Consider that it's 4 days after SHTF. All the stores have been looted empty and your neighbors have run for the hills while you decided to shelter in home. You have several small kids and all your food and water supplies are in the basement. Your in a semi-rural area about 40 miles outside the nearest big city, so your safe right? WRONG!!! In 4 days the average healthy adult can walk up to 90 miles if necessary, like the pack of 2 legged wolves walking past your garage. They spot a glimmer of light and know someone is inside. So they take a small detour and come at your house. You have several large picture windows as well as 3 outside entry doors on your first floor, so the gang splits up to hit each once at the same time. Your .22 target pistol can't cover every direction at once. NOW what do you do??? How will you protect your family and your food and water supplies?
Here are 5 easy (not necessarily cheap) ways to harden your home and make it much more difficult for anyone to break into.
1. Use plywood to cover the inside of each opening to your home. Buy 4'X8' sheets of 3/8" minimum plywood, then cut it to fir each window and door and secure them to the walls using multipule 2" wood screws, the more screws, the better. Plywood is somewhat flexible and will bend but not break under normal attempts to break through it. If 3/8 plywood isn't available when you need it, replace it with 2 sheets of 1/2" plywood. Not as good, but better then nothing.
2. Metal bars on the outside of each opening to your home. Not the most attractive or cheapest idea, but it does make it much more difficult for a thief or gang of robbers to gain entry to the house. They should be attached to the outside walls using LONG carriage bolts. Or, depending on the construction of your home, welded to the walls. My adobe house in Panama had that ability and it made the installation easier and more solid then just carriage bolts.
3. Security film is used by many businesses to cover the glass on their store fronts to prevent smash and grab robberies. It will do the same for you. It also has the advantage of stopping flying glass from a smashed window from entering the home and injuring someone.
4. Hurricane security shutters are exactly what they sound like, heavy-duty metal shutters used to protect homes from the high winds and flying debris caused by a hurricane. No reason why they couldn't help keep out wolf packs coming to do you and your family harm. But they are not common in the north or upper Midwest regions of the country, so finding them may take a little shopping. And they are not inexpensive by any means.
5. Entry point fortification is the final step to securing the home. 2'X4" boards are fantastic when used to block a door or window from being breeched. The 2X4 can be nailed to the floor behind the door to prevent it from falling victim to a kick-in attack or nailed across the door in a manner similar to that used to secure castle gates in the middle ages. It can be nailed across the windows in such a manner to prevent them from being opened.
So, 5 steps to secure your home from invasion by wolf packs, thieves or government thugs. (I know, I'm repeating myself) Easy to do, all it takes is some money and time and effort on your part. You can preposition things like the plywood and 2X4's to use after SHTF. Just make sure you cut them to size and then mark which door/window where they are to be used. Don't forget to stock up on wood screws, nails, drills, screw drivers and hammers. You'd feel foolish if you went to install these safety items after TEOTWAWKI and find where you forgot to get the accessories.
Couple of items from the Gloom & Doom news today. First it has been confirmed that maobama's birth certificate is not real. After 2 years or research by the document experts, they determined that the type of machines used to produce the bogus document were not in use at the time of maobama's birth and they also found the signature of the forger hidden in the document. Guess this means maobama really is a commie muslim and is not qualified to sit in the oval office. Didn't we already know he wasn't qualified to even be a rural dog catcher? I've never been a "birther". My position is by the time anyone started asking those sort of questions, it was already too late. He was in the position and screwing over the people. Even if it can be proved that he lied (maobama? NO!!! it can't be) he'd have to be impeached and that will never happen as long as the dems control the senate. Harry Reid would rather give up his two biggest bribe sources then kick maobama out of office. The man, pardon my slip of the tongue, is in because we; you, me, the media, WE, didn't do our job and give this guy the same inspection and vetting we give to every other candidate. Now the only and best way to get rid of him is not open to us because his supporters in the senate and in big business won't let it happen. We have a final chance this Nov. assuming the election goes off as planned and maobama doesn't start some false flag and declare martial law which will suspend the elections until HE says they can happen. Which will probably happen around the 12th of NEVER. If/when the false flag event happened and M.L. is declared, I hope everyone has their gear in order and supplies laid in cause it's going to get real rough, real fast.
On a different note, Iran is sending 2 warships to cruise along our east coast this spring. They say it's in retaliation for American warships near their coast and to project their military force farther away then normal. Sort of a "showing the flag" cruise on steroids. The ships or "fleet" as they call it consists of a destroyer and supply ship that also carries helicopters. I am positive the destroyer at least carries missles, but probably not nukes. But then again, they don't have to be nukes. They could be normal ship to shore birds that are sheathed in something like plutonium and set to explode above a city. No EMP, but major deaths from the radiation poisoning the plutonium causes. NO, I DO NOT THINK IRAN WILL ATTACK US. This time anyway. Frankly their being here doesn't bother me all that much, except they could be smuggling in spies, terrorists and or more WMD stuff. But as they say, we have ships off their coast and it's only fair they return the compliment. Besides a single, small destroyer and a single, slow supply ship hardly constitute a real threat to us. New York City, maybe. but not us. And if they did destroy NYC, would it be all that bad? If they wanted to get rid of all the lazy leeches in our society along with the brain dead voters who elected a professed commie as their mayor, I say good for them. Heck, the situation is similar in Boston, Washington DC and our west coast, as in CA, and is ripe for the taking also. Boy in my wildest pipe dream I never thought I'd be greatful to Iran for anything before. Wonder if their missles can also reach Detroit and Chicago? Better slow down some, none of this is going to happen. But I got a warm tingle running down my leg as I thought about it. Thought for a minute I had a senior moment and forgot to put my Depends on. That would have been embarrassing.
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