Monday, February 10, 2014

An old idea whose time has come, again

Think about how medical problems were handled before we had all these "miracle drugs" that seem to cause more problems then they solve.  After TEOTWAWKI hits, modern medical services will either disappear or become so expensive that Bill Gates himself will have to budget before using them.  So the common man will have to fend for himself.  But old time diseases like small pox, typhoid fever or, heaven forbid, the black plague will resurface.  So, unless your a chemist/pharmacist and capable of making these new drugs safely, what do you do?  I think we all should also use an old time remedy along with a huge dose of common sense to keep our families safe and healthy.  Today we'll talk about colloidal silver making.  You can buy your own colloidal silver generator for around $50 or build your own for around $25.  If you go the store bought method you'll have an excellent machine, but little knowledge of how it works for future repairs or how to build more generators for trading stock to other survivors who didn't have their own.  It's very simple and easy to make your own and after the first one you'll be able to make more as needed.  The best method I found was at:

The cost of the parts to make the generator does not include the cost of the silver needed.  Silver must be 999 pure and the water must be distilled.  When I made my generator years ago I made several mistakes so the thing didn't work properly and I never got any colloidal silver out if it.  I thought I did, but that was just my ignorance showing.  So, don't do as I did, do it right and you'll have a machine capable of producing good, life saving medicine for you and yours for years to come.  As long as the batteries are charged and the silver is fine.  And for those who don't know about colloidal silver, it's a solution that kills germs by starving them for air.  It attacks only the bad germs and not the healthy parts of the body.  Basically it's dissolved silver suspended in distilled water.  The site noted above will explain it much better then I ever could.  It's not a cure-all, but it's better then worrying about the potency and rightness of using out of date antibiotics.  Or suffering a painful death.

This is the first of a short series of survival medical posts I'll have here in the next week or two.  I AM NOT A DOCTOR OR MEDICAL PERSON OF ANY TYPE.  I ONLY POST WHAT I, AS A PRIVATE CITIZEN, BELIEVE TO BE TRUE AND WILL ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FROM OTHERS IF THEY CHOOSE TO FOLLOW MY THOUGHTS AND RECOMMEDATIONS.  ALL THESE SUGGESTIONS ARE NON-BINDING ON EVERYONE'S PART AND THE CHOICE TO USE THEM ARE SOLELY UP TO THE READER.  Probably should have posted that up front. Oh well, better late then never.  To get back on point, these future posts will cover things like the diseases we will likely encounter after SHTF and possible ways to both avoid and provide care if encountered.  My sources will be quoted so anyone can follow up there and see what else can be done or to clarify what I wrote.

On to some G&D (Gloom & Doom) news.  TSA is expanding it's mandate to search out and find terrorists.  It's gone beyond both the airports and the 100 mile "Constitution free zone" that surrounds the entire country.  Now they are at rail road terminals, sporting events (?), music festivals (???) rodeos (now that makes perfect sense) and highway weigh stations.  If you see armed squads that are NOT your local police, they are likely TSA VIPR teams.  VIPR= Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response squads.  The second level of maobama's private thug army behind the JSOC units mentioned before.  They go as they please and do as they want and NO ONE tells them NO.  County sherffs have the authority, but few have the stones to tell them to get out.  When ask, congress says they want the government to have all the tools to catch or prevent criminals and terrorists (both descriptions have been used against us).  But there is a fine line between catching the bad guys and violating the rights of honest freedom loving citizens.  That line has been crossed so many times by maobama's government that it's trampled in the dirt to the point of being completely obscured.

During the Weimar German inflation of 1923, wealthy Germans saw the writing on the wall and got out of marks and into foreign currencies that were strong and heavily invested in gold, land and works of art.  Those that did and were able to secret their holdings out of Germany survived fairly well.  Those that didn't suffered greatly.  Sound somewhat like advice you've been hearing from anyone you know?   I've been harping on this subject for years and can only hope it hasn't fallen on deaf ears.  We can't leave the country, there's no place to go where this abomination won't eventually follow us.  But we can do as the 1% does and secure our wealth by investing in precious metals and land, not sure about the art thing.  I sure hope that my readers have invested heavily into silver and gold; coins, not bars or stock certificates and that your keeping then in your possession and not in some brokers safe.  That's as safe as investing in maobama's MYra pension plan.  As for leaving the country, where would you go.  Nam and I tried that when we went to Panama, but it didn't work out to well did it?  After all, we came back after a few short years.  That should tell you something.  And when I say keep the precious metals in "your possession", I mean IN YOUR POSSESION.  Not in the brokers office safe and definitely not in a safe deposit box at your bank.  Believe it our not, it's not safe there from government theft.  In  1933 Roosevelt declared a 4 day banking holiday and used the time to have his accountants scour the banks, including the supposedly private safety deposit boxes, then altered the "Trading With the Enemy Act" to allow him the steal the gold from those boxes.  Yes he paid the owners for the gold with worthless greenbacks, but they lost so much through inflation and the artificially set price limit on gold that some never recovered.  And that law, with the amendment Roosevelt demanded, is still on the books.  Yes it is now legal again to own gold, but that law could well be used again to steal our one link to solvency in the coming super depression or financial collapse.

Now for a little good news for a change.  The American Eagle Silver Dollars are available from First Federal Coin at the pre-release price of $40 each.  These are 2014 MS70 coins, are 999 fine and called the "best of the best" after being certified by the American Numismatic Society.  If your new to buying silver, these are a good place to start.  But, due to the size and weight of these coins, they are not good as your sole purchase.  You need to get some smaller coins to balance your stash properly.  After TEOTWAWKI, NO ONE will be giving out change and buying a loaf of bread for a 1 oz. silver coin is the fast track to becoming a refugee.  So get some old dimes and quarters to supplement the silver dollars.

Finally, tying things together, think about the future barter system.  You'll be trading for items you either forgot or didn't have enough of.  So the colloidal silver generators and some silver coins will make very good, high priced trading items.  While I'm on this subject, canned foods like soup or chili will make good trading items too.  Think how much a very hungry family would be will to give for a couple cans of tomato soup or a few cans of Hormel Chili. 

The Christian part of me says I am required to share with those who are in need and usually I'd have to agree.  But if a parent has squandered their holding away by being lazy or waiting for the government to ride in on a white horse and save them yet again to the point that they are out of food for their kids, I'd have a real hard time applying Christian principles to the parents.  Kids would eat free, but not the parents and I'd make sure the kids ate in front of me to be sure the parents didn't take some of the food from the kids to eat themselves.  I am willing to help out such people as much as I can so they can help themselves.  But I refuse to put my family or group members in jeopardy by letting these people become leech's on our kindness.  Sorry, I got back on my soapbox and began ranting again.  I'll save the rest for the upcoming post on what we, the prepared, owe to others.

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