Saturday, February 1, 2014

Someone's been using our playbook

I just became aware of a document called the "Powell Memorandum" that was written in 1971 by a lawyer who later that year was nominated to the supreme court by pres. Nixon.  The memorandum was written at the request of a senior member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerice and in it he outlines a "battle plan" for conservatives to stop the steady decline of America and it's values.  If you get a chance, google it and read it for yourself.  It's a single page and is a short, easy read.  But the main point I got from reading it is that the GOP, who originally asked for the document through the CoC, quit using it and went back to the original, losing strategy that has worked against them for so long.  While the liberals/progressives (read democrats) continue to follow the guidelines against the rest of us.  The main thesis is that conservatives must stop attempting to work with the liberals and instead begin attacking them, verbally and through legislation.  It was the cornerstone to Reagans plans and we all know how well that worked then.  I understand that the GOP of today is a mere shadow of what it was 30 or 40 years ago and possibly will never regain the stature Reagan gave it.  But I wonder if ANY of the so-called leaders of the GOP have ever read the memo, let alone understand it?  Instead they keep giving ground to the libs in hopes that someone, somewhere will like them.  I say, forget about being liked and shoot instead for being respected or even feared.  The old adage that nice guys finish last is no where better represented then with the current GOP.  All nice guys, but would you want them to run the country?  For me the answer is a resounding, "HELL NO".

On a slightly different tack I was very disappointed to read where one of the tea party favorites is cozying up to the GOP leadership.  He hopes, I guess, to win their approval for the 2016 nomination.  But if he thinks he can have it both ways, he has sadly underestimated the resolve and long term memory of the tea party that helped put him in office in the first place.  I know you are not one of my readers, Rand Paul, but others are and they will help spread the word of your betrayal, as will the other conservative, tea party news outlets.  This one move has probably sunk ANY possibility of you getting the nomination, let alone winning the election.  That is too bad, you were our shining star, now your just another RINO in the making.  Your father must be very proud.  I know I'm not.  But it does leave a void in our selections.  We already have discounter Rubio and Christie.  Now with Paul going to the dark side who do we have left?  As of right now it's Ted Cruz, providing he can survive the scrutiny he'll get for his Canadian citizenship. There is no one else on the horizon for us conservatives.  I'm wondering if Scott Walker (R-WI) or Col. West would consider running.  Frankly neither is my first choice, considering what little I know of their voting record and terms in office.  It's a big step and not one taken lightly, but we're running out of hero's.  If someone is going to champion our cause and lead us back to the right track for America, he/she better step up quickly.  The way the media is pushing for people's attention for that election, one has to start early to garner the name recognition needed to have a fighting chance.

A final item concerning a post I made several days ago concerning the new policy by HSBC bank in England.  After many loud and almost violent protests by their customers, they have recinded the withdrawal requirements placed on the customers.  They stated that it was just part of their policy to help protect the customers and that it had "always been part of the banks policy".  Why they choose to implement it now was not answered, nor did they apologize for the hardships they had put their customers through.  So I guess that even in complacent jolly old England you can still rile people up enough to get them working together to remove a imposition on their rights.  Now if we can just get Americans equally riled up about maobama and his pen/phone policies, as well as his other criminal activities, we can get him out of office and into prison where he belongs.  I really want him legally tried and hung for treason, but I'll settle for a life in prison with no possibility of parole.  And no congical visitation rights either.  Let the other inmates treat him the same way he's been treating American citizens these last 5 years.  Let them screw him over and over and over.  Poetic justice.

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