Not a lot of new things to get riled up about in todays news. There was an article about terrorism within our borders and against our power grid. Back in Dec. 2013 there was a report about a terror attack on a CA electrical sub-station, but details were scarce. Now they're out and it seems we have more to worry about then we thought. During the attack, which lasted 19 minutes, snipers were able to destroy 17 transformers and did enough damage to the sub-station to shut it down for a month. Investigators found over 100 fired shell casings that had no fingerprints on them scattered around the station as well as small piles of rocks that a recon scout placed to show the snipers the best shooting spots. Interesting that this terror attack happened and the main stream media ignored it to report on the latest arrest of J. Beiber.
Did you know that nuclear plants are not required to be protected from attacks by air craft, even after 9/11? Nor are they required to protect themselves from mass attacks by large groups of terrorists? Or not even against snipers with high powered rifles. So what do they protect themselves from? Anti-nuke protestors? Us?
Did you know that about 40% of all computer breeches against government civilian agencies are not detected? That data, such as which American dams are the weakest and how many lives will be lost if/when they are breeched or the cyber-security plans for EVERY nuclear power plant, have been stolen. And that just is the tip of that Titanic sized ice burg.
Does all this information make you feel any less safe? Well it's supposed to. Think about how you'll feel when the power is out for a month or more and you still have to feed your family or where do you run when a radioactive cloud is approaching your home. Think the government will be there to help you? Then think about the northeast and hurricane Sandy and how FEMA wasn't there to help with food, shelter and, especially, heat. Any sort of terrorism against the grid that results in a shutdown for a length of time could be the tipping point that maobama needs to declare himself god on earth and king for eternity. Why else do you think that every government agency, except the military, is wide open to hackers or why the grid is so vulnerable to physical attack like the one last Dec. in CA? Maobama needs something to be the false flag he's waiting for and that can't be traced directly back to him. And a terrorist taking out Hoover dam and causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people will fit the bill for him. Of course if that sort of attack doesn't happen or isn't that destructive, he'll create one on his own. But any terror attack, especially one he can lay on the backs of some right-wing militia group, would suit him to a tee.
Finally, for my usual gloom and doom info, there is a report that the US Postal Service is soliciting bids for the purchase of a large quantity of ammunition in various calibers. Yes, the same Post Office that says it's out of money and needs a transfusion from congress, has the cash to buy ammo. HUH! Since when does the post office need "large quantities of ammunition in various calibers" in the first place? Yes they have a couple thousand or so postal inspectors that are armed, but why so much ammo and why such a variety of calibers? Were they going to arm the mail carriers? Man I hope not. These people have a hard time remembering their routes. Or are they acting as a dodge for another agency that has taken a lot of heat for buying up lots of ammo without good reason, like say the DHS? No one knows or isn't talking. But what's next MRAP delivery vehicles?
Finally, now that all the gloom & Doom news is over for the day, it's time for the survival tip. Today it sort of goes along with the G&D news in today's post. IF/when a terror attack does disrupt the grid or releases a cloud of radioactive death and it's time to bug out, where do you go and what do you take with you. First part needs some very clear thinking or you may end up in a FEMA camp. Or worse, robbed and left for dead with no supplies. Or even worse, your dead and your family is at the mercy of a pack of two-legged animals. So you need a plan and a destination. Choose your destination carefully and keep it know only to your immediate family and any other fellow survivalists who are coming with you. Next you need to plan several routes to the location and then make practice runs there using each different route so everyone can find their way to the location or change the route mid-trip if problems arise such as official or unofficial road blocks on your path. Since you don't know how long the trip may take under the stressful situation or how many detours you'll have to make, you should hide some caches along each route and keep them locations secret, known only to your fellow travelers. Finally, you will not know how long this bug out is going to last, possibly forever, you need to also cache extra supplies safely at or very near the location. No matter how well you pack your vehicle, it can't carry enough supplies to last you indefinitely. As for what supplies your going to need, only you can decide that. But the earlier posts on everyday carry items and bug out bags are a good starting point and you can build from there. Two final things to share. First, always, always, ALWAYS keep your weapons loaded and handy while traveling. Out of easy sight, but handy. People will be scared and scared people do dumb things, like try to steal what's yours because they aren't prepared. I'm begging you (it's not easy typing on my knees) to practice with your firearms and HAVE THEM READY WHEN THE SCHUMER HITS THE FAN. Second, since these troubles can happen at the most inappropriate times, like driving to or from work or on a long drive to see aunt Martha, always keep your everyday carry items and bug out bag with you, in your vehicle. Just in case. You might not have a chance to return home and have to bug out with what you have with you. So go over those two posts and add or subtract what does or doesn't work for you and build your own B.O. bag and EDC items NOW! Remember that God helps those who help themselves and that fortune favors the prepared. So get prepared and God will smile on you.
A post script to yesterday's post about the terror attack in CA last Dec. The rounds found were all 7.62X39. AK-47 rounds. The same sort of rounds bought in bulk last year by DHS and that are NOT used by any federal agency or the U.S. military. Which was why raised so many questions. It is in wide usage by terror groups around the world, as well as many militia groups here in the states. Which brings into question why the FBI has refused to label the attack as terrorism. It also opens up other questions such as who the attackers were and why it was ignored by MSM and the FBI. And for my fellow conspiracy nuts, was the attack performed by members of maobama's JSOC private army? Some sort of training mission or an attempt to create a false flag event that didn't happen. Is that why DHS bought so many rounds of this normally unused caliber by the government? To arm the tip of their spear? Lots of unanswered questions that no one except me and a few other tin hat people.