Today is Sunday and it is sunny and fairly warm. Not the kind of day we'd expect to have our good attitudes depressed by more bad news from around the world. But here goes.
With the democrats facing the real possibility of losing the senate in the November elections, a surprising cavalry is riding to their rescue. Or maybe not so surprising. The U.S. Communist party is allying themselves with the democrats and "helping them unite the left and stave off the right-wing extremists". That's us in case you didn't know. Now why they think the democrats need the help is beyond me. Even if the GOP sweeps ALL the running democrats out of office, what difference would that make in the grand scheme of things? The two party system is a farce and has been for quite a while now. All it really does is give the illusion that the voter has a choice when in actuality the democrats and GOP are just two heads of the same snake and that is causing conservatives to become divided and easily conquered. So my advise is not to vote party labels, but do your research and vote the man/woman who best seems to represent your goals.
China is almost ready to make its move against the dollar. As China continues to reduce it's holdings of the dollar and build trading ties to other countries using their own respective currencies or actual trading of goods, it's further weakening the dollar as the worlds reserve currency. Once the dollar has been rejected by most of the countries in the world and loses its status as the reserve currency, the dollar will crash and massive price increases will occur. Interest rates will soar as will inflation. The interest on our debt will reach historic levels and that will make the crash even more crippling as we will be unable to borrow anymore money to keep all the social responsibilities like S.S. payments or obamacare afloat. Expect even more and worse riots then we're currently seeing in the Ukraine and Venezuela. A well respected economics expert warned back in January that there was a coming event or events that would change the entire world and it would happen on or around March 4th. I didn't write about his predictions because they seemed even to me to be too far fetched and I decided to keep them under my tin hat. Well as things progress those warnings seem less crazy and my tin hat is getting pretty tight. I've telling everyone here as well as within my group to work even harder and faster on building their stockpile of goods and gear for months now and I hope they've been listening and following my advise. Cause the troubles that are coming are just about here and they aren't and won't be a little sneeze or hiccup in our lives. This is going to be a raging avalanche and we're standing right in the middle of it's path.
A closet liberal shows his true colors. Former supreme court justice Stevens wrote a book recently that says we need to change several of the amendments to "make them clearer" and less likely to be misunderstood. He wants the 2nd amendment to read that citizens have the right to bear arms "while serving in the militia". He doesn't seem to understand that if that was the only way citizens could own and bear arms was while they were under the control of the government and give the government total control over ALL levels of force. He also equates the national guard to be the militia and not the classical definition of all able body citizens between the ages of 16 and 65 years of age. So this man, a universally considered conservative republican, shows himself to really be an eggheaded liberal. But then almost everybody who resides or works in DC is or becomes quickly a liberal. If they don't, they don't seem to last very long in the land of unicorns and pink shaded eye glasses.
A quick survival tip today, I'm a little depressed and want to throw the computer in the trash and cry myself to sleep after a stiff glass of scotch. There is a new blog out that everyone might find interesting. It's about a family that's starting it's own farm and orchard business while developing their self sufficiency. It seems to be pretty interesting and we all could learn a lot form their experiences. Go to After you've checked it out, let me know what you think of it and I'll post your thoughts here.
This is the final reminder that this blog ends on Tuesday unless you let me know your out there and I'm not writing to myself. I don't mind the work getting the blog ready daily, but have other things to do if no one is reading and profiting from it.
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