Friday, February 21, 2014

More Odds and Ends

This post is coming out very early today, so, as always, if anything important happens later today I'll add a second post or modify these post.

A worrisome notice was issued today by Russia.  They will be adding an undisclosed number of "stealth" subs to their Mediterranean task force.  These subs are nicknamed "black holes in the ocean" by our navy because they are so difficult to spot while submerged.  They carry 36 torpedo's  and 6 or 8 surface to air or surface to surface missiles.  This addition to the task force will be a major escalation of force in the region where Russia already has 12 ships that include a nuclear powered missile cruiser and an aircraft carrier.  Plus their Black Sea fleet is in close proximity.  The stated purpose for this escalation is to further protect Russian interests in the area as well as assist in the removal of WMD from Syria.  But no one can explain how the addition of subs will better their ability to remove all those chemical weapons that Syria has been using freely on it's own citizens.

Maobama was going to announce cuts to our Social Security payments in this years budget to be posted by 3-4-14.  But democrats who are looking at a difficult election in Nov. asked him to delay the cuts until next year to help keep them in office.  Further maobama is putting his monitors in news rooms across the country.  And no one is really complaining about it besides various conservative pundits on the internet.  The news has been slanted to favor maobama ever since he announced his candidacy and now he wants to be sure he actually controls what the sheeple hear.  And since most Americans make their decisions on important items based totally on what their favorite talking head tells them, maobama can have even more mind control over everyone.  Oh happy days!

This comes under the heading of things to come.  White Plains N.Y. has passed an ordinance requiring all stores to install video surveillance cameras at all their locations and allow police to view the stored video upon request, no warrant needed.  I wonder if this is how big brother in the story "1984" started?

If you've been following the reports of all the turmoil in the Ukraine you have to ask yourself if this is what America's future looks like.  Just like America is becoming, the citizens of Ukraine have had enough and won't take it anymore.  The rioting has escalated from non-violent protests to rock throwing to now open warfare as the citizens and police are shooting at each other and the citizens are coming out armed and in make shift body armor including helmets.  I can easily see this scenario playing out in America's near future, except that the citizens here will be better armed and have much better armor to assist them in forcing the maobama regime to follow the laws as outlined in the Constitution.  Note that I am NOT advocating such an action, just saying that it wouldn't surprise me if/when it happens.  I see where the government of Ukraine and the protestors have reached some sort of agreement to end the violence, but details are sketchy.  I hope it works out for all so people will stop dying unnecessarily. But, like the "arab spring" in Egypt that didn't last to long because the new leaders were as bad as the old ones, I'll withhold my comments until things have had time to shake out.

A little good news for a change.  A proposed New Hampshire law will prevent ANY local, county or state law enforcement agency from acquiring "military style equipment" without the citizens from agreeing to it by vote.  Is this the first step in stopping the turning of our cops into paramilitary thugs?  I hope so and that other states or at least counties follow suit.

Todays survival tip concerns your moral code of conduct while in a SHTF situation.  My take on it comes from my Christian beliefs in that we should be as the Good Sumariton and help our neighbors as best we can and that we follow the 10 Commandments to the best of our ability in such circumstances.  By that I mean we will need to share our food with those less fortunate, but only to a limited extent.  My thoughts are that we give refugees enough food to last them for several days and then send them on their way.  To try to take every refugee in and feed and cloth them will eat up our limited supplies in a short time.  Much as we'd like to, we can't take 5 fish and 7 loaves of bread and feed the multitude forever.  So we do what we can without taking anything critical away from our families or group.  If we know where they can get additional help, we share that with them and if they are trying to become self-sufficient we teach them what they need to know to grow or harvest their own foods and give/loan them the seeds/tools needed.  We do everything we can to make these new survivalists successful without fatally damaging our own abilities to survive.  Next we keep from fouling our own nest.  We don't chase after another person's mate, we don't fornicate outside our maritial bed and we don't steal from each other.  A family is inviolate in ALL it's members and a group pulling together to survive is a family, only extended.  The "due unto others" rule should be our guiding light both with dealing with refugees or people within your group.  I assume your already laying down some rules within the group that covers offences such as drunken behavior, sleeping on duty, hoarding food, etc.  Those are all good, practical rules to make living together safer and easier for all.  But you also need to get some moral rules in place too.  There should be no misunderstandings about messing with another mans wife or daughters, or trying to undermine another person for any reason.  Again use the 10 Commandments as your guide and you can't go wrong.  And do it NOW.  During a crisis you can't discover that one member is a drunkard or that another is a hound dog in heat all the time. Or that some members are uncomfortable with any sort of moral rules.  Get this talked through and agreed on by all the members before you all have to live together in close confinement.  It will make trying times more bearable if it's all settled before it's really needed.  If any of you have had similar thoughts or don't agree with mine, let me know via an e-mail and we can get a discussion going and maybe we'll all learn something.

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