Not a lot of news today, but what there was bothered me to no end.
First lets go to the emperor in waiting, maobama. Seems he's feeling some pressure concerning the upcoming elections and has ordered his minions running the various agencies to "step up' the writing of new rules and regulations to further restrict Americans from conducting their lives as they see fit, before his regime ends. Guess the polls are starting to sink in and he knows he stands a very good chance if losing the senate as well as the house and, therefore, has to see that he will face impeachment proceedings. Watch out for a false flag event to happen that will give maobama the opportunity to declared martial law and send both houses of congress home and suspend the elections. For the sake of the publics safety of course. How congress and the citizenry will react is the big question and, for now, unanswered. He is also is stepping up his attacks on our military. His tame Sec. of Defense has announced plans to cut the size of our military back to where it was BEFORE the start of WW2. The size of the army will be at approximately 400,000 men and the marines will suffer similar cuts. No statements concerning the Navy and Air Force were made so far. That will make our ground military smaller then his private army of thugs, the DHS and the JSOC which just happens to be under his personal command and is as well armed as our soldiers are in everything but tanks. He's also scrapping an entire class of fighters. Granted they're A-10 warthogs and have been around since Nam, but they are also our best ground attack planes and the best weapon to use against his thugs if/when the time comes and we're out-numbered and out-gunned. Next he's taking away from the air national guard all the Apache attack helicopters and replacing them with older, less well armed Blackhawk helicopters, again reducing our ability to hit his private army from the air, while placing our air assets in greater danger. Then he's going to increase the cost of healthcare for the serving troops families by increasing the deductibles and at the same time raising the costs to shop at the base exchanges. Most lower ranked soldiers are already on food stamps, struggling to make ends meet and have to seek medical care for their families off base at civilian low cost clinics and this will just further their plight. In my opinion this is all a well thought out plan to reduce the ability of individual states to resist any of his take-over plans by cutting out their national guards ability to fight his private army on anywhere near equal terms. At the same time he's cutting the hearts out of our full service troops by further pushing them into the poverty lines and thereby destroying their moral. He wants a smaller, more easily controlled military and this is a good way to get it by forcing the well trained troops to refuse to re-enlist and thus deprive us of the small unit leaders we need in the service at this critical time. For those who stay in anyway, a trooper who is more worried about his family then the political situation, is likely to follow orders he knows are wrong because the family is on base, under political control and probably hungry, sick or both. This is a brilliant plan, but very sick at the same time. However it might fail maobama in the long run. All the troops he drives out will more then likely join us when TEOTWAWKI occurs and we'll have the advantage of all those years of training and experience on our side. Back in the 90's Clinton fielded the idea of eliminating the Marine Corps, but it didn't fly. Someone must have told him that the end result would save a few dollars, but give the militias several hundred thousand new, well trained and highly motivated men in their ranks. We, the militia, at the time were holding our breath, hoping Clinton would make such a stupid decision. But somehow, someone finally got through his bubba burger soaked brain and convinced him that openly chasing interns in the oval office was a better idea then recruiting good troops for the militia. Lets see if a voice of reason keeps maobama from making an even bigger mistake this time around. And lets all pray he doesn't listen.
Venezuela's president Madura must have decided that his claim that all the violence was caused by Columbian ex-president Uribe and his drug pusher gang wasn't working. It didn't seem to have any traction, either at home with the protestors or in the international view. So he's changed his tack and now claims the cause is all Sec. of State Kerry's doing. I know it's rediculas on the face of it, but then again maybe not. Knowing how stupid Kerry really is and what a liar he's proved himself to be, it's not much of a stretch to see him trying to covertly influence the protestors. Kerry sees himself as a great statesman while the rest of the world outside his circle sees him for what he is, a poor excuse of a statesman, let alone a man. We'll keep an eye on Maduro's latest ploy to see if it gains any support outside those who already hate America and by extension, Kerry. In the mean time, things are getting more volatile in Venezuela. Food transfers have come to a complete stop by the barricades put across all the main roads and streets in the capital and in the outlying areas the protestors have formed human chains to block access to their barely held areas. All the while evidence is showing up that the military has been quietly targeting protestors and shooting them in the streets without any legal standing for such actions. This can very easily turn into the Ukraine in South America with open warfare between both sides. As for arming the protestors, getting guns and ammunition ANYWHERE in south or central America is as easy as buying a coke in Atlanta or a gun and bag of dope in Chicago, LA or NYC. Or buying a politician in DC. I suggest we keep our eyes open and look for another increase of illegal border crossers as the warfare continues in Venezuela. After all, the DHS has other priorities then doing it's assigned job. Like harassing legal firearms owners in their home states or demanding your "papers" as you travel, legally, down the nations highways.
As for the Ukraine, there seems to have been a coup of sorts there. The president is on the run and charged by the parliament with multiple counts of murder. Why not add child pornography to it while they're at it? The rioting seems to have calmed down somewhat, but if the ousted president isn't caught, tried and executed quickly, he may get support from others and start his own little revolution to "get my country back". And with the new Ukraine government testing the waters to join the EU, Putin of Russia can't be to happy either. Remember what happened a few years ago when the Georgia Republic tried the same thing, without the riots of course? Putin sent Russian troops in the force the country to remain a "trusted ally of the Russian Federation". In effect he, by force, disallowed Georgia the right to choose it's own path and to remain a Russian puppet. I can easily see him repeating that action in the Ukraine if the ousted president makes it to Moscow and strikes a deal with Putin. And remember that the Ukraine has a oil and Russia doesn't want the EU or America getting a shot at it. That was the real reason Hitler invaded Russia in WW2.
A couple of quick notes here about a variety of things. First the news that the longest sitting congressman in the history of the congress is not running for re-election. John Dingell, D-MI, has announced his retirement at the end of this term. No reasons were given in the press release, but something tells me that Johnny boy sees the handwriting on the wall and is getting out as quickly and gracefully as he can, while the getting is good. Next the Supreme court has refused to hear a number of cases concerning gun rights this session. The cases concerned various states ability to refuse to enforce un-Constitutional federal laws as well as their own right to set their own laws concerning gun rights for their citizens. Guess it's too close to elections to handle hot topic cases like these. And finally the good news. Pierce Morgan has been fired from his job at CNN. The stated reason is his ratings are too low. But I think the lightning rod he's become and the anger he brings out in most thinking people had a lot to do with it as well. Now if we can just get immigration to revoke his citizenship and send him back to good old England, all would be well with the world. Maybe not the whole world, England has said on several occasions that they don't want him back. Maybe we could send him to Iran? They already hate us and things between us couldn't get any worse. In six months they'd behead the useless sucker, to shut him up if for no other reason and the world would be a better place.
A short tip your survival preparations and that is to test everything you have, including yourself, in real life situations. My group goes on bug out bag (BOB) weekends where we spend a weekend living out of our BOB's. It allows us to see where our shortcomings are and lets us fix them before we have to use them for real. We do this 3 or 4 times a year, in different climates as we find tune the kits to match the season. No BOB is right for every season or every person or it would be too big to tout around on human shoulders. I should mention that we park our vehicles a ways away from out trail retreat area and walk in using techniques we've learned in various classes and fine tuned in FTX's. Our retreat location for the exercise changes for each test, never the same place twice in a row. Each retreat area is chosen for it's remoteness and it's LACK of social amenities, like outhouses or wells of potable water. While at the retreat we practice things like personal hygiene, shelter building, food gathering and camp security. BTW, if on public land we DO NOT carry firearms, even though we are legally allowed to do so by way of our CCW's. If on private land we dress and act as if TEOTWAWKI had occurred and are fully armed. We also usually have a mock medical emergency that all of us take part in to "save a life". Don't wait until the big one hits to see if your really as ready as you think you are. Test your gear and, especially test yourself in as close to actual situations as you can safely find. You'll be amazed at what you thought you knew compared to what you really know. And what your capable of that you never expected. Bring the whole family, they need to be ready also. But even if it's just you and a few like-minded people, get out there and test yourselves. It could mean the difference between life and death when it's for real.
A quick thought just hit me as I was about to wrap this post up. Everyone knows that they need lots of toilet paper and should have a stockpile of the precious stuff at the retreat. But it won't last forever. What do you do when the last roll is gone? In primitive societies they use water and their left hand, saving the right hand for eating. With modern day soaps and other cleaning products, that isn't a consideration and we could us either hand. But there is a certain mental hesitation do use our hands for that purpose and, for me anyway, rightly so. My suggestion is to do as "they" did in the middle ages Europe and use a wet cloth and, when done, soak the cloth in bleach or some other cleaning solution and very hot water. Then rinse it out and allow to to dry overnight to use again the next day. But if that's the solution you choose, mark each cloth somehow so it is used only by one person and that person is the one to clean it afterwards. This will reduce the chance of spreading any diseases among the whole group. If a person is ill, then burn the cloth and start over with a new cloth and continue this regime until the illness is gone. Again this is to prevent the spread of diseases in the group. The Spanish Flu back in the early 1900's showed us that disease can spread among a population faster then anyone can anticipate. And a group trying to survive using primitive techniques and living in close proximity to each other will simulate the exact same conditions that allowed the Spanish Flu to travel around the world in weeks and kill 1 in 5 people it infected, well over 10 million just in America. So don't sit on your laurels thinking you've got the hygiene situation covered. T.P. won't last forever and finding some more to trade for will be almost impossible or extremely expensive to buy. Figure out what your going to do and then plan for it and train for it, nasty as it may be. Your groups success will depend on it.
Tomorrow is Tuesday and you all know what that means. So this could very well be the last post ever on this blog. It all up to you, assuming there are "yous" out there reading this after all. Come on, I can't be that good a writer that NO ONE has any questions or comments. If nothing else comment on my spelling, I know I suck at spelling and my spell check is sometimes as bad as I am. But I have broad shoulders and thick skin, I can take it. I'll cry in private, but you won't see my tears or anger in the blog. So what if I kick the dog or beat my wife again. Actually I don't own a dog anymore and my wife would kick my butt if I ever raised a hand against her. She made that plain to me when we were married 41 years ago and I NEVER DOUBTED HER FOR A MINUTE. She is small, but tough and real quick. And swings a broom handle or soup ladle with real authority.
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