Matt Drudge started it when he twittered the 4 word message "have an exit plan". No explaination, just the cryptic warning. Then today another economic guru said he expects a "run in the banks" in the near future. In fact he's so certain that he's pulled almost all his money out of his bank. To the tune of almost a million bucks. He gives his reasons for the action as the reign of Bernanke and the start to Yellen's term as Fed chief. Said he sees no discernible difference between the two of them or their policies. He expects the Fed to do another QE whatever to further push the inflation of the money supply. He also expects the government to pull a Cyprus and steal money right out of our accounts. I'm not 100% sure about all his predictions, but enough to pass his warning on to all of you. This administration has shown it's complete lack of respect for the Constitution and it's willingness to go beyond the written bounds to achieve their goals of subverting the American way of life, to "fundamentally change" America. So I'll take matt's warning and this economic professor's warnings to heart and plan accordingly.
Frankly nothing maobama does or will do surprises me anymore and that makes me keep my eyes open and my money where it's safe. I only keep enough money in the bank to cover my monthly bills and a little extra in case of an emergency. The rest is in food, durable goods and precious metals. Something tells me that is where it will do me and mine the most good with what is coming down the pike at breakneck speed. When liberals like this economics professor tells us to put our money where the government can't get at it, it's time to head for the bunker and lock the doors.
I didn't watch the super bowl yesterday. I was supposed to go to my son's house and watch it with him, but the chemo that I restarted this week has laid me low. I was all set when I re-evaluated my condition and decided I was better off staying home where it was warm and I had help if I got any worse. He was a bit miffed from what I was told, but it couldn't be helped. Weakness, dizziness and upset stomach don't make for good company. That makes twice this past week where I've had to cancel a family event. I was supposed to take my grand daughter shooting again last Thursday, but the same symptoms were present, so I begged off. I know Sarah was disappointed, but it would have been worse if I passed out right in front of her at a strange place with no help immediately available. There were supposed to be two other women at the range with us from my group, a Mom and her daughter, and I'll need to do something to make it up to them as well. Well, no one ever said life was fair or easy and we all know that sometimes the Lord has an unusual sense of humor. Usually it's when He's trying to get our attention and we're not listening. So he has to really rein us in a bit until we settle down and actually listen to what He's telling us. Guess this was one of those times. Well Lord, you definitely got my attention. Besides, the way Seattle whipped Denver, it must have been a pretty boring game. Unless your a Seattle fan, which I'm not. Not Denver fan either, but I do enjoy a good game and this probably wasn't one.
Finally we're in for another big snow storm these next two days, Yeah, just what we needed. But don't worry, it's all global warming's fault and we all know that our excessive use of cars and cows farting cause global warming. Or was the cow farts eating away the ozone layer, I forget. Whatever, our man in DC will take care of us and all it will cost us is every freedom guaranteed in the Constitution and fought for these past 250 odd years. But not to worry, Daddy maobama and his cohorts will change our diapers, bottle feed us genetically modified milk, burp us and, when we go to school, will make sure the courses we take will make us dumber while keeping us smart enough to be good worker drones. Not to worry, maobama knows best and has our best interests at heart. As well as all our wealth and individuality in his back pocket. So shut up and go back to watching Survivor or American Idol. Your too stupid to do anything else. Or so maobama and his ilk seem to think. I think we're about to surprise him. Won't that be fun? Even more fun then Michelle serving him with divorce papers.
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