As promised a few new thing, or should I say a few more facts were revealed today concerning previous posts. So here is the second post of the day.
China is about ready to lower the boom on US debt. They dropped $50B in US debt in Dec. 2013 and the ONLY reason we didn't hear about it or feel it in our pocket books was because the European Union picked up the slack and saved America's bacon. China will continue to drop anywhere from $30 to $50B US debt every month and use the money instead to continue buying gold. They, unlike the head-in-the-sand idiots running DC, understand that gold is THE only real world currency and are actively continuing to build their stockpile. They are thought to hold more the 5,000 tons of gold, but that isn't a confirmed number since China stopped announcing their holdings years ago. According to Bloomberg 80% of all the gold exported from the Swiss last month went to Asia and of that China received 44% with India a distant second place at 14%. As China and the world moves away from the US dollar, expect interest rates to skyrocket and inflation to follow suit. Don't be surprised to see interest rates as high as 13% or even more in the near future as the Fed tries to interest buyers in treasury notes. When that happens the cost of US debt will be around $1T a year just for maintenance.
Additional non-nerve tonic. As it stands right now 4 large US banks (JP Morgan and Chase are among them) are holding over $40B each in derivatives and when China and the rest of the world burst our financial bubble the carnage will be considerable. That begs the question "is this why there has been a sudden spate of banker deaths due to unusual circumstances in the last 2 months?" Wouldn't surprise me. For those who are financially challenged, like me, derivatives are important because the banks use them to leverage their bottom line and lets them loan out more money at better interest rates. A smarter man then me once said that every economic crash has come as a surprise to the masses since we're always the last to know when something is rotten in Denmark. So take this warning to heart and get ready. The ride is just beginning and it's going to be real rough and the bumps will be bone breaking if your not prepared. The big money people are aware of what's coming and are positioning themselves to ride out the storm as comfortably as possible while maintaining as much of their wealth as possible. You should do the same. None of us can afford to sit back and watch the economy of the world disintegrate before our eyes, but we can do our part to see that we are around when the smoke clears to be 100% certain that this sort of situation NEVER happens again. And to be as ready as possible we need to make sure or stocks of food, medical supplies and ammo are up to par. Also a nice supple of gold or silver coins wouldn't hurt either. If, like me, you want to be around to sit on the jury when these criminals come to answer for their many crimes against the American people, you need to be alive and well. So get busy, if you aren't already, and get yourself positioned to survive.
I recently wrote about a terror group in America that is pals with the FBI. Jamaat al-Fuqra is an African-American muslim group that has been linked to over 17 terror acts in the US alone in the last decade (including the under ware bomber and the DC sniper) and yet the FBI would rather have lunch with them rather the investigate and lock the whole group of raghead thugs in prison for the rest of their natural lives. I just found out they have a training compound near Rockford, IL under the name "Muslims of America" or "MOA" The nearest other compounds are outside Detroit MI and Kansas City, MO. At these and their other 14 compounds across America they conduct, (as they proudly announced) the "most advanced training courses in Islamic military warfare" in the world. Neighbors report hearing weapons fire often at these compounds and, as told previously, there are videos of women receiving firearms and martial arts training as well as instruction in various military techniques. And the FBI knows all about this group, yet refuses to do more then have lunch with them. As a concerned America I have to ask why? But I doubt you or I will be happy with the answer. As for the Rockford compound, that's a little to close to home for me to be comfortable here ever again.
It's been a week since I withdrew my announcement that I was dropping the blog due to no response from readers. I withdrew my original decision when I was told that someone was reading it. But I cautioned that I would reinstate my decision if I didn't get some responses, either pro or con. Well I'm still waiting and it's been a week. So I'm now saying I'll give it another few days before I pull the plug. So here is your last chance to keep the blog going. E-mail me with questions or comments and the blog stays, no response by Tuesday and the blog dies. BTW, I have NEVER been known for my patience, ask my wife.
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