First let me say that this blog has beat me. I can't find a way to add comments directly to each post. So you can send me comments/questions at I'll acknowledge the sender by their initials and answer them at the commented post. A little clumber some, but it's the best I can do for now. Besides when I look at other, similar blogs they handle the problem the same way, so I'm not the only computer illiterate in the field.
Today Supreme Court of the U.S. Antonin Scalia was quoted as saying he believes the maobama administration is quite capable of interning American citizens for undetermined amounts of time to quell political opposition. He said that he believes that America had not outgrown the prospect of internment. This is a policy that was used in WW2 by Roosevelt to imprison Japanese people living in the U.S., both resident aliens and citizens. They were held in internment camps along the west coast and Hawaii without trial or without even being charged of a crime. But they were a potential source of sabotage according to the administration and so were forced from their homes and kept there for years. The public reason given was to "protect" them from angry Americans after the attack on Pearl Harbor, but that was a smoke screen to allow the government to do as they pleased. If you doubt it could happen again, think NDAA, "The National Defense of America Act" that allows maobama, or whoever is in charge, to put a citizen into a Guantanomo (SP?) type camp for as long as they like, no charges may ever be made and no lawyers will be allowed to intervene. Nor will families be told where the internees are or allowed to communicate with them in any way.
Grady Means isn't a well known name, but he has quite a resume. A Mises scholar and fellow, an economist for many government agencies, advisor to Nelson Rockefeller and CEO of several multi billion dollar corporations. In 2012 he wrote that the 2012 economic crash (which he also predicted several years in advance) would pale in comparison to the crash that's coming on or around March 3, 2014. And that when this crash hits, it will cause world economies to crash along with it. He describes it a the "Financial Armageddon" and will make the fiasco in 1929 look like a minor market correction. Don't know if he's right, but his track record makes me take his warning to heart. especially when the latest report from the Institute of Supply Management that states store are slowing down on reorders to stock their shelves. Sort of like they know something bad is coming. Then the report that banks are seriously considering restricting the amount of money customers can withdrawal. this is possible since accounts are actually loans and will be repaid at the convience of the bank. Are banks preparing for a run??? Finally there is the report by the Dept. of Agraculture that the number of cattle in America is the smallest since 1951.
Then I go back to what maobama's administration has done in the last 12 months. First he buys 2,700 armored vehicles for his private army, then buys over a billion rounds of combat capable ammunition for that private army of his, ammo that isn't good for practice and, lastly, they ordered 6 million doses of potassium iodine to be delivered by the END OF FEBURARY! Plus the debt ceiling debate will begin in a few short weeks and must be agreed upon before the end of the month or we go into default on all our debts.
Is this all just an old man's pipe dream and a series of odd coincidences? Don't know, but it does boggle the mind a bit. Am I going to run out and go on a wild spending spree to stock up on a wide variety of things to keep my family fed and safe when this crash hits? Not exactly, but I will increase my buying of items I'd have bought anyway and speed up the timed purchases every survivalist makes. And I'll make sure my family and fellow group members are close to each other at that time. But I refuse to panic. As a survivalist I've been prepping for something like this for a while now and there isn't much more I can do in the time that's supposedly left and with the limited amount of money I have. But, if it does happen, I'll be like everyone else and wish I had some more time.
Like the title says, lots of interesting things today. Especially when you look at them along with recent actions by maobama and his cohorts. Not a time to panic and it all may be another Y2K fiasco for all I know. So make up your own mind and then act on your decision. I have and am, you should too.
This blog seems to have morphed into a political outrage forum where I pour out my frustrations and anger, rather then the survival oriented blog I originally envisioned. Sorry and I promise to get back to the goal of spreading survival knowledge instead of venting my rants. Like tomorrow when I post links to give you additional sources of information to make your survival journey easier. And I further promise to have at least some survival tidbits in every post from now on.
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