as well. Now if we can just get immigration to revoke his citizenship and send him back to good old England, all would be well with the world. Maybe not the whole world, England has said on several occasions that they don't want him back. Maybe we could send him to Iran? They already hate us and things between us couldn't get any worse. In six months they'd behead the useless sucker, to shut him up if for no other reason and the world would be a better place.
A short tip your survival preparations and that is to test everything you have, including yourself, in real life situations. My group goes on bug out bag (BOB) weekends where we spend a weekend living out of our BOB's. It allows us to see where our shortcomings are and lets us fix them before we have to use them for real. We do this 3 or 4 times a year, in different climates as we find tune the kits to match the season. No BOB is right for every season or every person or it would be too big to tout around on human shoulders. I should mention that we park our vehicles a ways away from out trail retreat area and walk in using techniques we've learned in various classes and fine tuned in FTX's. Our retreat location for the exercise changes for each test, never the same place twice in a row. Each retreat area is chosen for it's remoteness and it's LACK of social amenities, like outhouses or wells of potable water. While at the retreat we practice things like personal hygiene, shelter building, food gathering and camp security. BTW, if on public land we DO NOT carry firearms, even though we are legally allowed to do so by way of our CCW's. If on private land we dress and act as if TEOTWAWKI had occurred and are fully armed. We also usually have a mock medical emergency that all of us take part in to "save a life". Don't wait until the big one hits to see if your really as ready as you think you are. Test your gear and, especially test yourself in as close to actual situations as you can safely find. You'll be amazed at what you thought you knew compared to what you really know. And what your capable of that you never expected. Bring the whole family, they need to be ready also. But even if it's just you and a few like-minded people, get out there and test yourselves. It could mean the difference between life and death when it's for real.
A quick thought just hit me as I was about to wrap this post up. Everyone knows that they need lots of toilet paper and should have a stockpile of the precious stuff at the retreat. But it won't last forever. What do you do when the last roll is gone? In primitive societies they use water and their left hand, saving the right hand for eating. With modern day soaps and other cleaning products, that isn't a consideration and we could us either hand. But there is a certain mental hesitation do use our hands for that purpose and, for me anyway, rightly so. My suggestion is to do as "they" did in the middle ages Europe and use a wet cloth and, when done, soak the cloth in bleach or some other cleaning solution and very hot water. Then rinse it out and allow to to dry overnight to use again the next day. But if that's the solution you choose, mark each cloth somehow so it is used only by one person and that person is the one to clean it afterwards. This will reduce the chance of spreading any diseases among the whole group. If a person is ill, then burn the cloth and start over with a new cloth and continue this regime until the illness is gone. Again this is to prevent the spread of diseases in the group. The Spanish Flu back in the early 1900's showed us that disease can spread among a population faster then anyone can anticipate. And a group trying to survive using primitive techniques and living in close proximity to each other will simulate the exact same conditions that allowed the Spanish Flu to travel around the world in weeks and kill 1 in 5 people it infected, well over 10 million just in America. So don't sit on your laurels thinking you've got the hygiene situation covered. T.P. won't last forever and finding some more to trade for will be almost impossible or extremely expensive to buy. Figure out what your going to do and then plan for it and train for it, nasty as it may be. Your groups success will depend on it.
Tomorrow is Tuesday and you all know what that means. So this could very well be the last post ever on this blog. It all up to you, assuming there are "yous" out there reading this after all. Come on, I can't be that good a writer that NO ONE has any questions or comments. If nothing else comment on my spelling, I know I suck at spelling and my spell check is sometimes as bad as I am. But I have broad shoulders and thick skin, I can take it. I'll cry in private, but you won't see my tears or anger in the blog. So what if I kick the dog or beat my wife again. Actually I don't own a dog anymore and my wife would kick my butt if I ever raised a hand against her. She made that plain to me when we were married 41 years ago and I NEVER DOUBTED HER FOR A MINUTE. She is small, but tough and real quick. And swings a broom handle or soup ladle with real authority.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Lots of depressing items today
Today is Sunday and it is sunny and fairly warm. Not the kind of day we'd expect to have our good attitudes depressed by more bad news from around the world. But here goes.
With the democrats facing the real possibility of losing the senate in the November elections, a surprising cavalry is riding to their rescue. Or maybe not so surprising. The U.S. Communist party is allying themselves with the democrats and "helping them unite the left and stave off the right-wing extremists". That's us in case you didn't know. Now why they think the democrats need the help is beyond me. Even if the GOP sweeps ALL the running democrats out of office, what difference would that make in the grand scheme of things? The two party system is a farce and has been for quite a while now. All it really does is give the illusion that the voter has a choice when in actuality the democrats and GOP are just two heads of the same snake and that is causing conservatives to become divided and easily conquered. So my advise is not to vote party labels, but do your research and vote the man/woman who best seems to represent your goals.
China is almost ready to make its move against the dollar. As China continues to reduce it's holdings of the dollar and build trading ties to other countries using their own respective currencies or actual trading of goods, it's further weakening the dollar as the worlds reserve currency. Once the dollar has been rejected by most of the countries in the world and loses its status as the reserve currency, the dollar will crash and massive price increases will occur. Interest rates will soar as will inflation. The interest on our debt will reach historic levels and that will make the crash even more crippling as we will be unable to borrow anymore money to keep all the social responsibilities like S.S. payments or obamacare afloat. Expect even more and worse riots then we're currently seeing in the Ukraine and Venezuela. A well respected economics expert warned back in January that there was a coming event or events that would change the entire world and it would happen on or around March 4th. I didn't write about his predictions because they seemed even to me to be too far fetched and I decided to keep them under my tin hat. Well as things progress those warnings seem less crazy and my tin hat is getting pretty tight. I've telling everyone here as well as within my group to work even harder and faster on building their stockpile of goods and gear for months now and I hope they've been listening and following my advise. Cause the troubles that are coming are just about here and they aren't and won't be a little sneeze or hiccup in our lives. This is going to be a raging avalanche and we're standing right in the middle of it's path.
A closet liberal shows his true colors. Former supreme court justice Stevens wrote a book recently that says we need to change several of the amendments to "make them clearer" and less likely to be misunderstood. He wants the 2nd amendment to read that citizens have the right to bear arms "while serving in the militia". He doesn't seem to understand that if that was the only way citizens could own and bear arms was while they were under the control of the government and give the government total control over ALL levels of force. He also equates the national guard to be the militia and not the classical definition of all able body citizens between the ages of 16 and 65 years of age. So this man, a universally considered conservative republican, shows himself to really be an eggheaded liberal. But then almost everybody who resides or works in DC is or becomes quickly a liberal. If they don't, they don't seem to last very long in the land of unicorns and pink shaded eye glasses.
A quick survival tip today, I'm a little depressed and want to throw the computer in the trash and cry myself to sleep after a stiff glass of scotch. There is a new blog out that everyone might find interesting. It's about a family that's starting it's own farm and orchard business while developing their self sufficiency. It seems to be pretty interesting and we all could learn a lot form their experiences. Go to After you've checked it out, let me know what you think of it and I'll post your thoughts here.
This is the final reminder that this blog ends on Tuesday unless you let me know your out there and I'm not writing to myself. I don't mind the work getting the blog ready daily, but have other things to do if no one is reading and profiting from it.
With the democrats facing the real possibility of losing the senate in the November elections, a surprising cavalry is riding to their rescue. Or maybe not so surprising. The U.S. Communist party is allying themselves with the democrats and "helping them unite the left and stave off the right-wing extremists". That's us in case you didn't know. Now why they think the democrats need the help is beyond me. Even if the GOP sweeps ALL the running democrats out of office, what difference would that make in the grand scheme of things? The two party system is a farce and has been for quite a while now. All it really does is give the illusion that the voter has a choice when in actuality the democrats and GOP are just two heads of the same snake and that is causing conservatives to become divided and easily conquered. So my advise is not to vote party labels, but do your research and vote the man/woman who best seems to represent your goals.
China is almost ready to make its move against the dollar. As China continues to reduce it's holdings of the dollar and build trading ties to other countries using their own respective currencies or actual trading of goods, it's further weakening the dollar as the worlds reserve currency. Once the dollar has been rejected by most of the countries in the world and loses its status as the reserve currency, the dollar will crash and massive price increases will occur. Interest rates will soar as will inflation. The interest on our debt will reach historic levels and that will make the crash even more crippling as we will be unable to borrow anymore money to keep all the social responsibilities like S.S. payments or obamacare afloat. Expect even more and worse riots then we're currently seeing in the Ukraine and Venezuela. A well respected economics expert warned back in January that there was a coming event or events that would change the entire world and it would happen on or around March 4th. I didn't write about his predictions because they seemed even to me to be too far fetched and I decided to keep them under my tin hat. Well as things progress those warnings seem less crazy and my tin hat is getting pretty tight. I've telling everyone here as well as within my group to work even harder and faster on building their stockpile of goods and gear for months now and I hope they've been listening and following my advise. Cause the troubles that are coming are just about here and they aren't and won't be a little sneeze or hiccup in our lives. This is going to be a raging avalanche and we're standing right in the middle of it's path.
A closet liberal shows his true colors. Former supreme court justice Stevens wrote a book recently that says we need to change several of the amendments to "make them clearer" and less likely to be misunderstood. He wants the 2nd amendment to read that citizens have the right to bear arms "while serving in the militia". He doesn't seem to understand that if that was the only way citizens could own and bear arms was while they were under the control of the government and give the government total control over ALL levels of force. He also equates the national guard to be the militia and not the classical definition of all able body citizens between the ages of 16 and 65 years of age. So this man, a universally considered conservative republican, shows himself to really be an eggheaded liberal. But then almost everybody who resides or works in DC is or becomes quickly a liberal. If they don't, they don't seem to last very long in the land of unicorns and pink shaded eye glasses.
A quick survival tip today, I'm a little depressed and want to throw the computer in the trash and cry myself to sleep after a stiff glass of scotch. There is a new blog out that everyone might find interesting. It's about a family that's starting it's own farm and orchard business while developing their self sufficiency. It seems to be pretty interesting and we all could learn a lot form their experiences. Go to After you've checked it out, let me know what you think of it and I'll post your thoughts here.
This is the final reminder that this blog ends on Tuesday unless you let me know your out there and I'm not writing to myself. I don't mind the work getting the blog ready daily, but have other things to do if no one is reading and profiting from it.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Lots of little things beginning to add up
No one major thing on todays menu, but lots of little tidbits to get one thinking and beginning to understand just where the world situation sits.
First we go to the Ukraine where their parliament has announced new elections for this May. The problem is that the current president hasn't resigned or been impeached as yet. He stated that he will not abide by the parliaments announcement or anything else they have to say. Sounds like the violence there is just beginning and that a real life civil war between the parliament and the president (as well as their supporters) is about to erupt over the current unrest. Stay tuned, this is far from over, no matter what maobama and Putin have to say about it.
I wonder why the violence in Venezuela isn't being as widely reported as that in the Ukraine? There have been 12 straight days of riots and violent clashes between the citizens and police/army forces. These riots are over the lack of security in the face of rapidly rising crime and the high cost of food in addition to the scarcity of the overpriced food and, to top it all off, a high rate of inflation. The citizens want to know why a country like Venezuela with all it's oil export money can't control the crime and keep prices lower. As one protestor put it "I have to wait in line for 5 or 6 hours to get a kilo of flour and then pay 2 or 3 times what it cost last month. Venezuela president Maduro blames the troubles and high crime on ex-president Uribe of Columbia and his private army of thugs and drug dealers, saying Uribe wants to break part of Venezuela off and form his own country and that Venezuela will fight to it's last breath to preserve all its lands. Sounds to me like Maduro is looking to deflect anger away from him and his botched policies and towards Columbia. Maybe even start a small scale war to hike up patriotic fever and get the citizens looking for someone else to blame. But none of this answers the original question, why are the MSM ignoring or under reporting Venezuela's troubles?
With all the countries around the world in political or economic trouble and their citizens marching to get changes made and new leadership running the country, it was inevitable that a similar call would be issued here in America. A respected conservative online news service today wonders of it's time for America to stage demonstrations, riots and/or violence to get rid of maobama and his cohorts. There is already a planned march on DC, scheduled for next month, by a bunch of hot-headed militia members to shutdown the city, surround the capital and the white house until maobama resigns and we get a new congress installed. I was against the idea as soon as I heard it and NOTHING I've heard since then has changed my mind. It was a stupid idea then and a worse one now. If a number of militia members from across the country march on DC while carrying weapons, loaded or not, someone will fire the first shot and then it will katey-bar-the-door and the devil take the hindmost. Nor will it matter who actually shot first, the militia will get the blame. That will be all maobama and his pet congress needs to declare ALL militia organizations as terrorist groups and have them all arrested. It will also give them the needed leverage to force through more anti-guns laws and to pass the UN treaty banning small arms. Then maobama's thug army, aka the DHS, and it's spear tip known as the JSOC to begin a rain of terror across the country that will make the Ukraine or the Arab Spring look like a high school prom. I pray the Lord brings some sanity to these individuals who are eager to start the next American revolution.
For all you liberal pro-abortionists who think the rest of us are racists for opposing abortion, consider this. There are more black babies killed every year in NYC then are allowed to be born. So tell me, who's the racist now?
Just in, Syria has approved a "new" 100 day plan top get rid of its chemical weapons. What happened to the old plan? And how does anyone know this new plan will work any better then the last one? In regards to Syria, Iran is increasing the number of "advisors" it's loaning to Syria. These advisors are specialists in intelligence and training. This is in addition to the Iran backed Hezbollah terrorist group fighters and Basji paramilitary volunteers who are already assisting Syrian forces. Seems that the Iranian and Russian military help is all that's keeping Assad in power. Iran is supplying the manpower and Russia is sending all the military equipment, including small arms and ammunition, attack helicopters and tanks.
Seems like the news rooms are safe for now. Maobama's FCC had backed off, for now, their plan to install "monitors" in every news room to see what sort of news they are putting out. If that sounded like 1984's big brother to you, your right. But the key words are "for now". That tells me they haven't given up on the idea, but are just looking for a way to make it sound better, more palatable to the public and the news media.
Enough of the gloom and doom for today. Here's the survival tip of the day. Most survivalists/preppers forget one simple thing as they build the supplies and that is vitamins and minerals. In a TEOTWAWKI situation food will be scarce and may not have all the ingredients a person needs to keep healthy. The stress we'll be under in such a situation will deplete our energy reserves faster then any of us can imagine. And someone who isn't maintaining a proper balance in they're food intake are prime subjects for a debilitating illness and that is a burden on both themselves and their group that can be easily avoided by just keeping vitamins and minerals on hand. A simple "1 a day" vitamin/mineral pill will help stave off illness and keep the prepper functioning at the highest level. So be sure you add enough vitamins and minerals to your stash for you and your loved ones, spouses and children need them also.
Finally a reminder that this blog will exist for only 3 more days unless I hear from you. You all have the e-mail address so let me know your out there and want the blog to continue.
First we go to the Ukraine where their parliament has announced new elections for this May. The problem is that the current president hasn't resigned or been impeached as yet. He stated that he will not abide by the parliaments announcement or anything else they have to say. Sounds like the violence there is just beginning and that a real life civil war between the parliament and the president (as well as their supporters) is about to erupt over the current unrest. Stay tuned, this is far from over, no matter what maobama and Putin have to say about it.
I wonder why the violence in Venezuela isn't being as widely reported as that in the Ukraine? There have been 12 straight days of riots and violent clashes between the citizens and police/army forces. These riots are over the lack of security in the face of rapidly rising crime and the high cost of food in addition to the scarcity of the overpriced food and, to top it all off, a high rate of inflation. The citizens want to know why a country like Venezuela with all it's oil export money can't control the crime and keep prices lower. As one protestor put it "I have to wait in line for 5 or 6 hours to get a kilo of flour and then pay 2 or 3 times what it cost last month. Venezuela president Maduro blames the troubles and high crime on ex-president Uribe of Columbia and his private army of thugs and drug dealers, saying Uribe wants to break part of Venezuela off and form his own country and that Venezuela will fight to it's last breath to preserve all its lands. Sounds to me like Maduro is looking to deflect anger away from him and his botched policies and towards Columbia. Maybe even start a small scale war to hike up patriotic fever and get the citizens looking for someone else to blame. But none of this answers the original question, why are the MSM ignoring or under reporting Venezuela's troubles?
With all the countries around the world in political or economic trouble and their citizens marching to get changes made and new leadership running the country, it was inevitable that a similar call would be issued here in America. A respected conservative online news service today wonders of it's time for America to stage demonstrations, riots and/or violence to get rid of maobama and his cohorts. There is already a planned march on DC, scheduled for next month, by a bunch of hot-headed militia members to shutdown the city, surround the capital and the white house until maobama resigns and we get a new congress installed. I was against the idea as soon as I heard it and NOTHING I've heard since then has changed my mind. It was a stupid idea then and a worse one now. If a number of militia members from across the country march on DC while carrying weapons, loaded or not, someone will fire the first shot and then it will katey-bar-the-door and the devil take the hindmost. Nor will it matter who actually shot first, the militia will get the blame. That will be all maobama and his pet congress needs to declare ALL militia organizations as terrorist groups and have them all arrested. It will also give them the needed leverage to force through more anti-guns laws and to pass the UN treaty banning small arms. Then maobama's thug army, aka the DHS, and it's spear tip known as the JSOC to begin a rain of terror across the country that will make the Ukraine or the Arab Spring look like a high school prom. I pray the Lord brings some sanity to these individuals who are eager to start the next American revolution.
For all you liberal pro-abortionists who think the rest of us are racists for opposing abortion, consider this. There are more black babies killed every year in NYC then are allowed to be born. So tell me, who's the racist now?
Just in, Syria has approved a "new" 100 day plan top get rid of its chemical weapons. What happened to the old plan? And how does anyone know this new plan will work any better then the last one? In regards to Syria, Iran is increasing the number of "advisors" it's loaning to Syria. These advisors are specialists in intelligence and training. This is in addition to the Iran backed Hezbollah terrorist group fighters and Basji paramilitary volunteers who are already assisting Syrian forces. Seems that the Iranian and Russian military help is all that's keeping Assad in power. Iran is supplying the manpower and Russia is sending all the military equipment, including small arms and ammunition, attack helicopters and tanks.
Seems like the news rooms are safe for now. Maobama's FCC had backed off, for now, their plan to install "monitors" in every news room to see what sort of news they are putting out. If that sounded like 1984's big brother to you, your right. But the key words are "for now". That tells me they haven't given up on the idea, but are just looking for a way to make it sound better, more palatable to the public and the news media.
Enough of the gloom and doom for today. Here's the survival tip of the day. Most survivalists/preppers forget one simple thing as they build the supplies and that is vitamins and minerals. In a TEOTWAWKI situation food will be scarce and may not have all the ingredients a person needs to keep healthy. The stress we'll be under in such a situation will deplete our energy reserves faster then any of us can imagine. And someone who isn't maintaining a proper balance in they're food intake are prime subjects for a debilitating illness and that is a burden on both themselves and their group that can be easily avoided by just keeping vitamins and minerals on hand. A simple "1 a day" vitamin/mineral pill will help stave off illness and keep the prepper functioning at the highest level. So be sure you add enough vitamins and minerals to your stash for you and your loved ones, spouses and children need them also.
Finally a reminder that this blog will exist for only 3 more days unless I hear from you. You all have the e-mail address so let me know your out there and want the blog to continue.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Some not so odds and ends
As promised a few new thing, or should I say a few more facts were revealed today concerning previous posts. So here is the second post of the day.
China is about ready to lower the boom on US debt. They dropped $50B in US debt in Dec. 2013 and the ONLY reason we didn't hear about it or feel it in our pocket books was because the European Union picked up the slack and saved America's bacon. China will continue to drop anywhere from $30 to $50B US debt every month and use the money instead to continue buying gold. They, unlike the head-in-the-sand idiots running DC, understand that gold is THE only real world currency and are actively continuing to build their stockpile. They are thought to hold more the 5,000 tons of gold, but that isn't a confirmed number since China stopped announcing their holdings years ago. According to Bloomberg 80% of all the gold exported from the Swiss last month went to Asia and of that China received 44% with India a distant second place at 14%. As China and the world moves away from the US dollar, expect interest rates to skyrocket and inflation to follow suit. Don't be surprised to see interest rates as high as 13% or even more in the near future as the Fed tries to interest buyers in treasury notes. When that happens the cost of US debt will be around $1T a year just for maintenance.
Additional non-nerve tonic. As it stands right now 4 large US banks (JP Morgan and Chase are among them) are holding over $40B each in derivatives and when China and the rest of the world burst our financial bubble the carnage will be considerable. That begs the question "is this why there has been a sudden spate of banker deaths due to unusual circumstances in the last 2 months?" Wouldn't surprise me. For those who are financially challenged, like me, derivatives are important because the banks use them to leverage their bottom line and lets them loan out more money at better interest rates. A smarter man then me once said that every economic crash has come as a surprise to the masses since we're always the last to know when something is rotten in Denmark. So take this warning to heart and get ready. The ride is just beginning and it's going to be real rough and the bumps will be bone breaking if your not prepared. The big money people are aware of what's coming and are positioning themselves to ride out the storm as comfortably as possible while maintaining as much of their wealth as possible. You should do the same. None of us can afford to sit back and watch the economy of the world disintegrate before our eyes, but we can do our part to see that we are around when the smoke clears to be 100% certain that this sort of situation NEVER happens again. And to be as ready as possible we need to make sure or stocks of food, medical supplies and ammo are up to par. Also a nice supple of gold or silver coins wouldn't hurt either. If, like me, you want to be around to sit on the jury when these criminals come to answer for their many crimes against the American people, you need to be alive and well. So get busy, if you aren't already, and get yourself positioned to survive.
I recently wrote about a terror group in America that is pals with the FBI. Jamaat al-Fuqra is an African-American muslim group that has been linked to over 17 terror acts in the US alone in the last decade (including the under ware bomber and the DC sniper) and yet the FBI would rather have lunch with them rather the investigate and lock the whole group of raghead thugs in prison for the rest of their natural lives. I just found out they have a training compound near Rockford, IL under the name "Muslims of America" or "MOA" The nearest other compounds are outside Detroit MI and Kansas City, MO. At these and their other 14 compounds across America they conduct, (as they proudly announced) the "most advanced training courses in Islamic military warfare" in the world. Neighbors report hearing weapons fire often at these compounds and, as told previously, there are videos of women receiving firearms and martial arts training as well as instruction in various military techniques. And the FBI knows all about this group, yet refuses to do more then have lunch with them. As a concerned America I have to ask why? But I doubt you or I will be happy with the answer. As for the Rockford compound, that's a little to close to home for me to be comfortable here ever again.
It's been a week since I withdrew my announcement that I was dropping the blog due to no response from readers. I withdrew my original decision when I was told that someone was reading it. But I cautioned that I would reinstate my decision if I didn't get some responses, either pro or con. Well I'm still waiting and it's been a week. So I'm now saying I'll give it another few days before I pull the plug. So here is your last chance to keep the blog going. E-mail me with questions or comments and the blog stays, no response by Tuesday and the blog dies. BTW, I have NEVER been known for my patience, ask my wife.
China is about ready to lower the boom on US debt. They dropped $50B in US debt in Dec. 2013 and the ONLY reason we didn't hear about it or feel it in our pocket books was because the European Union picked up the slack and saved America's bacon. China will continue to drop anywhere from $30 to $50B US debt every month and use the money instead to continue buying gold. They, unlike the head-in-the-sand idiots running DC, understand that gold is THE only real world currency and are actively continuing to build their stockpile. They are thought to hold more the 5,000 tons of gold, but that isn't a confirmed number since China stopped announcing their holdings years ago. According to Bloomberg 80% of all the gold exported from the Swiss last month went to Asia and of that China received 44% with India a distant second place at 14%. As China and the world moves away from the US dollar, expect interest rates to skyrocket and inflation to follow suit. Don't be surprised to see interest rates as high as 13% or even more in the near future as the Fed tries to interest buyers in treasury notes. When that happens the cost of US debt will be around $1T a year just for maintenance.
Additional non-nerve tonic. As it stands right now 4 large US banks (JP Morgan and Chase are among them) are holding over $40B each in derivatives and when China and the rest of the world burst our financial bubble the carnage will be considerable. That begs the question "is this why there has been a sudden spate of banker deaths due to unusual circumstances in the last 2 months?" Wouldn't surprise me. For those who are financially challenged, like me, derivatives are important because the banks use them to leverage their bottom line and lets them loan out more money at better interest rates. A smarter man then me once said that every economic crash has come as a surprise to the masses since we're always the last to know when something is rotten in Denmark. So take this warning to heart and get ready. The ride is just beginning and it's going to be real rough and the bumps will be bone breaking if your not prepared. The big money people are aware of what's coming and are positioning themselves to ride out the storm as comfortably as possible while maintaining as much of their wealth as possible. You should do the same. None of us can afford to sit back and watch the economy of the world disintegrate before our eyes, but we can do our part to see that we are around when the smoke clears to be 100% certain that this sort of situation NEVER happens again. And to be as ready as possible we need to make sure or stocks of food, medical supplies and ammo are up to par. Also a nice supple of gold or silver coins wouldn't hurt either. If, like me, you want to be around to sit on the jury when these criminals come to answer for their many crimes against the American people, you need to be alive and well. So get busy, if you aren't already, and get yourself positioned to survive.
I recently wrote about a terror group in America that is pals with the FBI. Jamaat al-Fuqra is an African-American muslim group that has been linked to over 17 terror acts in the US alone in the last decade (including the under ware bomber and the DC sniper) and yet the FBI would rather have lunch with them rather the investigate and lock the whole group of raghead thugs in prison for the rest of their natural lives. I just found out they have a training compound near Rockford, IL under the name "Muslims of America" or "MOA" The nearest other compounds are outside Detroit MI and Kansas City, MO. At these and their other 14 compounds across America they conduct, (as they proudly announced) the "most advanced training courses in Islamic military warfare" in the world. Neighbors report hearing weapons fire often at these compounds and, as told previously, there are videos of women receiving firearms and martial arts training as well as instruction in various military techniques. And the FBI knows all about this group, yet refuses to do more then have lunch with them. As a concerned America I have to ask why? But I doubt you or I will be happy with the answer. As for the Rockford compound, that's a little to close to home for me to be comfortable here ever again.
It's been a week since I withdrew my announcement that I was dropping the blog due to no response from readers. I withdrew my original decision when I was told that someone was reading it. But I cautioned that I would reinstate my decision if I didn't get some responses, either pro or con. Well I'm still waiting and it's been a week. So I'm now saying I'll give it another few days before I pull the plug. So here is your last chance to keep the blog going. E-mail me with questions or comments and the blog stays, no response by Tuesday and the blog dies. BTW, I have NEVER been known for my patience, ask my wife.
More Odds and Ends
This post is coming out very early today, so, as always, if anything important happens later today I'll add a second post or modify these post.
A worrisome notice was issued today by Russia. They will be adding an undisclosed number of "stealth" subs to their Mediterranean task force. These subs are nicknamed "black holes in the ocean" by our navy because they are so difficult to spot while submerged. They carry 36 torpedo's and 6 or 8 surface to air or surface to surface missiles. This addition to the task force will be a major escalation of force in the region where Russia already has 12 ships that include a nuclear powered missile cruiser and an aircraft carrier. Plus their Black Sea fleet is in close proximity. The stated purpose for this escalation is to further protect Russian interests in the area as well as assist in the removal of WMD from Syria. But no one can explain how the addition of subs will better their ability to remove all those chemical weapons that Syria has been using freely on it's own citizens.
Maobama was going to announce cuts to our Social Security payments in this years budget to be posted by 3-4-14. But democrats who are looking at a difficult election in Nov. asked him to delay the cuts until next year to help keep them in office. Further maobama is putting his monitors in news rooms across the country. And no one is really complaining about it besides various conservative pundits on the internet. The news has been slanted to favor maobama ever since he announced his candidacy and now he wants to be sure he actually controls what the sheeple hear. And since most Americans make their decisions on important items based totally on what their favorite talking head tells them, maobama can have even more mind control over everyone. Oh happy days!
This comes under the heading of things to come. White Plains N.Y. has passed an ordinance requiring all stores to install video surveillance cameras at all their locations and allow police to view the stored video upon request, no warrant needed. I wonder if this is how big brother in the story "1984" started?
If you've been following the reports of all the turmoil in the Ukraine you have to ask yourself if this is what America's future looks like. Just like America is becoming, the citizens of Ukraine have had enough and won't take it anymore. The rioting has escalated from non-violent protests to rock throwing to now open warfare as the citizens and police are shooting at each other and the citizens are coming out armed and in make shift body armor including helmets. I can easily see this scenario playing out in America's near future, except that the citizens here will be better armed and have much better armor to assist them in forcing the maobama regime to follow the laws as outlined in the Constitution. Note that I am NOT advocating such an action, just saying that it wouldn't surprise me if/when it happens. I see where the government of Ukraine and the protestors have reached some sort of agreement to end the violence, but details are sketchy. I hope it works out for all so people will stop dying unnecessarily. But, like the "arab spring" in Egypt that didn't last to long because the new leaders were as bad as the old ones, I'll withhold my comments until things have had time to shake out.
A little good news for a change. A proposed New Hampshire law will prevent ANY local, county or state law enforcement agency from acquiring "military style equipment" without the citizens from agreeing to it by vote. Is this the first step in stopping the turning of our cops into paramilitary thugs? I hope so and that other states or at least counties follow suit.
Todays survival tip concerns your moral code of conduct while in a SHTF situation. My take on it comes from my Christian beliefs in that we should be as the Good Sumariton and help our neighbors as best we can and that we follow the 10 Commandments to the best of our ability in such circumstances. By that I mean we will need to share our food with those less fortunate, but only to a limited extent. My thoughts are that we give refugees enough food to last them for several days and then send them on their way. To try to take every refugee in and feed and cloth them will eat up our limited supplies in a short time. Much as we'd like to, we can't take 5 fish and 7 loaves of bread and feed the multitude forever. So we do what we can without taking anything critical away from our families or group. If we know where they can get additional help, we share that with them and if they are trying to become self-sufficient we teach them what they need to know to grow or harvest their own foods and give/loan them the seeds/tools needed. We do everything we can to make these new survivalists successful without fatally damaging our own abilities to survive. Next we keep from fouling our own nest. We don't chase after another person's mate, we don't fornicate outside our maritial bed and we don't steal from each other. A family is inviolate in ALL it's members and a group pulling together to survive is a family, only extended. The "due unto others" rule should be our guiding light both with dealing with refugees or people within your group. I assume your already laying down some rules within the group that covers offences such as drunken behavior, sleeping on duty, hoarding food, etc. Those are all good, practical rules to make living together safer and easier for all. But you also need to get some moral rules in place too. There should be no misunderstandings about messing with another mans wife or daughters, or trying to undermine another person for any reason. Again use the 10 Commandments as your guide and you can't go wrong. And do it NOW. During a crisis you can't discover that one member is a drunkard or that another is a hound dog in heat all the time. Or that some members are uncomfortable with any sort of moral rules. Get this talked through and agreed on by all the members before you all have to live together in close confinement. It will make trying times more bearable if it's all settled before it's really needed. If any of you have had similar thoughts or don't agree with mine, let me know via an e-mail and we can get a discussion going and maybe we'll all learn something.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
A few survival/prepping tips
I almost did not write todays post. Took the wife shopping earlier today and then took my third grand daughter shooting tonight and, at my age, those activities wore me out. However I was thinking about some simple and fairly inexpensive ways to get yourself better prepared.
First covers a question that every new survivalist has and it's "where/how do I begin to prepare?". The simple answer is just to begin, but that's copping out on an honest question. My suggestion is to pick a time frame, let's say a week. You want enough goods on hand to keep your family secure and well fed. So look at what you'd need to take care of ALL your needs for a week and then build up your stockpile to cover it. But don't stop with a weeks worth of food, that isn't the complete answer. You also need a weeks worth of personal hygiene products, including and especially the venerable toilet paper. Yes there are alternatives to T.P., but somehow I just don't see any modern America using them right from the git-go. Then you'll need a weeks worth of cleaning supplies, disease is right around the corner of every emergency and keeping your area clean, most importantly the food prep and eating areas, is essential. In every emergency I know of, power is gone immediately. So can you light up your home for a week without electricity? The same question covers cooking. If the basic services are gone, can you cook the food your family needs without the use of your stove? Water, the average amount of water a person needs per day for drinking and cooking is 1 gal. Notice that doesn't include personal hygiene or simply flushing the toilet. have you access to a good water supple and is it clean? If not, how will you purify it? What if someone sees the light in you house and decides he needs your supplies more then your family does? Can you protect you family and life saving supplies? For that matter, what will you do if a small fire ignites into one that consumes the entire house, including ALL your supplies? If a small fire starts, do you have a fire extinguisher on hand to keep it from destroying everything. These are just some of the things you need to consider when you begin prepping and need a starting point. So, using these hopefully helpful questions and applying them to you plan for survival and make sure you have as many avenues covered as you can. Once you have enough to cover your family's needs for that time span, increase the time span and start all over again. But do not skimp on anything or skip over something non-glamorous like cleaning supplies and over stock in the sexy areas like guns or ammo. An unbalanced stockpile means that when it comes time to use those items you've been keeping won't be there when needed. Last I heard they haven't revoked Murphy's Law yet, so plan for a visit, or two, from the little imp when TEOTWAWKI occurs.
Speaking of water, you have more on hand then you may realize. Every home I know of has both a water heater and a water pressure tank. Each holds anywhere from 20 to 60 gallons of clean water and are fairly easy to tap into if you have the right tools to do so. There are several gallons available in the toilet tank, NOT THE BOWL. Myself I'd use the toilet tank for cleaning up a mess someplace along with bleach, but never for cooking or drinking. Anyway, the two tanks mentioned above may hold as much as 80 or more gallons of useable water. For a family of 4 that means you have 20 days of drinking/cooking water at your fingertips. If the event lasts longer then those 20 days, how will you get more good drinking water for your family. The easiest way is to get it from a near by stream, river or lake and then purify it. Just make sure the water is from a fresh water supply and isn't salt water. Salt water can be cleaned so it is drinkable, but the process is long and fairly labor intensive. My suggestion is to get a good water filter system that uses either charcoal filters or reverse osmosis to purify the water. Or strain out as much of whatever is floating in the river water and then boil it for 15 minutes minimum at a roiling boil. Whatever method you decide on, and I'd suggest you have several ways to purify the water, you need to do sample runs of the system to be sure you understand what your doing and to become proficient at it. As a matter of fact I think every prepper should hold practice sessions for every level and method of survivalism before the use of that technique becomes needed. Practice makes perfect after all.
An inexpensive method of carrying extra ammo with you is to utilize items like stripper clips to carry ammo of a different caliber then they were intended for. As an example the stripper clips for the M16 in 5.56 will also hold 9MM pistol rounds. The rounds will slide in just like the original ammo and allows it to be carried in a pants pocket quietly and still gives you quick access to it. Or use the stripper clips for an AK47 in 7.62X39 to carry extra rounds for your .38/.357 pistol ammo. It functions just like a Bianchi stripper clip, but costs pennies compared to the Bianchi. Also it will carry 10 rounds while the more conventional Bianchi stripper clip holds just 6 rounds. BTW, the M16 stripper clip will hold 9 rounds of 9MM ammo. Both clips are inexpensive and easy to use for this new purpose. Those are two methods of carrying extra ammo for when/if you ever need it. I'm sure there are other methods available that I am unaware of. If you have any suggestions, e-mail them to me and I'll put them in my next post and give you credit for the idea.
Finally I was recently asked how a fairly intelligent person like me can still believe in the old fable of a "Supreme God over the whole universe". I gave them the standard answer that my faith is what's helping me cope with the many medical problems I am now facing, that the love God showed when he sent his Son down to cover my many sins, etc. yadda-yadda, ad nauseum. Then I told her that my belief was ironclad and if I was wrong, so what? If I died tomorrow and there is now afterlife, what happens then? I'm dead and pushing up daisy's in some small box until I disintegrate. And what have I lost? Absolutely nothing. To cover my belief that God has a plan for me as well as a place in Heaven when He calls me home, I've lived as best I can to the teachings in the Bible. I've not stolen anything from anyone since I was a young, very young boy. I haven't killed anyone other then in time of war, nor have I committed adultery or coveted my neighbors anything. I've honored my parents and placed no god before my God. In other words I've lived a good life for the most part and God has seen fit to recognize that and blessed me with many bounties. And at what cost to me? Well I don't wake up with a hangover or in a strange bed. I don't look over my shoulder when a cop car goes by, nor am I afraid to look other people in the eye because I never cheated them out of anything. I'm not deeply in debt, in fact I owe no one anything anymore. So there was a cost for my beliefs after all. I couldn't live as recklessly or stupidly as others, nor did I spend money that I didn't have on things I didn't need. My wife has been the only woman in my life for the last 43 years, but I don't consider that a cost at all. So if I place all the things I DIDN"T do against all the things I did do and add in what I've received, the scale is strongly tipped towards a belief in God. So in the end that's what living as a Christian did cost me, I had to live a good life with a good woman and enjoy the multitude of bounties God gave me. WOW!!! What a price I had to pay and I'd do it all over again in a New York minute. Compare that to the many who live a life apart from God and see what that costs them and you'll understand why I'm a Christian and why I believe in the old wives tale of a supreme God. Call me foolish, stupid or brainwashed if you want, but I'm happy in my beliefs and have no regrets at all about any of those decisions.
First covers a question that every new survivalist has and it's "where/how do I begin to prepare?". The simple answer is just to begin, but that's copping out on an honest question. My suggestion is to pick a time frame, let's say a week. You want enough goods on hand to keep your family secure and well fed. So look at what you'd need to take care of ALL your needs for a week and then build up your stockpile to cover it. But don't stop with a weeks worth of food, that isn't the complete answer. You also need a weeks worth of personal hygiene products, including and especially the venerable toilet paper. Yes there are alternatives to T.P., but somehow I just don't see any modern America using them right from the git-go. Then you'll need a weeks worth of cleaning supplies, disease is right around the corner of every emergency and keeping your area clean, most importantly the food prep and eating areas, is essential. In every emergency I know of, power is gone immediately. So can you light up your home for a week without electricity? The same question covers cooking. If the basic services are gone, can you cook the food your family needs without the use of your stove? Water, the average amount of water a person needs per day for drinking and cooking is 1 gal. Notice that doesn't include personal hygiene or simply flushing the toilet. have you access to a good water supple and is it clean? If not, how will you purify it? What if someone sees the light in you house and decides he needs your supplies more then your family does? Can you protect you family and life saving supplies? For that matter, what will you do if a small fire ignites into one that consumes the entire house, including ALL your supplies? If a small fire starts, do you have a fire extinguisher on hand to keep it from destroying everything. These are just some of the things you need to consider when you begin prepping and need a starting point. So, using these hopefully helpful questions and applying them to you plan for survival and make sure you have as many avenues covered as you can. Once you have enough to cover your family's needs for that time span, increase the time span and start all over again. But do not skimp on anything or skip over something non-glamorous like cleaning supplies and over stock in the sexy areas like guns or ammo. An unbalanced stockpile means that when it comes time to use those items you've been keeping won't be there when needed. Last I heard they haven't revoked Murphy's Law yet, so plan for a visit, or two, from the little imp when TEOTWAWKI occurs.
Speaking of water, you have more on hand then you may realize. Every home I know of has both a water heater and a water pressure tank. Each holds anywhere from 20 to 60 gallons of clean water and are fairly easy to tap into if you have the right tools to do so. There are several gallons available in the toilet tank, NOT THE BOWL. Myself I'd use the toilet tank for cleaning up a mess someplace along with bleach, but never for cooking or drinking. Anyway, the two tanks mentioned above may hold as much as 80 or more gallons of useable water. For a family of 4 that means you have 20 days of drinking/cooking water at your fingertips. If the event lasts longer then those 20 days, how will you get more good drinking water for your family. The easiest way is to get it from a near by stream, river or lake and then purify it. Just make sure the water is from a fresh water supply and isn't salt water. Salt water can be cleaned so it is drinkable, but the process is long and fairly labor intensive. My suggestion is to get a good water filter system that uses either charcoal filters or reverse osmosis to purify the water. Or strain out as much of whatever is floating in the river water and then boil it for 15 minutes minimum at a roiling boil. Whatever method you decide on, and I'd suggest you have several ways to purify the water, you need to do sample runs of the system to be sure you understand what your doing and to become proficient at it. As a matter of fact I think every prepper should hold practice sessions for every level and method of survivalism before the use of that technique becomes needed. Practice makes perfect after all.
An inexpensive method of carrying extra ammo with you is to utilize items like stripper clips to carry ammo of a different caliber then they were intended for. As an example the stripper clips for the M16 in 5.56 will also hold 9MM pistol rounds. The rounds will slide in just like the original ammo and allows it to be carried in a pants pocket quietly and still gives you quick access to it. Or use the stripper clips for an AK47 in 7.62X39 to carry extra rounds for your .38/.357 pistol ammo. It functions just like a Bianchi stripper clip, but costs pennies compared to the Bianchi. Also it will carry 10 rounds while the more conventional Bianchi stripper clip holds just 6 rounds. BTW, the M16 stripper clip will hold 9 rounds of 9MM ammo. Both clips are inexpensive and easy to use for this new purpose. Those are two methods of carrying extra ammo for when/if you ever need it. I'm sure there are other methods available that I am unaware of. If you have any suggestions, e-mail them to me and I'll put them in my next post and give you credit for the idea.
Finally I was recently asked how a fairly intelligent person like me can still believe in the old fable of a "Supreme God over the whole universe". I gave them the standard answer that my faith is what's helping me cope with the many medical problems I am now facing, that the love God showed when he sent his Son down to cover my many sins, etc. yadda-yadda, ad nauseum. Then I told her that my belief was ironclad and if I was wrong, so what? If I died tomorrow and there is now afterlife, what happens then? I'm dead and pushing up daisy's in some small box until I disintegrate. And what have I lost? Absolutely nothing. To cover my belief that God has a plan for me as well as a place in Heaven when He calls me home, I've lived as best I can to the teachings in the Bible. I've not stolen anything from anyone since I was a young, very young boy. I haven't killed anyone other then in time of war, nor have I committed adultery or coveted my neighbors anything. I've honored my parents and placed no god before my God. In other words I've lived a good life for the most part and God has seen fit to recognize that and blessed me with many bounties. And at what cost to me? Well I don't wake up with a hangover or in a strange bed. I don't look over my shoulder when a cop car goes by, nor am I afraid to look other people in the eye because I never cheated them out of anything. I'm not deeply in debt, in fact I owe no one anything anymore. So there was a cost for my beliefs after all. I couldn't live as recklessly or stupidly as others, nor did I spend money that I didn't have on things I didn't need. My wife has been the only woman in my life for the last 43 years, but I don't consider that a cost at all. So if I place all the things I DIDN"T do against all the things I did do and add in what I've received, the scale is strongly tipped towards a belief in God. So in the end that's what living as a Christian did cost me, I had to live a good life with a good woman and enjoy the multitude of bounties God gave me. WOW!!! What a price I had to pay and I'd do it all over again in a New York minute. Compare that to the many who live a life apart from God and see what that costs them and you'll understand why I'm a Christian and why I believe in the old wives tale of a supreme God. Call me foolish, stupid or brainwashed if you want, but I'm happy in my beliefs and have no regrets at all about any of those decisions.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
More odds and ends
More signs of the approaching collapse of the dollar. Major funds like K.K.R. are spending big bucks to reposition themselves into the resources sector. K.K.R. recently spent $1.5B to set up shop in Calgary, Canada so they could be closer to the action and away from the impending doom that will be America. Foreign governments are still buying into gold as well as the gold production and mining sectors. China and Russia have an agreement to abandon the dollar and trade their currencies between themselves. To sum up, the world is beginning to get away from the petrol dollar and into trading either their own currencies or commodities. And when that happens the American dollar, and you by definition, will have your goose cooked. Unless your already into precious metals and have beau coup trading items. And if your not as yet, why not?
BTW, the U.S. national marketable debt has more then doubled under maobama, it's up 106% since 2008.
Interesting news item, the new director of ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency resigned after only 5 months on the job. Either he wasn't aware of all the ramifications that went with the position or he found out how crooked the maobama regime really was and couldn't stomach their plans as he was fully integrated into them. Either way he's gone and who knows who maobama will appoint next to fill that important DHS arm. When questioned as to why he was quitting, he gave no answer????
Warren Buffets favorite ratio of Dow to the GDP points to an imminent 50% crash in the Dow. Is that why he and so many other big money people are deserting the market and running to precious metals and other commodities???
Troubling news about America's ability to deal with terrorists within our borders. Seems that the FBI thinks making friends with them will make them like America better. The muslim group Jamaat al-Fuqra has a series of training camps across America, in almost every state. They claim to be peaceful and say they are not terrorists. Yet video shows them training women in martial arts, weapons handling and combat techniques at their Hancock, MA facility. By coincidence that was the same facility where there is video showing misc. FBI agents having a friendly lunch with these non-violent ragheads. BTW, the lunch took place AFTER the FBI had placed the group on the terror organizations watch list that was sent to EVERY FBI field office. Sort of makes you wonder if the FBI has target identification problems. Maybe they're to busy watching home grown terrorists like the tea party to watch these peaceful (?) muslims. Or were they told to lay off these boy buggers by someone higher up? Like maybe in the oval office???
Just in, the federal government strikes again. Seems a federal judge has struck down the Neb. law OKing the Keystone to be built across it's territory. The reason hasn't been announced as yet, but this is just another way for maobama to try to roadblock the pipeline and still divert blame away from him or the Democrats in this crucial election year. And you wanted to know why your gas prices are surging, again.
To get away from all the gloom and doom news, there are some survival tips I hope you can use.
First concerns a question I got about which method was better for storing food long term, dehydrating or freeze dried. The short answer is freeze dried. Dehydration foods will keep for up to several months or slightly longer, depending on how dry you get it. The dryer the better and you'll know because very dry foods have a brittle texture. While freeze dried foods will last a number of years. Both foods storage life depends on how and where they are stored. The quickest way to destroy your stored foods is to let high temperatures, moisture or light touch them. Contamination, bugs and rodents complete the spoilage list. And always rotate your stored foods using the oldest first. So be sure to date all your stored foods and use FIFO as your motto, first in-first out.
The second tip concerns using canning jars to allow access to frequently used items like salt, rice, sugar, etc. while minimizing contamination possibilities. Someone suggested using lids from salt containers with the pour spout and that will work. However in my house a box of salt lasts a real long time right now. So instead I use the plastic tops of milk or juice bottles. I cut the tops off, completely clean and drain dry the tops, then using the outer ring from my canning jar as a template I draw a line where I want to cut off all the excess plastic. Then I attach the top to the jar and hold it in place with the ring. Works like a charm and is reusable for many times. If it's very humid and your worried about the humidity entering the jar, use a small piece of plastic wrap under the bottle cap and that will keep the contents nice and dry.
BTW, the U.S. national marketable debt has more then doubled under maobama, it's up 106% since 2008.
Interesting news item, the new director of ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency resigned after only 5 months on the job. Either he wasn't aware of all the ramifications that went with the position or he found out how crooked the maobama regime really was and couldn't stomach their plans as he was fully integrated into them. Either way he's gone and who knows who maobama will appoint next to fill that important DHS arm. When questioned as to why he was quitting, he gave no answer????
Warren Buffets favorite ratio of Dow to the GDP points to an imminent 50% crash in the Dow. Is that why he and so many other big money people are deserting the market and running to precious metals and other commodities???
Troubling news about America's ability to deal with terrorists within our borders. Seems that the FBI thinks making friends with them will make them like America better. The muslim group Jamaat al-Fuqra has a series of training camps across America, in almost every state. They claim to be peaceful and say they are not terrorists. Yet video shows them training women in martial arts, weapons handling and combat techniques at their Hancock, MA facility. By coincidence that was the same facility where there is video showing misc. FBI agents having a friendly lunch with these non-violent ragheads. BTW, the lunch took place AFTER the FBI had placed the group on the terror organizations watch list that was sent to EVERY FBI field office. Sort of makes you wonder if the FBI has target identification problems. Maybe they're to busy watching home grown terrorists like the tea party to watch these peaceful (?) muslims. Or were they told to lay off these boy buggers by someone higher up? Like maybe in the oval office???
Just in, the federal government strikes again. Seems a federal judge has struck down the Neb. law OKing the Keystone to be built across it's territory. The reason hasn't been announced as yet, but this is just another way for maobama to try to roadblock the pipeline and still divert blame away from him or the Democrats in this crucial election year. And you wanted to know why your gas prices are surging, again.
To get away from all the gloom and doom news, there are some survival tips I hope you can use.
First concerns a question I got about which method was better for storing food long term, dehydrating or freeze dried. The short answer is freeze dried. Dehydration foods will keep for up to several months or slightly longer, depending on how dry you get it. The dryer the better and you'll know because very dry foods have a brittle texture. While freeze dried foods will last a number of years. Both foods storage life depends on how and where they are stored. The quickest way to destroy your stored foods is to let high temperatures, moisture or light touch them. Contamination, bugs and rodents complete the spoilage list. And always rotate your stored foods using the oldest first. So be sure to date all your stored foods and use FIFO as your motto, first in-first out.
The second tip concerns using canning jars to allow access to frequently used items like salt, rice, sugar, etc. while minimizing contamination possibilities. Someone suggested using lids from salt containers with the pour spout and that will work. However in my house a box of salt lasts a real long time right now. So instead I use the plastic tops of milk or juice bottles. I cut the tops off, completely clean and drain dry the tops, then using the outer ring from my canning jar as a template I draw a line where I want to cut off all the excess plastic. Then I attach the top to the jar and hold it in place with the ring. Works like a charm and is reusable for many times. If it's very humid and your worried about the humidity entering the jar, use a small piece of plastic wrap under the bottle cap and that will keep the contents nice and dry.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Odd's and End's
Almost stole the title from one of my favorite blogs, "Survival.Blog" by Jim Rawles, but changed it to keep from violating one of the 10 Commandments. LOL!
Today's post is mostly some items found recently supporting other posts here as well as a couple of new items that caught my interest. First concerns my older post about the economy and how knowledgeable, wealthy investors like Buffet are abandoning the market to reposition themselves in precious metals. A recent report says that George Soros, the foreign billionare who is working steadily to destroy America has placed an $1.3B bet that the S&P and the Dow will decline to the point of no return. I don't know the timetable for this decline, but Soros isn't someone who makes foolish bets, especially involving so much money. Nor is he noted for his patience, so I doubt it's a long-term bet. But the man didn't get so rich by not knowing the way the political and economic winds are blowing. So I'd suggest we continue to build our stockpile and get ready to hunker down and ride the storm out as best we can.
Next came the report that maobama will have a "big breakthrough" before the end of the year. This breakthrough concerns Israel and the "Palestine Authority". Supposedly Kerry is in the process of finalizing an agreement with the PA to give them back significant portions of what's currently Israeli land to include all of east Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. All were won during the several wars Israel fought with it's muslim neighbors when they tried to push Israel into the sea of oblivion. All were used by the muslims to rain fire down on various Israeli settlements and all were pressure points against Israel for many years. Oh, almost forgot, this is all done without the consent or agreement of Israel, Kerry is deciding what and where they should live so the poor ragheads don't keep crying on the world stage. Further it's been decided that to protect the holy sites in east Jerusalem will be protected by a group of foreigners made up of the Vatican and various muslim countries like Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Seems fair, muslim sites are taken care of by the large armed forces of these muslim countries and the Christian sites are watched over by the Pope's Swiss Guard, swords and all. Sounds like the crusades all over again. Of course Israel will reject any such agreement, especially since it's happening without their approval or input. Israel has already tried trading land for peace and all it's got were more demands for more land while still suffering from constant mosquito attacks all along the negotiated borders. And mosquito attacks still cause death and destruction to Israel. The only thing I see coming from this is more troubles for Israel and more wars between them and the surrounding muslim nations. This war would be different though. This time it will start as conventional warfare and when Israel starts kicking butts again, those nuclear bombs that Iran swears it's not building will fly and Israel will retaliate with the nukes it's never admitted it had. Then it could well be a katey bar the door scenario and quickly escalate to surrounding areas. Can anyone say "Armageddon"?
As a further cause of trouble that the world is not really following, Japan has secretly begun building nuclear bombs according to "Asia Weekly". In a recent series of articles the well respected news paper said that the increase in tension caused by China's threats to the open sea lanes and territory claimed by Japan, as well as the increase hostility towards everything outside it's borders by N. Korea has prompted Japan to begin to take on more of the responsibility for it's own safety. The decrease in confidence in America to honor it's commitment to safe guard Japan in return for Japan not becoming a nuclear power as well as the increasing indebtedness of America to China has also made Japan worry about it's safety. China has been stepping on everyone in the regions toes for a while now and the other countries are beginning to push back. And the fact that every country China is trying to bully is an ally of America is making those bullied countries wonder if America will live up to it's treaty obligations. If maobama is still in office, then they are right to be worried. The man has the backbone of an earthworm to match the intelligence of a pet rock. Are we looking at another version of Armageddon here?
Talk about irony. The GOP headquarters has asked the IRS to investigate all the Tea party organizations to see if they still are eligible to keep their 501c3 tax status. Guess that means the GOP is as worried about the effect of the Tea party groups on their electability as the Democrats are. And it appears that the various efforts to starve the GOP of funds is working. Glenn Beck recently reported that he received a visit from a GOP big shot who asked him to stop telling the listeners not to fund the GOP any longer. Beck in effect and somewhat politely told him to kiss off. So, we got them on the run, don't let up on them. Either the GOP represents American and the Constitution or their just another arm of the Democrats. Let their actions speak louder then their words.
Finally Remington Arms has seen the light and is moving out of the anti-gun state, New York. They announced that they were moving production to a more friendly southern state, Alabama. And New York loses another 2,000+ jobs, as well as the taxes generated by Remington. Take that Gov. Cuomo.
Like yesterday I posted earlier then normal today, so if anything important happens before my beddy-bye time comes I'll add a second post. However I still am looking for feedback from the readers. If for no other reason then to assure me that I'm not writing for myself. So if the blog is helpful for you in any manner and you wish it to continue, you have to let me know. My e-mail address is listed several times in previous posts. So e-mail me with comments or questions, that way I won't feel so all alone.
Today's post is mostly some items found recently supporting other posts here as well as a couple of new items that caught my interest. First concerns my older post about the economy and how knowledgeable, wealthy investors like Buffet are abandoning the market to reposition themselves in precious metals. A recent report says that George Soros, the foreign billionare who is working steadily to destroy America has placed an $1.3B bet that the S&P and the Dow will decline to the point of no return. I don't know the timetable for this decline, but Soros isn't someone who makes foolish bets, especially involving so much money. Nor is he noted for his patience, so I doubt it's a long-term bet. But the man didn't get so rich by not knowing the way the political and economic winds are blowing. So I'd suggest we continue to build our stockpile and get ready to hunker down and ride the storm out as best we can.
Next came the report that maobama will have a "big breakthrough" before the end of the year. This breakthrough concerns Israel and the "Palestine Authority". Supposedly Kerry is in the process of finalizing an agreement with the PA to give them back significant portions of what's currently Israeli land to include all of east Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. All were won during the several wars Israel fought with it's muslim neighbors when they tried to push Israel into the sea of oblivion. All were used by the muslims to rain fire down on various Israeli settlements and all were pressure points against Israel for many years. Oh, almost forgot, this is all done without the consent or agreement of Israel, Kerry is deciding what and where they should live so the poor ragheads don't keep crying on the world stage. Further it's been decided that to protect the holy sites in east Jerusalem will be protected by a group of foreigners made up of the Vatican and various muslim countries like Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Seems fair, muslim sites are taken care of by the large armed forces of these muslim countries and the Christian sites are watched over by the Pope's Swiss Guard, swords and all. Sounds like the crusades all over again. Of course Israel will reject any such agreement, especially since it's happening without their approval or input. Israel has already tried trading land for peace and all it's got were more demands for more land while still suffering from constant mosquito attacks all along the negotiated borders. And mosquito attacks still cause death and destruction to Israel. The only thing I see coming from this is more troubles for Israel and more wars between them and the surrounding muslim nations. This war would be different though. This time it will start as conventional warfare and when Israel starts kicking butts again, those nuclear bombs that Iran swears it's not building will fly and Israel will retaliate with the nukes it's never admitted it had. Then it could well be a katey bar the door scenario and quickly escalate to surrounding areas. Can anyone say "Armageddon"?
As a further cause of trouble that the world is not really following, Japan has secretly begun building nuclear bombs according to "Asia Weekly". In a recent series of articles the well respected news paper said that the increase in tension caused by China's threats to the open sea lanes and territory claimed by Japan, as well as the increase hostility towards everything outside it's borders by N. Korea has prompted Japan to begin to take on more of the responsibility for it's own safety. The decrease in confidence in America to honor it's commitment to safe guard Japan in return for Japan not becoming a nuclear power as well as the increasing indebtedness of America to China has also made Japan worry about it's safety. China has been stepping on everyone in the regions toes for a while now and the other countries are beginning to push back. And the fact that every country China is trying to bully is an ally of America is making those bullied countries wonder if America will live up to it's treaty obligations. If maobama is still in office, then they are right to be worried. The man has the backbone of an earthworm to match the intelligence of a pet rock. Are we looking at another version of Armageddon here?
Talk about irony. The GOP headquarters has asked the IRS to investigate all the Tea party organizations to see if they still are eligible to keep their 501c3 tax status. Guess that means the GOP is as worried about the effect of the Tea party groups on their electability as the Democrats are. And it appears that the various efforts to starve the GOP of funds is working. Glenn Beck recently reported that he received a visit from a GOP big shot who asked him to stop telling the listeners not to fund the GOP any longer. Beck in effect and somewhat politely told him to kiss off. So, we got them on the run, don't let up on them. Either the GOP represents American and the Constitution or their just another arm of the Democrats. Let their actions speak louder then their words.
Finally Remington Arms has seen the light and is moving out of the anti-gun state, New York. They announced that they were moving production to a more friendly southern state, Alabama. And New York loses another 2,000+ jobs, as well as the taxes generated by Remington. Take that Gov. Cuomo.
Like yesterday I posted earlier then normal today, so if anything important happens before my beddy-bye time comes I'll add a second post. However I still am looking for feedback from the readers. If for no other reason then to assure me that I'm not writing for myself. So if the blog is helpful for you in any manner and you wish it to continue, you have to let me know. My e-mail address is listed several times in previous posts. So e-mail me with comments or questions, that way I won't feel so all alone.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Something new
This is a first for the blog, two posts in one day. The reason is I was just doing a little research on food supplies and found some interesting, read almost scary, facts that we all knew about but that hadn't been put together before.
CA, or as I prefer to call it, The People's Republic of CA, is undergoing the worst drought in recorded history. Over 1 half million acres will go unplanted this year due to the lack of rain. The Sierra snow that CA depends on for water is at 15% of it's usual amount and the aquafilers that farmers use to water their crops is so depleted that the soil above them has dropped over a foot so far. And that means that even if it does rain, the aquafilers won't be able to fill up to the levels they were before. As an added potential problem, archeologiests digs show that long term droughts have happened in CA before and sometimes last over 200 years! So what you might ask and the answer is that CA is THE BIGGEST GROWER of fruits and vegetables in the country. Depending on the crop, CA supplies anywhere from 60% to 97% of all produced in America. As example it produces 66% of all asparagus, 97% of all carrots, 60% of all peppers, etc. Add that to the ever shrinking cattle herds and that spells huge price increases and fewer selections at the local Piggly-Wigley store. Since 2005 chicken prices have risen 9.7%, beef has risen over 19% and pork a whopping 28% increase. Now think about what the increase in costs for your veggies will do to your food budget? And don't count on more imports to save our bacon, no pun intended. Countries like Panama, Costa Rica and Venizuala (SP?) are experiencing world class flooding that is making the crops rot in the field, China's rice crops are in grave danger due to the extreme cold weather there, England is suffering from extreme flooding that is allowing sea water to enter their fields and the salt water is poisoning them forever without time consuming and very expensive efforts to purify the soil and Chili is having a series of volcanic eruptions that is tossing ash onto the ground where the cattle are eating it and dying a long, painful death. So there will be little if any help from over seas for us, in fact I'd expect maobama to send our food there instead, which will further deplete the amount of food we'll be able to get from the store and raise the prices. Speaking of prices and the amount of money the average family has to buy food, the average income for American families hasn't risen in over 5 years, in fact its dropped about 5%.
My point in this is to get you to think about how your going to cope with the increase in costs. If you haven't begun building your long term food storage as yet, your way behind the curve. My advise is to get as much as you can, as quickly as you can before the prices go up any higher and pray that it will be enough. My group was planning a trial garden this spring to see how well our heritage seeds do in this climate, but I think we will need to expand that idea and go for a full-fledged garden and build up our canning supplies to cover what we grow. I'd suggest you think, and I mean think hard, about doing something similar in your neck of the woods.
CA, or as I prefer to call it, The People's Republic of CA, is undergoing the worst drought in recorded history. Over 1 half million acres will go unplanted this year due to the lack of rain. The Sierra snow that CA depends on for water is at 15% of it's usual amount and the aquafilers that farmers use to water their crops is so depleted that the soil above them has dropped over a foot so far. And that means that even if it does rain, the aquafilers won't be able to fill up to the levels they were before. As an added potential problem, archeologiests digs show that long term droughts have happened in CA before and sometimes last over 200 years! So what you might ask and the answer is that CA is THE BIGGEST GROWER of fruits and vegetables in the country. Depending on the crop, CA supplies anywhere from 60% to 97% of all produced in America. As example it produces 66% of all asparagus, 97% of all carrots, 60% of all peppers, etc. Add that to the ever shrinking cattle herds and that spells huge price increases and fewer selections at the local Piggly-Wigley store. Since 2005 chicken prices have risen 9.7%, beef has risen over 19% and pork a whopping 28% increase. Now think about what the increase in costs for your veggies will do to your food budget? And don't count on more imports to save our bacon, no pun intended. Countries like Panama, Costa Rica and Venizuala (SP?) are experiencing world class flooding that is making the crops rot in the field, China's rice crops are in grave danger due to the extreme cold weather there, England is suffering from extreme flooding that is allowing sea water to enter their fields and the salt water is poisoning them forever without time consuming and very expensive efforts to purify the soil and Chili is having a series of volcanic eruptions that is tossing ash onto the ground where the cattle are eating it and dying a long, painful death. So there will be little if any help from over seas for us, in fact I'd expect maobama to send our food there instead, which will further deplete the amount of food we'll be able to get from the store and raise the prices. Speaking of prices and the amount of money the average family has to buy food, the average income for American families hasn't risen in over 5 years, in fact its dropped about 5%.
My point in this is to get you to think about how your going to cope with the increase in costs. If you haven't begun building your long term food storage as yet, your way behind the curve. My advise is to get as much as you can, as quickly as you can before the prices go up any higher and pray that it will be enough. My group was planning a trial garden this spring to see how well our heritage seeds do in this climate, but I think we will need to expand that idea and go for a full-fledged garden and build up our canning supplies to cover what we grow. I'd suggest you think, and I mean think hard, about doing something similar in your neck of the woods.
Interesting day
First a correction to yesterdays post concerning the new army training center. My original info placed the taxpayer cost at $300M when the actual cost was just (?) $96M. It also said a church was used in this fake city while today it calls it a "mosque". However in the video of the training site put out by the army itself, the "mosque" looks surprisingly like a church seen across America in many small towns. Didn't know when had so many muslims in small town America.
Anyway, to get to todays main report. In an interview on Russia Today, Paul Craig Roberts, made some very interesting comments. Mr. Roberts was the Asst. Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan and the co-founder of Reaganomics. He says that the government was "misleading" Americans with many false numbers to try to prop up the citizens flagging faith in this administration. That the real unemployment is 23% and not the rigged 6.7% that the government wants you to believe. He also touched on the Fed's gold crisis, especially where it concerns the German gold that isn't there anymore. He maintains that the Fed used all the gold it had, American as well as foreign deposits to help prop up the American economy and that's why the Fed can't give Germany back even 20% of the gold given to it for safe keeping. Now if you or I agreed to hold something valuable for a friend, then turned around and sold that item for profit, invested the profits and kept them from the original owner, we'd be tried and convicted of theft and put away in prison for a long time. Mr. Roberts wonders why the same isn't being done to the Fed itself and the Fed CEO's who stole that gold in the first place. He thinks it's part of a grand plan to hide the fact that America, and the rest of the world by extension, is on the brink of economic failure due to the criminal activities by various government officials and the world banksters. To further that point consider the recent surge of banker deaths around the world that are credited to "natural causes, accidents, or suicide". This rash of deaths started just this year and covers many players at banks that are under investigation by senate committees for malfeasance, money/market manipulations and conspiracy to commit theft or insider trading.
1-11-14 A WSJ reporter who was hot on the trail of the story concerning the these big banks and their ties to various government bodies disappeared while working at the news room at the Dow. He had just text his wife that he would be leaving soon, but was never seen again.
1-26-14 A banker in Switzerland was found dead in his home for no apparent reason. Same day a banker, V.P. at Deutsche bank found dead, no reason given
1-27-14 The CEO of Tata Motors found dead in a hotel room in Bangkok, Thailand, supposedly by suicide. But he was attending a board meeting and the company was doing well
1-28-14 A J.P. Morgan V.P. "fell" from the top of the 38 story headquarters in London. He had also just text his girlfriend that he was done for the day and on his way home. Ruled a suicide
1-29-14 An investment banker in Tacoma Washington supposedly climbed a high fence and fell 45 feet to the roadway below, killing himself in a ruled suicide
2-3-14 A NYC banker who was an associate of the dead banker on 1-28-14 was found dead of unknown causes
2-6-14 This is the best one of all. The CEO and founder of Chicago Title was found dead in his garage. Death was cause by 7 or 8 "self inflicted wounds in his head and body from a NAIL GUN".
Again every one of these deaths and the missing reporter were involved in various bank shenanigans, either as conspirators, witness or investigator. Months before these deaths began they were predicted by "V, The Guerilla Economist" in an interview on the Steve Quayle site. He said on 11-20-13 that a cover up by the banksters would begin so they could cover their tracks and he repeated it on 1-10-14 just after the series of mysterious deaths started. Now the question we need answered and that NO ONE is asking is are they just a weird series of coincidences or a master plan to do damage control before their pet legislators are kicked out of office in Nov? I know my theory, but you need to research the facts yourself then make up your mind. We already have enough people trying to tell us what and how to think.
To further curl your hair (for those of us who still have hair) were any of you aware that there is an ongoing association between the big banks and various government agencies such as the CIA and, surprise, the NYPD? In the middle of lower Manhattan there is something called the "Lower Manhattan Security Coordination Center" that is run by the banks with the assistance of the CIA, yes the CIA is now OK'd to once again spy on Americans in country. It controls 2,000 cameras that cover the entire lower half of Manhattan. So anything and everything that happens there is seen and recorded. Makes it sort of tough for a whistle blower to get away with doing his civic duty doesn't it? The information gathered is shared with the CIA and the NYPD. Why the NYPD is anyone's guess. To further rile you up, the center was paid for with taxpayers dollars and the PAID agents of the CIA help these civilians run the center and help bolster their security, again all on our dime.
Now I know I am thought of by many people as a tin hat nut job who sees shadows where there aren't any. Maybe they are right and I am crazy, but I'm also a survivalist and that entails keeping both eyes and ears open all the time. Plus, I always stand by the old saying that where there is smoke, etc. And the road the country is being taken down by maobama and his posse tells me there is a lot of smoke someplace and we're just not being allowed to see it in it's entirety. In a different forum someone posted that the recent huge ammo buys by various government agencies make perfect sense and anyone who sees something sinister in it is basically a scaredy-cat. My response was that the ammo buys alone weren't what made the hair in the back of my neck stand up, it was the ammo buys with the armored vehicles buy, with the cancellation of the Constitution along all our borders and so on that scares the schumer out of me. Too many strange and unexplained things happening much too close together to suit me.
In keeping with my promise to keep survivalism alive and well in this blog, here are todays tips. They cover needed antibiotics we should all have on hand for the diseases that WILL follow the collapse that we all know is coming. Diseases that we thought were gone forever are starting to make a comeback and they're worse then ever. Tuberculosis, dysentery, pandemic flu like avain flu, even the bubonic plague is still around and we need to be prepared to counter act it if/when it hits one of us. So here is a list of recommended drugs we all should have for such an occurrence.
1. Tamaflu, when the bird flu first made it's appearance years ago that was the recommended treatment and as far as I am aware, it's still the best answer to one of the worst killers after bubonic plague. If you doubt that, think back to the outbreak of "Spanish" flu that hit the world in 1919 and killed over 20M worldwide, including 2M here in the states.
2. Penicillin, still the all around answer to most diseases. Good for strep or pneumococcal infections, anaerobic infections, and above the diaphragm problems like abscessed teeth. The problem is that it's been over prescribed so much that many infections have become resistant to it.
3. Ampicillin or Amoxicillin, good for urinary, ear and lower respiratory infections Staph infections are mostly resistant to it though.
4. Erythromycin, mostly for pneumonia or strept throat.
5. Tetracycline, good for plague, other insect borne infections, urinary infections, bronchitis, some VD. Pregnant women and small children should not use this drug due to it's potential side effects. A better more expensive version is Doxycycline has fewer side effects and is absorbed better the tetracycline but it makes the skin more sensitive to the sun.
6. Chloramphenicol, good for typhoid, anaerobic infections, rickets disease, and meningitis. However it has caused deaths by aplastic anemia in 1 out of 50,000 patients, so some companies have stopped making it.
There are several other drugs that could be of use in a SHTF situation, but they are not available other then by prescription. The above mentioned drugs can be purchased thru various pet or farm animal supply houses in animal grades. Don't be alarmed by the animal grade either. It is manufactured by the same companies that make human grade drugs, but are usually of a courser grade or in different dosage sizes. Most will come from suppliers for pet fish and are the exact same pills that your doctor would order for you, just at a fraction of the cost and NO prescription is required. As for drugs like penicillin, that is bought at farm stores like Farm and Fleet. This is injectable penicillin and is the courser version requiring a larger needle and that will hurt more then the standard human sized needle. But a little more pain is a small price to pay for your health. My point is that these needed drugs are available at a reasonable price and without having to lie to or beg from your doctor. That has taken on a more urgent priority under obamacare with the reporting requirements contained in it.
BTW, you can get other medical items at Farm and Fleet type stores beside penicillin. They also sell a blood clotting solution like quik clot that's used when they dehorn cattle and the athletic tape that sticks only to itself that is used to wrap around the ankles of horses, but can be used to hold a gauze pad over a wound. So take a walk thru your local farm store and see what else they have, at a lower price then human quality items, that you can use.
Anyway, to get to todays main report. In an interview on Russia Today, Paul Craig Roberts, made some very interesting comments. Mr. Roberts was the Asst. Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan and the co-founder of Reaganomics. He says that the government was "misleading" Americans with many false numbers to try to prop up the citizens flagging faith in this administration. That the real unemployment is 23% and not the rigged 6.7% that the government wants you to believe. He also touched on the Fed's gold crisis, especially where it concerns the German gold that isn't there anymore. He maintains that the Fed used all the gold it had, American as well as foreign deposits to help prop up the American economy and that's why the Fed can't give Germany back even 20% of the gold given to it for safe keeping. Now if you or I agreed to hold something valuable for a friend, then turned around and sold that item for profit, invested the profits and kept them from the original owner, we'd be tried and convicted of theft and put away in prison for a long time. Mr. Roberts wonders why the same isn't being done to the Fed itself and the Fed CEO's who stole that gold in the first place. He thinks it's part of a grand plan to hide the fact that America, and the rest of the world by extension, is on the brink of economic failure due to the criminal activities by various government officials and the world banksters. To further that point consider the recent surge of banker deaths around the world that are credited to "natural causes, accidents, or suicide". This rash of deaths started just this year and covers many players at banks that are under investigation by senate committees for malfeasance, money/market manipulations and conspiracy to commit theft or insider trading.
1-11-14 A WSJ reporter who was hot on the trail of the story concerning the these big banks and their ties to various government bodies disappeared while working at the news room at the Dow. He had just text his wife that he would be leaving soon, but was never seen again.
1-26-14 A banker in Switzerland was found dead in his home for no apparent reason. Same day a banker, V.P. at Deutsche bank found dead, no reason given
1-27-14 The CEO of Tata Motors found dead in a hotel room in Bangkok, Thailand, supposedly by suicide. But he was attending a board meeting and the company was doing well
1-28-14 A J.P. Morgan V.P. "fell" from the top of the 38 story headquarters in London. He had also just text his girlfriend that he was done for the day and on his way home. Ruled a suicide
1-29-14 An investment banker in Tacoma Washington supposedly climbed a high fence and fell 45 feet to the roadway below, killing himself in a ruled suicide
2-3-14 A NYC banker who was an associate of the dead banker on 1-28-14 was found dead of unknown causes
2-6-14 This is the best one of all. The CEO and founder of Chicago Title was found dead in his garage. Death was cause by 7 or 8 "self inflicted wounds in his head and body from a NAIL GUN".
Again every one of these deaths and the missing reporter were involved in various bank shenanigans, either as conspirators, witness or investigator. Months before these deaths began they were predicted by "V, The Guerilla Economist" in an interview on the Steve Quayle site. He said on 11-20-13 that a cover up by the banksters would begin so they could cover their tracks and he repeated it on 1-10-14 just after the series of mysterious deaths started. Now the question we need answered and that NO ONE is asking is are they just a weird series of coincidences or a master plan to do damage control before their pet legislators are kicked out of office in Nov? I know my theory, but you need to research the facts yourself then make up your mind. We already have enough people trying to tell us what and how to think.
To further curl your hair (for those of us who still have hair) were any of you aware that there is an ongoing association between the big banks and various government agencies such as the CIA and, surprise, the NYPD? In the middle of lower Manhattan there is something called the "Lower Manhattan Security Coordination Center" that is run by the banks with the assistance of the CIA, yes the CIA is now OK'd to once again spy on Americans in country. It controls 2,000 cameras that cover the entire lower half of Manhattan. So anything and everything that happens there is seen and recorded. Makes it sort of tough for a whistle blower to get away with doing his civic duty doesn't it? The information gathered is shared with the CIA and the NYPD. Why the NYPD is anyone's guess. To further rile you up, the center was paid for with taxpayers dollars and the PAID agents of the CIA help these civilians run the center and help bolster their security, again all on our dime.
Now I know I am thought of by many people as a tin hat nut job who sees shadows where there aren't any. Maybe they are right and I am crazy, but I'm also a survivalist and that entails keeping both eyes and ears open all the time. Plus, I always stand by the old saying that where there is smoke, etc. And the road the country is being taken down by maobama and his posse tells me there is a lot of smoke someplace and we're just not being allowed to see it in it's entirety. In a different forum someone posted that the recent huge ammo buys by various government agencies make perfect sense and anyone who sees something sinister in it is basically a scaredy-cat. My response was that the ammo buys alone weren't what made the hair in the back of my neck stand up, it was the ammo buys with the armored vehicles buy, with the cancellation of the Constitution along all our borders and so on that scares the schumer out of me. Too many strange and unexplained things happening much too close together to suit me.
In keeping with my promise to keep survivalism alive and well in this blog, here are todays tips. They cover needed antibiotics we should all have on hand for the diseases that WILL follow the collapse that we all know is coming. Diseases that we thought were gone forever are starting to make a comeback and they're worse then ever. Tuberculosis, dysentery, pandemic flu like avain flu, even the bubonic plague is still around and we need to be prepared to counter act it if/when it hits one of us. So here is a list of recommended drugs we all should have for such an occurrence.
1. Tamaflu, when the bird flu first made it's appearance years ago that was the recommended treatment and as far as I am aware, it's still the best answer to one of the worst killers after bubonic plague. If you doubt that, think back to the outbreak of "Spanish" flu that hit the world in 1919 and killed over 20M worldwide, including 2M here in the states.
2. Penicillin, still the all around answer to most diseases. Good for strep or pneumococcal infections, anaerobic infections, and above the diaphragm problems like abscessed teeth. The problem is that it's been over prescribed so much that many infections have become resistant to it.
3. Ampicillin or Amoxicillin, good for urinary, ear and lower respiratory infections Staph infections are mostly resistant to it though.
4. Erythromycin, mostly for pneumonia or strept throat.
5. Tetracycline, good for plague, other insect borne infections, urinary infections, bronchitis, some VD. Pregnant women and small children should not use this drug due to it's potential side effects. A better more expensive version is Doxycycline has fewer side effects and is absorbed better the tetracycline but it makes the skin more sensitive to the sun.
6. Chloramphenicol, good for typhoid, anaerobic infections, rickets disease, and meningitis. However it has caused deaths by aplastic anemia in 1 out of 50,000 patients, so some companies have stopped making it.
There are several other drugs that could be of use in a SHTF situation, but they are not available other then by prescription. The above mentioned drugs can be purchased thru various pet or farm animal supply houses in animal grades. Don't be alarmed by the animal grade either. It is manufactured by the same companies that make human grade drugs, but are usually of a courser grade or in different dosage sizes. Most will come from suppliers for pet fish and are the exact same pills that your doctor would order for you, just at a fraction of the cost and NO prescription is required. As for drugs like penicillin, that is bought at farm stores like Farm and Fleet. This is injectable penicillin and is the courser version requiring a larger needle and that will hurt more then the standard human sized needle. But a little more pain is a small price to pay for your health. My point is that these needed drugs are available at a reasonable price and without having to lie to or beg from your doctor. That has taken on a more urgent priority under obamacare with the reporting requirements contained in it.
BTW, you can get other medical items at Farm and Fleet type stores beside penicillin. They also sell a blood clotting solution like quik clot that's used when they dehorn cattle and the athletic tape that sticks only to itself that is used to wrap around the ankles of horses, but can be used to hold a gauze pad over a wound. So take a walk thru your local farm store and see what else they have, at a lower price then human quality items, that you can use.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Army's getting ready for us.
I'm posting a little earlier today then usual, but that's OK. More time for the family this evening after Sunday family worship time and dinner.
Just read an article in Cowboy Bytes, a conservative on-line news service, about the army's newest training facility. They built, at a cost of over $300 M, a 300 acre "city" to train for domestic insurgency. In case your unclear what "domestic insurgency" entails. that's us. It's a confirmed fact that in places like Ft. Hood the army is training it's troops to think of Christians, 2nd amendment supporters, tea party members and anti-abortionists as a "radical terror threat". I must be at the top of their hit list since I score in each category. Getting back to this training city, it has a 5 story embassy, a school, a bank, a church, a football stadium a subway station with real subway cars marked with the DC transportation company logo and a train station with real railroad cars. Observers say it is an exact replica of a modern day American town. Army says the facility is to train for future domestic terror acts and considering their recent training sessions I believe them. The most recent FTX by the army was to recapture a town overtaken by "Tea Party insurrectionists". They're also training for "domestic disturbance operations" where they are taught how to quell a riot, seize ALL firearms and shoot U.S. citizens on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest. Such training has filtered down to local national guard troops too. Last week the Ohio national guard held training against "2nd amendment supporters" as they were confiscating weapons from homes and businesses.
Now I know my tin hat is very tight and showing right now, but what do these events tell us? That we're on the verge of a coup by our own government is what I get from all this. I realize the posse comitatus law was revoked a year or so ago and that it's now considered legal for military troops to be used in a domestic disturbance. Notice I said it is "considered" legal and not Constitutionally legal. But I keep hearing from a multitude of people that the military or our militarized cops won't shoot citizens if so ordered. I don't necessarily believe that any more. Look at it from 2 different directions, first economically. With the economy in such a down spin, I can almost call it a death spiral, and jobs so hard to find, it won't be a huge step in believability to think that these young guns in the military or local police will do whatever is necessary to keep food on their families table and a roof over their heads. And consider that many military families live on-base where their safety depends on the good will of the base CO. I can hear one of maobama's trained killers telling the troops the families will be safe as long as they do as they're told. A similar situation isn't hard to imagine where the cops are concerned either. The second direction is from indoctrination. It's been many years now that the government has been training their troops that conservative citizens are the real threat and it's starting to pay off. Same with the cops. For several decades now the government has been upgrading the local police departments with better weapons, armored vehicles, military gear and military type training, all for free. Sort of. And consider that veterans get bonus points when applying for any police openings and they are already trained to shoot us. So most of the younger cops are all veterans and/or are currently serving in the local reserve units where their indoctrination continues. And also consider that the best and most deadly veterans are recruited and given further training as members of maobama's private thug army called the JSOC, aka the tip of the spear that's maobama's DHS. Both are highly trained and very well armed. And while the DHS supposedly reports to the secretary of DHS, the JSOC, all 25,000 of them, report only to maobama. So please, someone, anyone, convince me I'm talking out my butt and that all these efforts by maobama's government is really in my best interest. Explain to me why maobama has a fairly well hidden force of 25,000 ex-military special ops troops at his command, back by 650,000 less well trained but well armed thugs in the DHS. Then explain how we could ever have a "Constitution free zone", 100 miles deep, surrounding the entire continental border of the United States, where none of the legal rights afforded us in said Constitution are in effect. Tell me again that this is still "the land of the free and home of the brave" and hasn't become or isn't becoming the land of the feeble and home of the slave and make me believe you. People if this, as well as my many other similar posts, don't at least make you wonder enough to investigate what I'm saying yourself I don't know what will. It's happening right before our eyes and still most people don't see it. We're beyond the point of no return, nothing is going to put a stop to this not so gradual grab for total power by maobama short of a new revolution and that means we will have to use naked force to regain our country. Not the country maobama is trying to turn us into, but the vision of a country our founders had. We did have it for a while, then we got complacent and lazy and we lost control of it. Our forbearers fought to make their dream come true and we're going to have to fight to regain that dream. And if you can't see that, there's no hope for any of us. The deck is stacked against us and we're a little short of chips, but it's almost time to say "all in" and let the cards fall as they may. IMHO this game of "hold-em poker" won't last until the end of the year.
Just read an article in Cowboy Bytes, a conservative on-line news service, about the army's newest training facility. They built, at a cost of over $300 M, a 300 acre "city" to train for domestic insurgency. In case your unclear what "domestic insurgency" entails. that's us. It's a confirmed fact that in places like Ft. Hood the army is training it's troops to think of Christians, 2nd amendment supporters, tea party members and anti-abortionists as a "radical terror threat". I must be at the top of their hit list since I score in each category. Getting back to this training city, it has a 5 story embassy, a school, a bank, a church, a football stadium a subway station with real subway cars marked with the DC transportation company logo and a train station with real railroad cars. Observers say it is an exact replica of a modern day American town. Army says the facility is to train for future domestic terror acts and considering their recent training sessions I believe them. The most recent FTX by the army was to recapture a town overtaken by "Tea Party insurrectionists". They're also training for "domestic disturbance operations" where they are taught how to quell a riot, seize ALL firearms and shoot U.S. citizens on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest. Such training has filtered down to local national guard troops too. Last week the Ohio national guard held training against "2nd amendment supporters" as they were confiscating weapons from homes and businesses.
Now I know my tin hat is very tight and showing right now, but what do these events tell us? That we're on the verge of a coup by our own government is what I get from all this. I realize the posse comitatus law was revoked a year or so ago and that it's now considered legal for military troops to be used in a domestic disturbance. Notice I said it is "considered" legal and not Constitutionally legal. But I keep hearing from a multitude of people that the military or our militarized cops won't shoot citizens if so ordered. I don't necessarily believe that any more. Look at it from 2 different directions, first economically. With the economy in such a down spin, I can almost call it a death spiral, and jobs so hard to find, it won't be a huge step in believability to think that these young guns in the military or local police will do whatever is necessary to keep food on their families table and a roof over their heads. And consider that many military families live on-base where their safety depends on the good will of the base CO. I can hear one of maobama's trained killers telling the troops the families will be safe as long as they do as they're told. A similar situation isn't hard to imagine where the cops are concerned either. The second direction is from indoctrination. It's been many years now that the government has been training their troops that conservative citizens are the real threat and it's starting to pay off. Same with the cops. For several decades now the government has been upgrading the local police departments with better weapons, armored vehicles, military gear and military type training, all for free. Sort of. And consider that veterans get bonus points when applying for any police openings and they are already trained to shoot us. So most of the younger cops are all veterans and/or are currently serving in the local reserve units where their indoctrination continues. And also consider that the best and most deadly veterans are recruited and given further training as members of maobama's private thug army called the JSOC, aka the tip of the spear that's maobama's DHS. Both are highly trained and very well armed. And while the DHS supposedly reports to the secretary of DHS, the JSOC, all 25,000 of them, report only to maobama. So please, someone, anyone, convince me I'm talking out my butt and that all these efforts by maobama's government is really in my best interest. Explain to me why maobama has a fairly well hidden force of 25,000 ex-military special ops troops at his command, back by 650,000 less well trained but well armed thugs in the DHS. Then explain how we could ever have a "Constitution free zone", 100 miles deep, surrounding the entire continental border of the United States, where none of the legal rights afforded us in said Constitution are in effect. Tell me again that this is still "the land of the free and home of the brave" and hasn't become or isn't becoming the land of the feeble and home of the slave and make me believe you. People if this, as well as my many other similar posts, don't at least make you wonder enough to investigate what I'm saying yourself I don't know what will. It's happening right before our eyes and still most people don't see it. We're beyond the point of no return, nothing is going to put a stop to this not so gradual grab for total power by maobama short of a new revolution and that means we will have to use naked force to regain our country. Not the country maobama is trying to turn us into, but the vision of a country our founders had. We did have it for a while, then we got complacent and lazy and we lost control of it. Our forbearers fought to make their dream come true and we're going to have to fight to regain that dream. And if you can't see that, there's no hope for any of us. The deck is stacked against us and we're a little short of chips, but it's almost time to say "all in" and let the cards fall as they may. IMHO this game of "hold-em poker" won't last until the end of the year.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
I was in a meeting today with fellow preppers and found out that people do actually read this blog, so I'll keep it going for a while and see how it goes. But as we were discussing various things, the subject of when to bug out came up. The question was when does one know it's time to head for the hills. So today 'll discuss some "trigger events" we all should watch out for.
Everyone has their own pet theory as to when TEOTWAWKI will start and why, but no one seems to have a great grasp of what will be the deciding factor. I have several scenarios that I am constantly on the lookout for. One concerns the banking system. If the news comes on and announces that the entire banking system of computers has been hacked and a virus placed in it so that ALL banks will have to be shut down until the virus has been removed and NO ONE will have access to their accounts until this is done. If/when that takes place I'm loading my car and heading to our retreat. FDR did something similar in 1933 when he closed all the banks and had his auditors examine them, including ALL safety deposit boxes. He then stole all the gold from said boxes and replaced it with almost useless greenbacks. Citizens were not asked if they wanted to sell their gold because FDR had recently signed an E.O. banning Americans from owning gold other then ornamental jewelry. And since the banks were closed when the people learned of these thefts, they couldn't go and get their precious metals before they were stolen.
My next trigger event concerns the stock market. Graphs show that the Dow is following almost the exact same path it did prior to 1929. Experts original expected it to deviate eventually and poo-pooed talk of another big crash. Now they're whispering among themselves about what this means. Big money players like Warren Buffet are getting out of stocks and into precious metals as quickly as they can without tipping the Dow into a premature slide to oblivion. When the market goes into free fall, I'm loading my car. Along side the Dow, I'm also watching foreign markets like the Nikkie in Japan. It's dropped over 14% since the beginning of the year and that is a huge drop even for them. The Footsie in London is also in a severe downward slide and it's the same in countries like Italy, Spain, Hungry and Romania. None except for the Nikkie and Footsie are all that big, but any of them crashing will send ripple, no not ripples, but tidal waves through the rest of the worlds markets, especially the Dow. And as the Fed continues to taper down their QE efforts it's effecting the world's developing countries and that also could easily disrupt markets around the globe. If any of the above market triggers happens, I'm loading my car.
As our election cycle draws near I'm watching it very carefully. Not to see if my man won, but to see if even the Lame Stream Media figures out that Maobama will lose control of the senate as well as the house. If that happens he is likely to be impeached by congress and convicted in the senate. Maobama won't allow that to happen so I expect him to launch a false flag event allowing him to declare martial law, send both houses of congress home and suspend the elections until HE says they can go forward. By my estimate he'll allow the elections and recall congress somewhere around the 12th of Never. In the mean time he'll rule as if he were an emperor, by decree. So as the elections draw near, if anything happens that could be construed as a threat to America, I'm loading my car.
Those are the most likely events to take place in my opinion. There are other things that could happen and trigger Maobama to action, but I believe these are the most likely. Think things through for yourself and come up with your own scenarios. Then plan on how to get around them and to your place of safety.
You may have noticed that I keep using the catch phrase "I'm loading my car" at the end of each scenario. That's because, hopefully, that's all I'll have left to do. I should have the majority of my supplies and gear at our retreat location and all I'll need to bring with me are the last minute things I just picked up. As for the car I always keep the tank full so I have a decent cruise radius. My group has a temporary retreat already in operation, but it's far from ideal and we're looking at another, better spot fairly close by as well as some locations in surrounding states. As soon as we settle on a spot I'll begin transferring 95% of all my supplies and gear there so a bug out won't be that difficult. I strongly suggest you do the same if your able to. And if your not able to, then I even more strongly suggest you get off your duff and find a location where you can get to quickly and be safe.
I posted earlier about bug out/72 hr. bags and as well as my EDC and how the two of them compliment each other. I'm going to do an even more extensive post on them as well as the other gear/supplies every survivalist needs to get off and stay off the grid, safely. This will be a drawn out article, possibly 2 or more articles, so it will take me a little while to get all the research done. In the mean time I'll continue the posts concerning medical solutions to various illnesses, both modern and old time solutions. But, again, my posts will only continue as long as I know people are reading them and gaining info from their readings. So, if you want this blog to continue, you have to let me know your out there.
Everyone has their own pet theory as to when TEOTWAWKI will start and why, but no one seems to have a great grasp of what will be the deciding factor. I have several scenarios that I am constantly on the lookout for. One concerns the banking system. If the news comes on and announces that the entire banking system of computers has been hacked and a virus placed in it so that ALL banks will have to be shut down until the virus has been removed and NO ONE will have access to their accounts until this is done. If/when that takes place I'm loading my car and heading to our retreat. FDR did something similar in 1933 when he closed all the banks and had his auditors examine them, including ALL safety deposit boxes. He then stole all the gold from said boxes and replaced it with almost useless greenbacks. Citizens were not asked if they wanted to sell their gold because FDR had recently signed an E.O. banning Americans from owning gold other then ornamental jewelry. And since the banks were closed when the people learned of these thefts, they couldn't go and get their precious metals before they were stolen.
My next trigger event concerns the stock market. Graphs show that the Dow is following almost the exact same path it did prior to 1929. Experts original expected it to deviate eventually and poo-pooed talk of another big crash. Now they're whispering among themselves about what this means. Big money players like Warren Buffet are getting out of stocks and into precious metals as quickly as they can without tipping the Dow into a premature slide to oblivion. When the market goes into free fall, I'm loading my car. Along side the Dow, I'm also watching foreign markets like the Nikkie in Japan. It's dropped over 14% since the beginning of the year and that is a huge drop even for them. The Footsie in London is also in a severe downward slide and it's the same in countries like Italy, Spain, Hungry and Romania. None except for the Nikkie and Footsie are all that big, but any of them crashing will send ripple, no not ripples, but tidal waves through the rest of the worlds markets, especially the Dow. And as the Fed continues to taper down their QE efforts it's effecting the world's developing countries and that also could easily disrupt markets around the globe. If any of the above market triggers happens, I'm loading my car.
As our election cycle draws near I'm watching it very carefully. Not to see if my man won, but to see if even the Lame Stream Media figures out that Maobama will lose control of the senate as well as the house. If that happens he is likely to be impeached by congress and convicted in the senate. Maobama won't allow that to happen so I expect him to launch a false flag event allowing him to declare martial law, send both houses of congress home and suspend the elections until HE says they can go forward. By my estimate he'll allow the elections and recall congress somewhere around the 12th of Never. In the mean time he'll rule as if he were an emperor, by decree. So as the elections draw near, if anything happens that could be construed as a threat to America, I'm loading my car.
Those are the most likely events to take place in my opinion. There are other things that could happen and trigger Maobama to action, but I believe these are the most likely. Think things through for yourself and come up with your own scenarios. Then plan on how to get around them and to your place of safety.
You may have noticed that I keep using the catch phrase "I'm loading my car" at the end of each scenario. That's because, hopefully, that's all I'll have left to do. I should have the majority of my supplies and gear at our retreat location and all I'll need to bring with me are the last minute things I just picked up. As for the car I always keep the tank full so I have a decent cruise radius. My group has a temporary retreat already in operation, but it's far from ideal and we're looking at another, better spot fairly close by as well as some locations in surrounding states. As soon as we settle on a spot I'll begin transferring 95% of all my supplies and gear there so a bug out won't be that difficult. I strongly suggest you do the same if your able to. And if your not able to, then I even more strongly suggest you get off your duff and find a location where you can get to quickly and be safe.
I posted earlier about bug out/72 hr. bags and as well as my EDC and how the two of them compliment each other. I'm going to do an even more extensive post on them as well as the other gear/supplies every survivalist needs to get off and stay off the grid, safely. This will be a drawn out article, possibly 2 or more articles, so it will take me a little while to get all the research done. In the mean time I'll continue the posts concerning medical solutions to various illnesses, both modern and old time solutions. But, again, my posts will only continue as long as I know people are reading them and gaining info from their readings. So, if you want this blog to continue, you have to let me know your out there.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Not much happening
Haven't been posting recently, partly because of family concerns, but mostly because it seems no one is reading the posts anyway. So, unless and until I get some feedback from my readers, this will be my last post. There is so much more information I have or am getting that I'd like to share, as well as tips on preparing yourself and gamily for the trials that are rapidly approaching. But if I'm just writing to myself, it's a waste of time. Time that I can be spending on other projects. So, if you want this blog to go on you have to let me know. I understand that you can't post questions or comments directly to this blog, but upon checking I found that you can't do that on almost every other blog I've checked into. They all require one to send their comments/questions to an e-mail address and the author of the blog will respond at the designated post. I'll post my e-mail address again here and then sit and wait to see if I get ANY response.
Monday, February 10, 2014
An old idea whose time has come, again
Think about how medical problems were handled before we had all these "miracle drugs" that seem to cause more problems then they solve. After TEOTWAWKI hits, modern medical services will either disappear or become so expensive that Bill Gates himself will have to budget before using them. So the common man will have to fend for himself. But old time diseases like small pox, typhoid fever or, heaven forbid, the black plague will resurface. So, unless your a chemist/pharmacist and capable of making these new drugs safely, what do you do? I think we all should also use an old time remedy along with a huge dose of common sense to keep our families safe and healthy. Today we'll talk about colloidal silver making. You can buy your own colloidal silver generator for around $50 or build your own for around $25. If you go the store bought method you'll have an excellent machine, but little knowledge of how it works for future repairs or how to build more generators for trading stock to other survivors who didn't have their own. It's very simple and easy to make your own and after the first one you'll be able to make more as needed. The best method I found was at:
The cost of the parts to make the generator does not include the cost of the silver needed. Silver must be 999 pure and the water must be distilled. When I made my generator years ago I made several mistakes so the thing didn't work properly and I never got any colloidal silver out if it. I thought I did, but that was just my ignorance showing. So, don't do as I did, do it right and you'll have a machine capable of producing good, life saving medicine for you and yours for years to come. As long as the batteries are charged and the silver is fine. And for those who don't know about colloidal silver, it's a solution that kills germs by starving them for air. It attacks only the bad germs and not the healthy parts of the body. Basically it's dissolved silver suspended in distilled water. The site noted above will explain it much better then I ever could. It's not a cure-all, but it's better then worrying about the potency and rightness of using out of date antibiotics. Or suffering a painful death.
This is the first of a short series of survival medical posts I'll have here in the next week or two. I AM NOT A DOCTOR OR MEDICAL PERSON OF ANY TYPE. I ONLY POST WHAT I, AS A PRIVATE CITIZEN, BELIEVE TO BE TRUE AND WILL ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FROM OTHERS IF THEY CHOOSE TO FOLLOW MY THOUGHTS AND RECOMMEDATIONS. ALL THESE SUGGESTIONS ARE NON-BINDING ON EVERYONE'S PART AND THE CHOICE TO USE THEM ARE SOLELY UP TO THE READER. Probably should have posted that up front. Oh well, better late then never. To get back on point, these future posts will cover things like the diseases we will likely encounter after SHTF and possible ways to both avoid and provide care if encountered. My sources will be quoted so anyone can follow up there and see what else can be done or to clarify what I wrote.
On to some G&D (Gloom & Doom) news. TSA is expanding it's mandate to search out and find terrorists. It's gone beyond both the airports and the 100 mile "Constitution free zone" that surrounds the entire country. Now they are at rail road terminals, sporting events (?), music festivals (???) rodeos (now that makes perfect sense) and highway weigh stations. If you see armed squads that are NOT your local police, they are likely TSA VIPR teams. VIPR= Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response squads. The second level of maobama's private thug army behind the JSOC units mentioned before. They go as they please and do as they want and NO ONE tells them NO. County sherffs have the authority, but few have the stones to tell them to get out. When ask, congress says they want the government to have all the tools to catch or prevent criminals and terrorists (both descriptions have been used against us). But there is a fine line between catching the bad guys and violating the rights of honest freedom loving citizens. That line has been crossed so many times by maobama's government that it's trampled in the dirt to the point of being completely obscured.
During the Weimar German inflation of 1923, wealthy Germans saw the writing on the wall and got out of marks and into foreign currencies that were strong and heavily invested in gold, land and works of art. Those that did and were able to secret their holdings out of Germany survived fairly well. Those that didn't suffered greatly. Sound somewhat like advice you've been hearing from anyone you know? I've been harping on this subject for years and can only hope it hasn't fallen on deaf ears. We can't leave the country, there's no place to go where this abomination won't eventually follow us. But we can do as the 1% does and secure our wealth by investing in precious metals and land, not sure about the art thing. I sure hope that my readers have invested heavily into silver and gold; coins, not bars or stock certificates and that your keeping then in your possession and not in some brokers safe. That's as safe as investing in maobama's MYra pension plan. As for leaving the country, where would you go. Nam and I tried that when we went to Panama, but it didn't work out to well did it? After all, we came back after a few short years. That should tell you something. And when I say keep the precious metals in "your possession", I mean IN YOUR POSSESION. Not in the brokers office safe and definitely not in a safe deposit box at your bank. Believe it our not, it's not safe there from government theft. In 1933 Roosevelt declared a 4 day banking holiday and used the time to have his accountants scour the banks, including the supposedly private safety deposit boxes, then altered the "Trading With the Enemy Act" to allow him the steal the gold from those boxes. Yes he paid the owners for the gold with worthless greenbacks, but they lost so much through inflation and the artificially set price limit on gold that some never recovered. And that law, with the amendment Roosevelt demanded, is still on the books. Yes it is now legal again to own gold, but that law could well be used again to steal our one link to solvency in the coming super depression or financial collapse.
Now for a little good news for a change. The American Eagle Silver Dollars are available from First Federal Coin at the pre-release price of $40 each. These are 2014 MS70 coins, are 999 fine and called the "best of the best" after being certified by the American Numismatic Society. If your new to buying silver, these are a good place to start. But, due to the size and weight of these coins, they are not good as your sole purchase. You need to get some smaller coins to balance your stash properly. After TEOTWAWKI, NO ONE will be giving out change and buying a loaf of bread for a 1 oz. silver coin is the fast track to becoming a refugee. So get some old dimes and quarters to supplement the silver dollars.
Finally, tying things together, think about the future barter system. You'll be trading for items you either forgot or didn't have enough of. So the colloidal silver generators and some silver coins will make very good, high priced trading items. While I'm on this subject, canned foods like soup or chili will make good trading items too. Think how much a very hungry family would be will to give for a couple cans of tomato soup or a few cans of Hormel Chili.
The Christian part of me says I am required to share with those who are in need and usually I'd have to agree. But if a parent has squandered their holding away by being lazy or waiting for the government to ride in on a white horse and save them yet again to the point that they are out of food for their kids, I'd have a real hard time applying Christian principles to the parents. Kids would eat free, but not the parents and I'd make sure the kids ate in front of me to be sure the parents didn't take some of the food from the kids to eat themselves. I am willing to help out such people as much as I can so they can help themselves. But I refuse to put my family or group members in jeopardy by letting these people become leech's on our kindness. Sorry, I got back on my soapbox and began ranting again. I'll save the rest for the upcoming post on what we, the prepared, owe to others.
The cost of the parts to make the generator does not include the cost of the silver needed. Silver must be 999 pure and the water must be distilled. When I made my generator years ago I made several mistakes so the thing didn't work properly and I never got any colloidal silver out if it. I thought I did, but that was just my ignorance showing. So, don't do as I did, do it right and you'll have a machine capable of producing good, life saving medicine for you and yours for years to come. As long as the batteries are charged and the silver is fine. And for those who don't know about colloidal silver, it's a solution that kills germs by starving them for air. It attacks only the bad germs and not the healthy parts of the body. Basically it's dissolved silver suspended in distilled water. The site noted above will explain it much better then I ever could. It's not a cure-all, but it's better then worrying about the potency and rightness of using out of date antibiotics. Or suffering a painful death.
This is the first of a short series of survival medical posts I'll have here in the next week or two. I AM NOT A DOCTOR OR MEDICAL PERSON OF ANY TYPE. I ONLY POST WHAT I, AS A PRIVATE CITIZEN, BELIEVE TO BE TRUE AND WILL ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FROM OTHERS IF THEY CHOOSE TO FOLLOW MY THOUGHTS AND RECOMMEDATIONS. ALL THESE SUGGESTIONS ARE NON-BINDING ON EVERYONE'S PART AND THE CHOICE TO USE THEM ARE SOLELY UP TO THE READER. Probably should have posted that up front. Oh well, better late then never. To get back on point, these future posts will cover things like the diseases we will likely encounter after SHTF and possible ways to both avoid and provide care if encountered. My sources will be quoted so anyone can follow up there and see what else can be done or to clarify what I wrote.
On to some G&D (Gloom & Doom) news. TSA is expanding it's mandate to search out and find terrorists. It's gone beyond both the airports and the 100 mile "Constitution free zone" that surrounds the entire country. Now they are at rail road terminals, sporting events (?), music festivals (???) rodeos (now that makes perfect sense) and highway weigh stations. If you see armed squads that are NOT your local police, they are likely TSA VIPR teams. VIPR= Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response squads. The second level of maobama's private thug army behind the JSOC units mentioned before. They go as they please and do as they want and NO ONE tells them NO. County sherffs have the authority, but few have the stones to tell them to get out. When ask, congress says they want the government to have all the tools to catch or prevent criminals and terrorists (both descriptions have been used against us). But there is a fine line between catching the bad guys and violating the rights of honest freedom loving citizens. That line has been crossed so many times by maobama's government that it's trampled in the dirt to the point of being completely obscured.
During the Weimar German inflation of 1923, wealthy Germans saw the writing on the wall and got out of marks and into foreign currencies that were strong and heavily invested in gold, land and works of art. Those that did and were able to secret their holdings out of Germany survived fairly well. Those that didn't suffered greatly. Sound somewhat like advice you've been hearing from anyone you know? I've been harping on this subject for years and can only hope it hasn't fallen on deaf ears. We can't leave the country, there's no place to go where this abomination won't eventually follow us. But we can do as the 1% does and secure our wealth by investing in precious metals and land, not sure about the art thing. I sure hope that my readers have invested heavily into silver and gold; coins, not bars or stock certificates and that your keeping then in your possession and not in some brokers safe. That's as safe as investing in maobama's MYra pension plan. As for leaving the country, where would you go. Nam and I tried that when we went to Panama, but it didn't work out to well did it? After all, we came back after a few short years. That should tell you something. And when I say keep the precious metals in "your possession", I mean IN YOUR POSSESION. Not in the brokers office safe and definitely not in a safe deposit box at your bank. Believe it our not, it's not safe there from government theft. In 1933 Roosevelt declared a 4 day banking holiday and used the time to have his accountants scour the banks, including the supposedly private safety deposit boxes, then altered the "Trading With the Enemy Act" to allow him the steal the gold from those boxes. Yes he paid the owners for the gold with worthless greenbacks, but they lost so much through inflation and the artificially set price limit on gold that some never recovered. And that law, with the amendment Roosevelt demanded, is still on the books. Yes it is now legal again to own gold, but that law could well be used again to steal our one link to solvency in the coming super depression or financial collapse.
Now for a little good news for a change. The American Eagle Silver Dollars are available from First Federal Coin at the pre-release price of $40 each. These are 2014 MS70 coins, are 999 fine and called the "best of the best" after being certified by the American Numismatic Society. If your new to buying silver, these are a good place to start. But, due to the size and weight of these coins, they are not good as your sole purchase. You need to get some smaller coins to balance your stash properly. After TEOTWAWKI, NO ONE will be giving out change and buying a loaf of bread for a 1 oz. silver coin is the fast track to becoming a refugee. So get some old dimes and quarters to supplement the silver dollars.
Finally, tying things together, think about the future barter system. You'll be trading for items you either forgot or didn't have enough of. So the colloidal silver generators and some silver coins will make very good, high priced trading items. While I'm on this subject, canned foods like soup or chili will make good trading items too. Think how much a very hungry family would be will to give for a couple cans of tomato soup or a few cans of Hormel Chili.
The Christian part of me says I am required to share with those who are in need and usually I'd have to agree. But if a parent has squandered their holding away by being lazy or waiting for the government to ride in on a white horse and save them yet again to the point that they are out of food for their kids, I'd have a real hard time applying Christian principles to the parents. Kids would eat free, but not the parents and I'd make sure the kids ate in front of me to be sure the parents didn't take some of the food from the kids to eat themselves. I am willing to help out such people as much as I can so they can help themselves. But I refuse to put my family or group members in jeopardy by letting these people become leech's on our kindness. Sorry, I got back on my soapbox and began ranting again. I'll save the rest for the upcoming post on what we, the prepared, owe to others.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Fortify your home in 5 easy steps
Consider that it's 4 days after SHTF. All the stores have been looted empty and your neighbors have run for the hills while you decided to shelter in home. You have several small kids and all your food and water supplies are in the basement. Your in a semi-rural area about 40 miles outside the nearest big city, so your safe right? WRONG!!! In 4 days the average healthy adult can walk up to 90 miles if necessary, like the pack of 2 legged wolves walking past your garage. They spot a glimmer of light and know someone is inside. So they take a small detour and come at your house. You have several large picture windows as well as 3 outside entry doors on your first floor, so the gang splits up to hit each once at the same time. Your .22 target pistol can't cover every direction at once. NOW what do you do??? How will you protect your family and your food and water supplies?
Here are 5 easy (not necessarily cheap) ways to harden your home and make it much more difficult for anyone to break into.
1. Use plywood to cover the inside of each opening to your home. Buy 4'X8' sheets of 3/8" minimum plywood, then cut it to fir each window and door and secure them to the walls using multipule 2" wood screws, the more screws, the better. Plywood is somewhat flexible and will bend but not break under normal attempts to break through it. If 3/8 plywood isn't available when you need it, replace it with 2 sheets of 1/2" plywood. Not as good, but better then nothing.
2. Metal bars on the outside of each opening to your home. Not the most attractive or cheapest idea, but it does make it much more difficult for a thief or gang of robbers to gain entry to the house. They should be attached to the outside walls using LONG carriage bolts. Or, depending on the construction of your home, welded to the walls. My adobe house in Panama had that ability and it made the installation easier and more solid then just carriage bolts.
3. Security film is used by many businesses to cover the glass on their store fronts to prevent smash and grab robberies. It will do the same for you. It also has the advantage of stopping flying glass from a smashed window from entering the home and injuring someone.
4. Hurricane security shutters are exactly what they sound like, heavy-duty metal shutters used to protect homes from the high winds and flying debris caused by a hurricane. No reason why they couldn't help keep out wolf packs coming to do you and your family harm. But they are not common in the north or upper Midwest regions of the country, so finding them may take a little shopping. And they are not inexpensive by any means.
5. Entry point fortification is the final step to securing the home. 2'X4" boards are fantastic when used to block a door or window from being breeched. The 2X4 can be nailed to the floor behind the door to prevent it from falling victim to a kick-in attack or nailed across the door in a manner similar to that used to secure castle gates in the middle ages. It can be nailed across the windows in such a manner to prevent them from being opened.
So, 5 steps to secure your home from invasion by wolf packs, thieves or government thugs. (I know, I'm repeating myself) Easy to do, all it takes is some money and time and effort on your part. You can preposition things like the plywood and 2X4's to use after SHTF. Just make sure you cut them to size and then mark which door/window where they are to be used. Don't forget to stock up on wood screws, nails, drills, screw drivers and hammers. You'd feel foolish if you went to install these safety items after TEOTWAWKI and find where you forgot to get the accessories.
Couple of items from the Gloom & Doom news today. First it has been confirmed that maobama's birth certificate is not real. After 2 years or research by the document experts, they determined that the type of machines used to produce the bogus document were not in use at the time of maobama's birth and they also found the signature of the forger hidden in the document. Guess this means maobama really is a commie muslim and is not qualified to sit in the oval office. Didn't we already know he wasn't qualified to even be a rural dog catcher? I've never been a "birther". My position is by the time anyone started asking those sort of questions, it was already too late. He was in the position and screwing over the people. Even if it can be proved that he lied (maobama? NO!!! it can't be) he'd have to be impeached and that will never happen as long as the dems control the senate. Harry Reid would rather give up his two biggest bribe sources then kick maobama out of office. The man, pardon my slip of the tongue, is in because we; you, me, the media, WE, didn't do our job and give this guy the same inspection and vetting we give to every other candidate. Now the only and best way to get rid of him is not open to us because his supporters in the senate and in big business won't let it happen. We have a final chance this Nov. assuming the election goes off as planned and maobama doesn't start some false flag and declare martial law which will suspend the elections until HE says they can happen. Which will probably happen around the 12th of NEVER. If/when the false flag event happened and M.L. is declared, I hope everyone has their gear in order and supplies laid in cause it's going to get real rough, real fast.
On a different note, Iran is sending 2 warships to cruise along our east coast this spring. They say it's in retaliation for American warships near their coast and to project their military force farther away then normal. Sort of a "showing the flag" cruise on steroids. The ships or "fleet" as they call it consists of a destroyer and supply ship that also carries helicopters. I am positive the destroyer at least carries missles, but probably not nukes. But then again, they don't have to be nukes. They could be normal ship to shore birds that are sheathed in something like plutonium and set to explode above a city. No EMP, but major deaths from the radiation poisoning the plutonium causes. NO, I DO NOT THINK IRAN WILL ATTACK US. This time anyway. Frankly their being here doesn't bother me all that much, except they could be smuggling in spies, terrorists and or more WMD stuff. But as they say, we have ships off their coast and it's only fair they return the compliment. Besides a single, small destroyer and a single, slow supply ship hardly constitute a real threat to us. New York City, maybe. but not us. And if they did destroy NYC, would it be all that bad? If they wanted to get rid of all the lazy leeches in our society along with the brain dead voters who elected a professed commie as their mayor, I say good for them. Heck, the situation is similar in Boston, Washington DC and our west coast, as in CA, and is ripe for the taking also. Boy in my wildest pipe dream I never thought I'd be greatful to Iran for anything before. Wonder if their missles can also reach Detroit and Chicago? Better slow down some, none of this is going to happen. But I got a warm tingle running down my leg as I thought about it. Thought for a minute I had a senior moment and forgot to put my Depends on. That would have been embarrassing.
Here are 5 easy (not necessarily cheap) ways to harden your home and make it much more difficult for anyone to break into.
1. Use plywood to cover the inside of each opening to your home. Buy 4'X8' sheets of 3/8" minimum plywood, then cut it to fir each window and door and secure them to the walls using multipule 2" wood screws, the more screws, the better. Plywood is somewhat flexible and will bend but not break under normal attempts to break through it. If 3/8 plywood isn't available when you need it, replace it with 2 sheets of 1/2" plywood. Not as good, but better then nothing.
2. Metal bars on the outside of each opening to your home. Not the most attractive or cheapest idea, but it does make it much more difficult for a thief or gang of robbers to gain entry to the house. They should be attached to the outside walls using LONG carriage bolts. Or, depending on the construction of your home, welded to the walls. My adobe house in Panama had that ability and it made the installation easier and more solid then just carriage bolts.
3. Security film is used by many businesses to cover the glass on their store fronts to prevent smash and grab robberies. It will do the same for you. It also has the advantage of stopping flying glass from a smashed window from entering the home and injuring someone.
4. Hurricane security shutters are exactly what they sound like, heavy-duty metal shutters used to protect homes from the high winds and flying debris caused by a hurricane. No reason why they couldn't help keep out wolf packs coming to do you and your family harm. But they are not common in the north or upper Midwest regions of the country, so finding them may take a little shopping. And they are not inexpensive by any means.
5. Entry point fortification is the final step to securing the home. 2'X4" boards are fantastic when used to block a door or window from being breeched. The 2X4 can be nailed to the floor behind the door to prevent it from falling victim to a kick-in attack or nailed across the door in a manner similar to that used to secure castle gates in the middle ages. It can be nailed across the windows in such a manner to prevent them from being opened.
So, 5 steps to secure your home from invasion by wolf packs, thieves or government thugs. (I know, I'm repeating myself) Easy to do, all it takes is some money and time and effort on your part. You can preposition things like the plywood and 2X4's to use after SHTF. Just make sure you cut them to size and then mark which door/window where they are to be used. Don't forget to stock up on wood screws, nails, drills, screw drivers and hammers. You'd feel foolish if you went to install these safety items after TEOTWAWKI and find where you forgot to get the accessories.
Couple of items from the Gloom & Doom news today. First it has been confirmed that maobama's birth certificate is not real. After 2 years or research by the document experts, they determined that the type of machines used to produce the bogus document were not in use at the time of maobama's birth and they also found the signature of the forger hidden in the document. Guess this means maobama really is a commie muslim and is not qualified to sit in the oval office. Didn't we already know he wasn't qualified to even be a rural dog catcher? I've never been a "birther". My position is by the time anyone started asking those sort of questions, it was already too late. He was in the position and screwing over the people. Even if it can be proved that he lied (maobama? NO!!! it can't be) he'd have to be impeached and that will never happen as long as the dems control the senate. Harry Reid would rather give up his two biggest bribe sources then kick maobama out of office. The man, pardon my slip of the tongue, is in because we; you, me, the media, WE, didn't do our job and give this guy the same inspection and vetting we give to every other candidate. Now the only and best way to get rid of him is not open to us because his supporters in the senate and in big business won't let it happen. We have a final chance this Nov. assuming the election goes off as planned and maobama doesn't start some false flag and declare martial law which will suspend the elections until HE says they can happen. Which will probably happen around the 12th of NEVER. If/when the false flag event happened and M.L. is declared, I hope everyone has their gear in order and supplies laid in cause it's going to get real rough, real fast.
On a different note, Iran is sending 2 warships to cruise along our east coast this spring. They say it's in retaliation for American warships near their coast and to project their military force farther away then normal. Sort of a "showing the flag" cruise on steroids. The ships or "fleet" as they call it consists of a destroyer and supply ship that also carries helicopters. I am positive the destroyer at least carries missles, but probably not nukes. But then again, they don't have to be nukes. They could be normal ship to shore birds that are sheathed in something like plutonium and set to explode above a city. No EMP, but major deaths from the radiation poisoning the plutonium causes. NO, I DO NOT THINK IRAN WILL ATTACK US. This time anyway. Frankly their being here doesn't bother me all that much, except they could be smuggling in spies, terrorists and or more WMD stuff. But as they say, we have ships off their coast and it's only fair they return the compliment. Besides a single, small destroyer and a single, slow supply ship hardly constitute a real threat to us. New York City, maybe. but not us. And if they did destroy NYC, would it be all that bad? If they wanted to get rid of all the lazy leeches in our society along with the brain dead voters who elected a professed commie as their mayor, I say good for them. Heck, the situation is similar in Boston, Washington DC and our west coast, as in CA, and is ripe for the taking also. Boy in my wildest pipe dream I never thought I'd be greatful to Iran for anything before. Wonder if their missles can also reach Detroit and Chicago? Better slow down some, none of this is going to happen. But I got a warm tingle running down my leg as I thought about it. Thought for a minute I had a senior moment and forgot to put my Depends on. That would have been embarrassing.
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