This idea has been floating around for the last few months and it's time I gave everyone my thoughts on it. Supposedly it is an article 5 of the Constitution based idea that is "supposed" to remedy all the bad things maobama has and still is doing to America. It will modify the Constitution to put laws into effect that will strip maobama of his authority to fundamentally change America. Sounds like a plan doesn't it? But I'm totally against it for a number of reasons.
1. maobama isn't following the current Constitution anyway, so what makes them think adding new Constitutional limitations is going to matter to him? He is rewriting laws, even his own, and ignoring the Constitution as I write and nothing they put down on paper will make any difference to him. From maobama's view point he is the law unto himself.
2. We already have a process to make changes to the Constitution that's worked for over 200 years, why do we need to begin a new one? If these people want some modifications to the Constitution, propose an amendment and let it go through the normal method and have the people decide if they like, want and need it.
3. My last and strongest objection to this conference of the states is that it will lay the whole Constitution open to change. And there are no guarantees that the conference won't be hijacked by radicals and we end up with a totalitarians wet dream of a perfect society, with them in charge of course. Once you start changing the Constitution through these types of means, the chances for a disaster skyrocket. Maybe, if we had responsible people making the changes, I'd consider modifying my position on the conference. But where today do we find responsible people to make such decisions? I somehow doubt that a person like me, who doesn't have an ax to grind, will find himself at such a conference. Instead it will be the same cowardly idiots that have allowed the country to fall so far and I wouldn't trust ANY of them to tie their own shoes, let alone craft a new, better Constitution for us. Oh, I forgot to mention that this conference, if it comes off, will stand alone with the decisions. There will be no vote by the rest of us saying if we agree to the changes or not. It's not like an amendment where 36 of the 50 states have to vote yes to the change before it goes into effect. Not like the original Constitution either that had to go through a similar process, which is why we have the Bill of Rights. Colonial states wanted better safeguards built into the document before they would sign it. With this conference of the states we don't get that luxury. They decide and we have to like it or lump it.
We went through this back in the 1990's when they (don't remember who they are) proposed a Con-Con or conference on the Constitution. The same rationales were given and the same arguments were put forth. The proposers couldn't give the assurances that the Con-Con wouldn't be taken over by the big government proponents or that the conference attendees wouldn't be bribed to give away all our rights. Guess what, the proponents of the conference of the states still can't give those assurances. I'll go back to my assertion above that our Constitution has worked for over 200 years and will work today. If the so-called leaders of our country grew a backbone and a set of principles and forced maobama to abide within the boundries set for the office of president. No change to the Constitution will change that simple fact. It's up to BOTH houses of congress to either rein him in or kick him out of the office if he tries to increase his authority by fiat. There is going to be a fight over maobama's dictatorial abuses of the Constitution and the people, let it be the right one and happen within congress, the court system or the street. But lets not take any chances with fixing what ain't broke. The problem isn't the Constitution, it's the fact that our spineless representatives in DC aren't doing their job. But it's easier to blame a piece of paper that can't argue back then admit they're the ones who screwed to pooch in the first place.
Today's survival thoughts are on building a survival group. No family will be able to make it on their own once the SHTF. Not unless they have beau coup kids or lots of brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles, parents, etc. that are of one mind and that come together when the crunch hits. Otherwise there just aren't enough hands to take care of every detail to running a self-sustaining retreat, or enough skills to handle every emergency that comes down the pike. So your going the have to recruit from outside the family. But how do you know which potential recruit is what your looking for. It ain't easy telling if a person is trustworthy, honest and a hard worker. That takes time and a set of objectives each new potential recruit should meet. Here is an outline of how we are handling recruiting in my group.
1. The initial interview. Look for them maintaining eye contact with you as you question the potential recruit. See if he/she is evasive about their past, their skills and their experiences. If possible run a criminal background check on them. Get a good gut feeling about them and then decide if you think they should go to the next level. Don't make that decision as you talk, tell them you'll discuss it with the group and get back to them. And do just that. Tell the group your impressions and let the whole group decide about going to the next step.
2, Probationary period. I like the idea of having a 6 month probationary period before the final vote is taken. Make sure the recruit understands that he/she will be evaluated by all the established members during the probation and all it takes is one member blackballing them to remove them from further contact with the group. During the 6 months the recruit must make every meeting and training session. There should be few excuses that are acceptable and lay those out to the recruit when you offer the probationary status to them. During the 6 months, closely observe the recruit. Do they pitch in to help get things done or do they need to be prodded to join in doing any labor? Do they maintain a good attitude and have good relationship with the other members? Are they on time for meets/training? Do they have the required gear or are they making an honest attempt to get it? Are their supplies up to minimums or are they building it up as fast as they can? Do they teach their skills to others automatically or do they need to be pushed into it? There are many other areas that need to be watched as they go through the probation period, but you get the idea.
3. The final vote. As in the show "Survivor", each recruit has to pass a final vote to see if they are accepted into the group as full-fledged, voting members. As stated above, all it takes is one no vote and they are out. Prior to the final vote let the recruit make a statement to the group saying why he/she wants to become a full time member. After that the recruit is asked to leave the area while the members discuss his/her suitability for the group. When everyone has had their say the vote is taken. Assuming the recruit is accepted, all responsibilities and duties of a member now fall on them.
This is a time consuming process to get new members, but it is necessary to be assured that the new member is the right person in the right place at the right time. Making a quick decision about a potential member can be very dangerous to the group as a whole or the individual members. Bad people are usually adept at hiding their true personalities, for a while. But over a 6 month probationary period and working along side the group members, a bad person will make mistakes that show them for who they really are and that's what this is all about. The absolute last thing a group needs during a disaster is to find out a member that was hurried through is really a thief, or pervert or substance abuser, etc. So take your time and be as sure as you possibly can before you offer them full membership.
On a side note, most groups have a dues system to help in making expensive group purchases. During the probationary period the recruit should not be required to pay dues. If they are not voted into the group, for any reason, they will have to be paid back and that may come at a time when the treasury is a little low. Also, having them pay dues like a full member gives them a false impression that they are already in and that can lead to hard feelings if they are voted off the island. Finally, keep sensitive information, such as the retreat location, away from recruits until they are voted in. Again, a rejected person who knows all the secrets can prove to be dangerous during a crisis and lead other, less friendly people to your retreat, caches, etc. Follow these sensible rules or make up your own (either way is OK if it works for you) and you should be able to gain good new members and keep your security at the same time.
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