Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Things are starting to heat up.

If my posts these last few days seem like tin hat territory to some of you, consider that I'm not alone in my concerns.  In the last 3 weeks the Dow has fallen 1,000 points and reports are that many of the super rich are getting completely out of stocks and into hard cash.  Not that paper is not hard.  They're buying precious metals in bulk, which is why various minting facilities around the world are on over-time to try to catch up with the demand.  Gold, silver and platinum prices are still at a low, but won't stay there forever.  I can see a sharp rise in prices as demand continues, so if you are still on the fence about precious metals, now is the time to decide.  And I strongly advise that you decide to buy before it's to late.

In fairness to the Dow and those who wish to continue to ignore the situation, the Dow has had drops like this before and it's always said to be a "market correction".  But tell me this, hasn't most corrections occurred during more settled times then now?  And hasn't recent "corrections" been taken care of by additional Fed QE whatever the number is?  The bubble is about to burst and anyone still strong in stocks will be hurt.  Possibly terminally.  In the late 1970's I was struck with the stupid desease and got my stock broker and insurance sales license.  Turns out I'm not meant to be a salesman, so I quickly was hit with a dose of common sense and went back to doing what I was supposed to.   But at that time all the talk at the office I worked out of was what will happen when the Dow hits 1,000?  Well it hit it in the early 1980's.  Today it's near 15,000.  Do any of you feel 15 times richer now then back then?  I sure don't.  Personal incomes are higher, if you have work, but inflation has taken away any real benefits of that rise.  American productivity has risen 73% since then, but personal incomes, taking inflation into consideration, has only risen 8%.  So what does all this clamor about the market mean?  It means my thoughts yesterday about the upcoming economy collapse may not be so far fetched after all.  Take it as you will, I can only tell you what I see and think as well as advise you on where to go to protect yourself.  I'm definitely not a stock market brainiac by any means.  But one of my readers is so lets see how he refutes my conclusions.

If I'm an escapee from a funny farm, it appears that others in DC are also.  Reports are that maobama has given readiness orders to his personal army the JSOC, the Joint Special Operations Command.  If that's a new one for you, don't be alarmed cause it was new to me too.  I do remember an announcement years ago about a "small strike force" to go anywhere to stop America's enemies or something like that.  It was originally just a few people, but has grown somewhat over time.  It now numbers 25,000 ex-special ops troops, former seals, delta force, SF and rangers who are under the direct command of Barak Hussain Obama.  One was interviewed by the Washington Post back in 2011 and here's what he said, "We are the dark matter.  We're the force that orders the universe, but can't be seen."  Humble aren't they?  Real comforting that they report directly to maobama, the Marxist from Africa.  Supposedly they have been put on high alert pending the market crash and subsiquent economic collapse that's coming soon.  Are they the reason the government has bought 1.6 billion rds. of hollow point ammo; 2,700 MRAPs and ordered 6 million doses of potassium iodine to be delivered by the end of THIS MONTH?  According to sources the JSOC is the tip of the spear, while DHS is the shaft, no pun intended.  Is my tin hat getting tighter, maybe.  But, again, I'm not alone.  In October of last year Global Research asked why JSOC and DHS have gone through such a massive and quick build-up.  They questioned the need for such an armed force, directly under maobama's command when he has the military at his beck and call.  They didn't have any answers either, but they sure had the questions.  For those who don't think maobama would use the military against American citizens, think again.  In 2008, during the latest British financial meltdown, P.M. Brown had his hand right next to the phone to call in the troops if the citizens were in open revolt over the situation.  As was reported he said that when it comes the time where Brits couldn't get food, petrol or cash and windows started breaking; everyone would join in to get something for their families and we can't allow that to happen.  So the British P.M. was ready to turn the bayonets against the very people who elected him, what can possibly make you think maobama wouldn't do the same?  And when the troops refused to fire on their fellow citizens, he has his private army of jack-booted thugs to do it.  And if you don't think they kill Americans on order, think back to that survey made during the early 1990's where Seals on the west coast were asked if they'd fire on Americans who refused to turn in their guns.  29% said they would shoot Americans if so ordered.  Now think about who makes up the manpower of JSOC and tell me again that maobama wasn't able to find enough killers in our special forces to fill out his army.  Or think about the incident at Ruby Ridge in 1992 when an FBI sniper shot and killed an unarmed, nursing mother as she held her baby.  Yes, he was FBI, but he was a former army special forces trained sniper, recruited by the FBI for his rifle skills.  There are killers in every aspect of society and all you have to do is look for them.  That's another reason for all those QE's from the Fed.  They bought maobama the time he needed to find and recruit those thugs for his army, then train them and finally equip them.  The massive buys in the last 18 months have completed the process and maobama thinks he and his legions from hell are ready.  So the Fed has downsized current QE's and says it will stop any further attempts to control the market.  All the pieces are now in place and it's time for maobama to make his move into the history books as the first America Marxist king for life.  He thinks he has all the cards, but I think he's wrong.  Let's prove me right.

I promised that I'd start posting daily survival tips to try to stop being a gloom and doom reporter.  So here is today's tip.  Or tips as there are several.

1st. look for a new product called X-STAT from a company called RevMedX. It's a revolutionary way to stop arterial bleeding caused by a projectile impact with the body in areas that are difficult to tourniquate such as the shoulder or pelvis.  It's not for general sale as yet, only to 1st responders and official government personnel.  But it will be available from the black market soon I believe and is something that I think we're all going to need in the very near future.

2nd. proper hydration is especially necessary in times of stress and who can say these times are not stressful.  So make sure you have a good supply of water on hand and the means to get more.  If you have a stream, lake or pond on or close to your property, have the means to purify it.  I use Katyden filters, but there are many others that work just as well.  A newer company (to me at least) that has joined the ranks is "Waterwise"  They offer a non-electric water distiller for $387 + SHP that works off the range top or camp stove to clean the water before you use it.  They also offer air filtration devices that might be useful to.  Their address is

3rd. no one ever thinks about vitamins in a survival situation, but they should.  Vitamins are almost as necessary as water during times of stress, yet no one seems to stockpile them.  Go to the local Dollar Store and pick up some bottles of the widest variety of contained vitamins and minerals as you can find.  Get enough to last your family for a year and don't worry much about expiration dates.  Those are lawyer talk for "don't sue me" from the manufacturer.  Even if they are out of date and losing some potency, they are still viable and needed.

I promise that my survival tips will get better and more relevant as time goes along.  But today's post took a while to research and then type with my two spelling fingers.  Maybe when/if my tin hat goes away or turns to rust, whatever, I can do more concentrating on good old survivalism.

And to reinforce the e-mail I sent each of you.  Use my e-mail at to make comments or ask questions.  I'll answer them in the post your asking about and credit you by your initials.

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