Monday, February 17, 2014

Interesting day

First a correction to yesterdays post concerning the new army training center.  My original info placed the taxpayer cost at $300M when the actual cost was just (?) $96M.  It also said a church was used in this fake city while today it calls it a "mosque".  However in the video of the training site put out by the army itself, the "mosque" looks surprisingly like a church seen across America in many small towns.  Didn't know when had so many muslims in small town America.

Anyway, to get to todays main report.  In an interview on Russia Today, Paul Craig Roberts, made some very interesting comments.  Mr. Roberts was the Asst. Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan and the co-founder of Reaganomics.  He says that the government was "misleading" Americans with many false numbers to try to prop up the citizens flagging faith in this administration.  That the real unemployment is 23% and not the rigged 6.7% that the government wants you to believe.  He also touched on the Fed's gold crisis, especially where it concerns the German gold that isn't there anymore.  He maintains that the Fed used all the gold it had, American as well as foreign deposits to help prop up the American economy and that's why the Fed can't give Germany back even 20% of the gold given to it for safe keeping.  Now if you or I agreed to hold something valuable for a friend, then turned around and sold that item for profit, invested the profits and kept them from the original owner, we'd be tried and convicted of theft and put away in prison for a long time.  Mr. Roberts wonders why the same isn't being done to the Fed itself and the Fed CEO's who stole that gold in the first place.  He thinks it's part of a grand plan to hide the fact that America, and the rest of the world by extension, is on the brink of economic failure due to the criminal activities by various government officials and the world banksters.  To further that point consider the recent surge of banker deaths around the world that are credited to "natural causes, accidents, or suicide".  This rash of deaths started just this year and covers many players at banks that are under investigation by senate committees for malfeasance, money/market manipulations and conspiracy to commit theft or insider trading.

1-11-14  A WSJ reporter who was hot on the trail of the story concerning the these big banks and their ties to various government bodies disappeared while working at the news room at the Dow.  He had just text his wife that he would be leaving soon, but was never seen again.
1-26-14 A banker in Switzerland was found dead in his home for no apparent reason.  Same day a banker, V.P. at Deutsche bank found dead, no reason given
1-27-14 The CEO of Tata Motors found dead in a hotel room in Bangkok, Thailand, supposedly by suicide.  But he was attending a board meeting and the company was doing well
1-28-14 A J.P. Morgan V.P. "fell" from the top of the 38 story headquarters in London.  He had also just text his girlfriend that he was done for the day and on his way home.  Ruled a suicide
1-29-14 An investment banker in Tacoma Washington supposedly climbed a high fence and fell 45 feet to the roadway below, killing himself in a ruled suicide
2-3-14 A NYC banker who was an associate of the dead banker on 1-28-14 was found dead of unknown causes
2-6-14 This is the best one of all. The CEO and founder of Chicago Title was found dead in his garage.  Death was cause by 7 or 8 "self inflicted wounds in his head and body from a NAIL GUN".

Again every one of these deaths and the missing reporter were involved in various bank shenanigans, either as conspirators, witness or investigator.  Months before these deaths began they were predicted by "V, The Guerilla Economist" in an interview on the Steve Quayle site.  He said on 11-20-13 that a cover up by the banksters would begin so they could cover their tracks and he repeated it on 1-10-14 just after the series of mysterious deaths started.  Now the question we need answered and that NO ONE is asking is are they just a weird series of coincidences or a master plan to do damage control before their pet legislators are kicked out of office in Nov?  I know my theory, but you need to research the facts yourself then make up your mind.  We already have enough people trying to tell us what and how to think.

To further curl your hair (for those of us who still have hair) were any of you aware that there is an ongoing association between the big banks and various government agencies such as the CIA and, surprise, the NYPD?  In the middle of lower Manhattan there is something called the "Lower Manhattan Security Coordination Center" that is run by the banks with the assistance of the CIA, yes the CIA is now OK'd to once again spy on Americans in country.  It controls 2,000 cameras that cover the entire lower half of Manhattan.  So anything and everything that happens there is seen and recorded.  Makes it sort of tough for a whistle blower to get away with doing his civic duty doesn't it?  The information gathered is shared with the CIA and the NYPD.  Why the NYPD is anyone's guess.  To further rile you up, the center was paid for with taxpayers dollars and the PAID agents of the CIA help these civilians run the center and help bolster their security, again all on our dime.

Now I know I am thought of by many people as a tin hat nut job who sees shadows where there aren't any.  Maybe they are right and I am crazy, but I'm also a survivalist and that entails keeping both eyes and ears open all the time.  Plus, I always stand by the old saying that where there is smoke, etc.  And the road the country is being taken down by maobama and his posse tells me there is a lot of smoke someplace and we're just not being allowed to see it in it's entirety.  In a different forum someone posted that the recent huge ammo buys by various government agencies make perfect sense and anyone who sees something sinister in it is basically a scaredy-cat.  My response was that the ammo buys alone weren't what made the hair in the back of my neck stand up, it was the ammo buys with the armored vehicles buy, with the cancellation of the Constitution along all our borders and so on that scares the schumer out of me.  Too many strange and unexplained things happening much too close together to suit me.

In keeping with my promise to keep survivalism alive and well in this blog, here are todays tips.  They cover needed antibiotics we should all have on hand for the diseases that WILL follow the collapse that we all know is coming.  Diseases that we thought were gone forever are starting to make a comeback and they're worse then ever.  Tuberculosis, dysentery, pandemic flu like avain flu, even the bubonic plague is still around and we need to be prepared to counter act it if/when it hits one of us.  So here is a list of recommended drugs we all should have for such an occurrence.

1. Tamaflu, when the bird flu first made it's appearance years ago that was the recommended treatment and as far as I am aware, it's still the best answer to one of the worst killers after bubonic plague.  If you doubt that, think back to the outbreak of "Spanish" flu that hit the world in 1919 and killed over 20M worldwide, including 2M here in the states.

2. Penicillin, still the all around answer to most diseases.  Good for strep or pneumococcal infections, anaerobic infections, and above the diaphragm problems like abscessed teeth.  The problem is that it's been over prescribed so much that many infections have become resistant to it.

3. Ampicillin or Amoxicillin, good for urinary, ear and lower respiratory infections  Staph infections are mostly resistant to it though.

4. Erythromycin, mostly for pneumonia or strept throat.

5. Tetracycline, good for plague, other insect borne infections, urinary infections, bronchitis, some VD.  Pregnant women and small children should not use this drug due to it's potential side effects.  A better more expensive version is Doxycycline has fewer side effects and is absorbed better the tetracycline but it makes the skin more sensitive to the sun.

6. Chloramphenicol, good for typhoid, anaerobic infections, rickets disease, and meningitis.  However it has caused deaths by aplastic anemia in 1 out of 50,000 patients, so some companies have stopped making it.

There are several other drugs that could be of use in a SHTF situation, but they are not available other then by prescription.  The above mentioned drugs can be purchased thru various pet or farm animal supply houses in animal grades.  Don't be alarmed by the animal grade either.  It is manufactured by the same companies that make human grade drugs, but are usually of a courser grade or in different dosage sizes.  Most will come from suppliers for pet fish and are the exact same pills that your doctor would order for you, just at a fraction of the cost and NO prescription is required.  As for drugs like penicillin, that is bought at farm stores like Farm and Fleet.  This is injectable penicillin and is the courser version requiring a larger needle and that will hurt more then the standard human sized needle.  But a little more pain is a small price to pay for your health.  My point is that these needed drugs are available at a reasonable price and without having to lie to or beg from your doctor.  That has taken on a more urgent priority under obamacare with the reporting requirements contained in it.

BTW, you can get other medical items at Farm and Fleet type stores beside penicillin.  They also sell a blood clotting solution like quik clot that's used when they dehorn cattle and the athletic tape that sticks only to itself that is used to wrap around the ankles of horses, but can be used to hold a gauze pad over a wound.  So take a walk thru your local farm store and see what else they have, at a lower price then human quality items, that you can use.

1 comment:

  1. Just in, another JP Morgan jumped to his death in Hong Kong today, 2-19-14. That makes the 3rd JP Morgan banker to die from either suspicious circumstances or suicide since the 1st of the year. Coincidence? I don't think so. Something is going on that we don't know about and won't be told until it is to late. So assume the worst and get prepared.
